10 Benefits of attending the 2019 FBU Top Gun Camp run by Chris Sailer Kicking!

10 Benefits of attending the 2019 FBU Top Gun Camp run by Chris Sailer Kicking!

1) Chris Sailer will be present at this camp.

2) Chris Sailer will be selecting All-Americans for the 2020 All-American Bowl on NBC.

Two Class of 2020 Kickers will be selected.
Two Class of 2020 Punters will be selected.

*The All-American Bowl on NBC (Formerly the U.S. Army All-American Bowl) is an all expenses paid game that will take place in San Antonio, TX in January of 2020.

3) Chris Sailer will be selecting All-Americans for the 2020 Polynesian Bowl on CBS Sports.

Two Class of 2020 Kickers/Punters will be selected.

*The Polynesian All-American Bowl is an all expenses paid game that will take place in Honolulu, HI in January of 2020.

4) Selections for these All-American Bowl spots will be based on evaluation & competition. Every Class of 2020 Kicker & Punter in attendance will have the same opportunity to EARN selection. You will have to meet minimum requirements to qualify for finals competitions.

Field Goal: The ability to hit a D1 Level ball off the ground with range of 55+ yards.

Kickoff: The ability to hit a D1 Level ball of 70+ yards and 4.0+ hang time.

Punt: The ability to hit a D1 Level ball of 45+ yards and 4.8+ hang time.

*These numbers are not set in stone. They will be adjusted based on weather conditions and participants in attendance.

5) All-American Bowl selections are earned… not given.

Each year nearly every top Chris Sailer Kicking recruit attends the FBU Top Gun Camp. However every year, not every top Chris Sailer Kicking recruit earns an All-American Bowl spot.


2019 All-American Bowl on NBC Selections:
Will Powers (USC Preferred Walk-On commit) earned an All-American Bowl on NBC spot as a punter. He was not a highly ranked Chris Sailer Kicking Punter headed into competition. However he stepped his game up and earned his way to All-American status by dominating evaluation periods and ultimately defeating long time Chris Sailer Kicking Punter Austin McNamara (#2 ranked punter in the nation & Texas Tech full scholarship commit) in the final competition.

Alex Felkins (Columbia commit) earned an All-American Bowl on NBC spot as a Kicker. He was ranked outside the top 10 in America heading into camp. However, he stepped up and defeated kickers that were ranked higher (Tim Horn – Washington commit, Camden Lewis – Oregon commit, Noah Rauschenberg – Baylor commit, Patrick Nations – East Carolina commit, Evan Davis – Toledo commit to name a few).

Previous U.S. Army All-American Bowl Selection:
Drue Chrisman (Ohio State) earned a U.S. Army All-American spot at his very first Chris Sailer Kicking camp.

Barrett Pickering (Nebraska) nearly earned an U.S. Army All-American spot at his very first Chris Sailer Kicking camp. He was defeated during the final head to head competition by eventual champions B.T. Potter & Charles Campbell.

Marshall Long (Georgia) earned a U.S. Army All-American spot. He camp into camp ranked outside of the Top 10 and defeated several FBS full scholarship commits.

Charles Campbell (Indiana) earned a U.S. Army All-American spot. He camp into as a major underdog and defeated several FBS full scholarship commits.

The list goes on and on….

6) Every player in attendance (Classes of 2020, 2021, 2022 & Future Stars) will be ranked by Chris Sailer on ChrisSailerKicking.com. Chris Sailer Kicking has been the #1 authority on ranking and evaluating high school specialists since 2000. Being ranked with Chris Sailer Kicking is a major advantage in recruiting for ALL LEVELS (D1 – FBS & FCS, D2, D3 & NAIA). Chris Sailer ranks athletes at EVERY CAMP!

7) Experience, Experience, Experience!!! Competing for a spot for 2 of the 3 major All-American Bowls is a privilege and honor. Winning selection is fantastic, however it is not the most important factor. The opportunity to compete against the best specialists in America will prepare you for what it takes to be a specialist at the college level. The experience you gain from competing at the highest level will be recognized by college coaches and will serve as a huge resume builder (Participant in the prestigious 2019 FBU Top Gun Camp).

*If you are not a D1 Level Kicker, yes it will be difficult to earn an All-American Bowl spot. However, the experience gained will not only be enjoyable, but will pay off big time down the road.

8) Social Gains. This is not only an opportunity on the field, it is a major opportunity off the field. You will meet and interact with the very best Kickers, Punters & Long Snappers in America. The specialist world is a tight knit community. Although competitive, it is also a ton of fun. The relationships that you build in this community will last well beyond football. Top Gun is a fantastic social environment for players and families.

9) Chris Sailer WILL know your name.

I have run hundreds upon hundreds of kicking camps. If I have 10 K/P’s at a lesson, 50 K/P’s at a small camp, 100 K/P’s at a large camp or 400 K/P’s at national events… I will know everyone by name by the time the camp is over. The focus is never just on the top performers in attendance, the focus is on ALL athletes in attendance. My goal has always been to help all Chris Sailer Kicking athletes use sports to earn a college degree.

“The most impressive part of your camps is your ability to know each player by name. I don’t know how you do it. It is obvious that you put the time and effort into caring about each individual student. I thank you for making your camps an incredible experience for all in attendance. There is no doubt you are the best in the business” – Parent of a Chris Sailer Kicking student in the Class of 2022

10) Instruction. Instruction is the cornerstone of every Chris Sailer Kicking camp since 2000. Chris Sailer Kicking will ALWAYS provide instruction at every Chris Sailer Kicking no matter what.

There is a reason why Chris Sailer and Chris Sailer Kicking have earned the right and inked the partnerships to select the All-Americans for 2 of the 3 major high school All-American Bowls. Expect professionalism and a top notch quality camp from top to bottom. See you in Rock Hill, SC on July 11-12, 2019.


2016 FBU Camps


2016 U.S. Army All-Americans

Once again, Chris Sailer Kicking and Rubio Long Snapping will be teaming up with FBU to run the specialists portion of their camps. FBU is the world’s largest football training service and has hired us to handle their Kicking & Punting section. It is an honor and we are proud to do it again. It is a top notch organization that benefits countless athletes across the country.

Chris Sailer Kicking will be running more camps than EVER. This year I will only be at the TOP GUN CAMP.  All other locations will have two Chris Sailer Kicking Senior Instructors in attendance (staff members that have been with me for well over 30 camps). They will follow the same format as myself and report directly to FBU and yours truly.  These camps do have smaller numbers than our regional camps and are MUCH more instructional based.  Yes, you will get ranked on ChrisSailerKicking.com when you attend an FBU camp.

Based on what we see at the FBU TOP GUN CAMP in SC on July 14-15, we will be choosing the two Kickers and two Punters that will participate in the US ARMY ALL-AMERICAN BOWL.  Chris Sailer Kicking will also be selecting the FBU Youth All-American Bowls based on performances at the FBU TOP GUN CAMP in SC on July 14-15. You MUST be invited to the TOP GUN camp by performing well at one of the regional FBU camps prior to the TOP GUN Camp.

Bottom line, you will have to do well at one of the FBU camps, that our staff  is in attendance at, to pick up an invite from myself and/or one of my senior instructors.

  • April 8-9, San Antonio, TX
  • April 15-16, Austin, TX
  • April 15-16, Miami, FL
  • April 22-23, Orlando, FL
  • April 22-23, Phoenix, AZ
  • April 29-30, Orange County, CA
  • June 3-4, Lafayette, LA
  • June 24-25, Los Angeles, CA
  • July 14-15, Rock Hill, SC, TOP GUN CAMP (this is the camp where the US ARMY BOWL ALL-AMERICANS, FRESHMAN ALL-AMERICANS & 8TH GRADE ALL-AMERICANS will be selected)

Please register for FBU CAMPS by going to fbu.net, calling (973) 366-5027 or emailing cdecker@allamericangames.com

FBU Invite 2016
