Chris Sailer Kicking Player Spotlight – Josh Bryan

Each Friday during the football season, Chris Sailer Kicking will be publishing a weekly Player Spotlight Blog to highlight some of our best and brightest! Week 3 features Josh Bryan. Read on to learn more about Josh.

Josh Bryan


Grad Year:

Check out my Chris Sailer Kicking Profile HERE

Top 5 Colleges:
1) Washington
2) CAL
3) Notre Dame
4) Princeton
5) Vanderbilt

Best Game Memory:
I kicked 2 FG’s and 4 PAT’s against Cajon which helped win my team the So Cal D3 Championship 34-30.

Best CSK Memory:
Earning a spot in Top 12 over the summer. It was a major goal that I wanted to achieve so it is a very special honor and memory.

Short Term Goal:
To get a D1 scholarship.

Long Term Goal:
To become the best kicker I’m capable of being and continuing to work on my mental preparation and technique.

Something Unique we should know:
I play middle linebacker at Sierra Canyon and I was the second leading tackler for the team last year with 123 tackles.

In 20 words or less, why should a college recruit you:
 I have a 4.21 GPA, I’m a three sport athlete and the #1 kicker in the nation on
