National Long Snapper Appreciation Day / Chris Sailer Kicking Contest

Chris Sailer Kicking introduces National Long Snapper Appreciation Day. Long Snappers are often the most under appreciated football players on the field. The saying goes, “You never know the long snappers name, unless they mess up” and “If you are a long snapper, it is your hope that the announcer never mentions your name. That just means you are doing your job well.”

I can tell you from first hand experience that a long snapper directly effects the success of kicker. In 1997, I earned All-American honors as both a kicker and punter while at UCLA. I never saw a bad snap and in fact never saw the laces of the football that year. My long snapper, yep you called it, was Chris Rubio. Our operation was flawless all year and making kicks became easy with that immense confidence that my long snapper would be perfect for me every time. Rubio never did get his All-American plaque that year. He also didn’t get to travel with me to Orlando, FL to be a part of the Home Depot ESPN Awards Show.

So…. after all these years, I have decided that it is time to thank my long snapper with the National Long Snapper Appreciation Day. I am inviting the Chris Sailer Kicking family to join me to celebrate our unsung heroes on November 1st starting in 2017 and continuing on each year from here on out.

Chris Sailer Kicking Contest – Due November 1st by midnight (Winner TBA November 2nd)

Post a picture, video, story, a combination of all of the above, etc. to your social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc.) showing your appreciation for your long snapper. Be creative and capture the meaning of long snapper appreciation. Tag Chris Sailer in your post. Also text (818-209-8921) or email ([email protected]) your entry to Chris Sailer. The winner will receive FREE admission to Vegas XXXI January 13-14, 2018. If you are already registered for Vegas, you will receive FREE admission to any Chris Sailer Kicking camp of your choice in the future (Excluding TOP 12 Camp & Underclassmen Invitational).

The time has come. I believe this might actually quiet Rubio and his comments about kickers/punters down a bit. Or maybe not. Regardless, I cannot wait to see your entries. Good luck!


2017 Photo Edit Contest Winner!

The 2017 Vegas XXVIII Photo Edit Contest Winner is….. Anthony Tom-Makue (2019, HI).

Thank you to the over 75 Chris Sailer Kicking specialists that submitted entries this year.  Take a look at the Chris Sailer Kicking Facebook Page to see many of them.  I was impressed with nearly every one of them.  As a matter of fact, many of the entries could have been selected.  Anthony Tom-Makue is the recipient of FREE Admission to Vegas 30 (May 13-14, 2017). Congratulations. See you all in Vegas!


2016 Photo Edit Contest Winner!

The 2016 Vegas XXVIII Photo Edit Contest Winner is….. Chris Wood (2018, CA).

Thank you to the over 100 Chris Sailer Kicking specialists that submitted entries this year.  Take a look at the Chris Sailer Kicking Facebook Page to see majority of them.  I was impressed with nearly every one of them.  As a matter of fact, many of the entries could have been selected.  Chris Wood is the recipient of FREE Admission to Vegas XXVIII (May 21-22, 2016). Congratulations.  See you all in Las Vegas.

2016 Contest Winner Chris Wood


Vegas XXVIII Photo Edit Contest… FREE VEGAS

You’ve been asking for it, now you’ve got it.  The contest for FREE admission to Vegas XXVIII (May 21-22, 2016) is on.  Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc. is full of Kicker/Punter photo edits these days.  Seems like every athlete has a friend that can provide outstanding edits.  So I challenge you to come up with the best edit possible.  If you do, free Vegas XXVIII is yours.  Here are the rules…

1.) The edit must include the Chris Sailer Kicking Logo.  Be creative, but make sure the logo is a focus.
2.) The edit should focus on your kicking & punting ability.
3.) The edit should be a still photo, not a video of any sort.
4.) You may use filters in your edit.
5.) You may use logos in your edit.
6.) You can submit as many different edits as you please.
7.) You must post your edit via social media and tag Chris Sailer Kicking.
8.) You must email ([email protected]) or text 818-209-8921 your edit to Chris Sailer by March 15th at midnight.
9.) The winner will be announced on March 16th. Free Vegas = The cost to participate (room and board not included)

Be creative.  Stand out.  Have fun.  Looking forward to seeing the end results.

Here is an example of a recent photo edit that was sent to me.

Keith Duncan, Class of 2016, Iowa Commit
Keith Duncan Edit
