Preparing for Vegas XXVIII

VEGAS XXVIII (the 2nd largest Kicking/Punting event in the world, our January event is the 1st) is taking place on May 21-22, 2016 and there are a couple key things to know as we head into that weekend.

  1. CONFIRMATION EMAILS with basic details of the weekend will be sent out on Monday, May 16th. Be on the lookout and if you are registered, but don’t get one, let us know ASAP!
  2. The VEGAS XXVIII PACKET (this will have ALL of the weekends information in GREAT detail) will be emailed to you as a PDF on Thursday, May 19th. This will be your baby for the whole weekend. We decided it was best to let you have them as a file in your email, instead of printed out for several reasons (no need to make copies, you can’t lose this one, it will be on your phones which are always with you). We will NOT be printing any packets out so if you do want it printed out, you will need to do that yourself.

