Vegas XLIII Kickoff Charting Results

Vegas XLIII (January 13-14, 2024) Kickoff Results
Class of 2028 / 2027 (White)
PlaceName Avg. DistanceAvg. Hang TimeScoreBest 1 Ball 
1Tyler Fujimoto56.63.38115863 / 3.41
2Gabriel Goroyan533.41112757 / 3.41
3Rory McNeese55.63.02108560 / 3.18
4Henry McGill50.23.08104153 / 3.34
5Tyler Cooper (2028)49.43.11103854 / 3.37
6Paul Davidow52.82.88103255 / 3.20
7Carter Sobel49.82.99102160 /  3.48
8Dominic La Placa47.63.08101549 / 3.27
9Niko Dragin482.8998655 / 3.31
10Carter Vinson (2028)43.82.7892545 / 2.81
11Jayden Sullivan44.82.5589447 / 2.84
12Edward Bush41.62.6888545 / 2.85
Class of 2026 (Purple)
PlaceName Avg. DistanceAvg. Hang TimeScoreBest 1 Ball 
1Gavin Strange62.23.7127066 / 3.82
2Lucas Mooring59.43.81126158 / 3.98
T3Micah Drescher60.83.37119864 / 3.42
T3Alex Brannon60.63.38119860 / 3.56
5Noah Sur57.43.44117663 / 3.41
6Maxwell Dubin573.37116062 / 3.61
7Grant Horvath52.83.6115861 / 3.68
8Zachary Hays55.83.41115563 / 3.50
9Cooper McGough57.43.29115060 / 3.37
10CJ Wallace54.83.42114756 / 3.65
11Lucas Tenbrock583.17113561 / 3.50
12Cohen Peters553.32113155 / 3.91
13Jacob Kreinbring59.63.05113062 / 3.22
14Taylor B. McCall53.63.29111256 / 3.36
15Tanner Pidwell55.23.18110961 / 3.19
16Morgan Dodson563.08109964 / 3.57
17Van Krisiloff53.83.18109556 / 3.31
18Carter Montgomery52.43.21108657 / 3.30
19Ian Gopez52.83.15107955 / 3.28
20Isaiah Murguia52.63.14107653 / 3.28
T21Kyle Nelson553107557 / 3.50
T21Nico Marliani50.83.24107557 / 3.22
23Nathan Mandelbrot533.08106955 / 3.23
24Luke Crudgington53.23.04106454 / 3.12
T25Elijah Frey53.42.96105259 / 3.40
T25Michael Hill51.83.05105258 / 3.69
27Clark Lemmermann472.9698852 / 3.28
28Luke Thornock46.42.9397751 / 3.32
29Carter Pierson48.82.6995952 / 3.12
30Kaden Hawkins 46.62.7294251 / 3.32
31Aidan James46.42.7294054 / 3.19
32Aidan Rock462.793354 / 2.98
33Jack Kleidosty44.22.7993047 / 3.03
34Joshua Granat46.22.6692850 / 2.69
35Vikas Reddy40.62.5485156 / 3.41
Class of 2025 (Blue)
PlaceName Avg. DistanceAvg. Hang TimeScoreBest 1 Ball 
1Nikola Dugandzic64.83.77130873 / 3.90
2Dillon Curtis66.63.56128971 / 3.61
3Baylen Woodman67.43.48128370 / 3.78
4Cooper Helmke653.59127871 / 3.90
5Erik Jacobsen Peters63.63.65127567 / 3.81
6Brandon Sims633.67127263 / 3.86
7Robert Meyer61.43.68125868 / 3.52
8Justin Dewers57.63.73122958 / 3.82
9Cole Draucker64.23.35122865 / 3.64
10Benson Ashley613.49122165 / 3.62
T11Noah Piper59.43.55121562 / 3.57
T11Dylan Freebury593.57121563 / 3.51
T13Sam Bruno59.83.48120763 / 3.61
T13Ty Ackerman60.83.42120763 / 3.68
15Rancho Rojas58.63.54120661 / 3.68
T16Aiden Bui59.63.47120366 / 3.65
T16Aidan Stire593.5120365 / 3.3
18Kyah Francone573.55119157 / 3.66
19Ayden Treadaway60.83.3118666 / 3.60
20Ryan Villasenor603.33118367 / 3.38
21Marcus Cassel603.32118165 / 3.78
22Zane Colson56.63.5117964 / 3.68
23Latrell Armstrong57.43.45117863 / 3.43
24Tyler Prasuhn603.28117469 / 3.80
25Alex Weeks58.63.33116962 / 3.78
26Bohdie Ing57.23.38116465 / 3.64
T27William Weisberg58.63.28116063 / 3.52
T27Boone Leverett573.37116060 / 3.71
T27Rodrigo Tamez573.37116063 / 3.37
30Ty Powell55.23.43115257 / 3.42
31Isaac Larson55.83.39115155 / 3.53
T32Thatcher Friedrichs58.23.24114960 / 3.61
T32Kyler Peters56.63.33114960 / 3.47
34Oscar Dominguez55.23.38114460 / 3.59
T35Colby Frokjer57.83.23114364 / 3.65
T35Henry Fontolan Brandao53.43.48114359 / 3.72
T35Thomas Stephens533.5114359 / 3.69
38Jesus Vilchis54.23.42114158 / 3.85
T39Calvin Scheuermann52.23.48113156 / 3.57
T39Logan Boyack553.32113157 / 3.42
41Noah Carter563.25112963 / 3.20
42Casey Roney51.43.51112857 / 3.54
43Quinn Kalpin533.39112357 / 3.43
44Landric Mayeski54.83.28112256 / 3.51
45Owen Livingston55.63.23112156 / 3.31
46Rocco Graziano56.43.14111464 / 3.69
47Leland Gantz57.43.08111361 / 3.30
48Benjamin Gamarnik55.43.19111258 / 3.43
49Hunter Mckee57.23.08111166 / 3.60
T50Tyler Nolan55.23.19111057 / 3.49
T50Mason Walters53.63.28111059 / 3.62
T50Alessandro Garrett53.23.3111054 / 3.61
53Jack Rouille55.83.14110858 / 3.18
54Dylan Gomez55.83.13110664 / 3.45
55Brayden Jakins53.23.27110463 / 3.60
56Brady Wagner533.27110255 / 3.26
T57Charlie Krappman53.63.23110157 / 3.27
T57Joshua Voce553.15110160 / 3.43
59Asher Gubler52.83.26109956 / 3.46
60Casey Carr53.83.2109854 / 3.28
61Ethan Ling533.23109556 / 3.31
62Austin Ferencz55.63.05109065 / 3.61
63Tyler Duewel55.63.04108860 / 3.48
64Zack Hutchinson50.43.33108755 / 3.56
65Jonathan Rubin51.43.25108360 / 3.39
66Brighton Jacobsen562.96107860 / 3.25
67Drayden Wilcox53.43.09107561 / 3.31
68Samuel Jacob53.43.04106661 / 3.35
69Ira Hozack50.23.19106056 / 3.40
70Alex Farias54.62.93105955 / 3.16
71Blake Letourneau54.62.9105458 / 2.92
72Nakoa Ige532.99105358 / 3.38
73Blake Pankratz52.43104960 / 3.34
74Gage Eastlack50.43.1104758 / 3.15
75Luke Ryerse552.81104266 / 3.60
T76Gavin Harvey51.82.99104158 / 3.53
T76Dominic Zante532.92104156 / 3.31
T78Adrian Martin513.03104053 / 3.30
T78Landon Heyman 51.82.98104055 / 3.44
80Ante Bilaver49.63.06103252 / 3.32
81Kellan McAllister51.62.94103156 / 3.22
82Nathan Segura-Coley52.42.89103055 / 2.97
83Colton Friedman 50.82.97102852 / 3.27
T84Grayson Smith49.82.99102156 / 3.53
T84Kohen Cormier49.82.99102155 / 3.31
T86Noah McGough50.42.91101364 / 3.15
T86Evan Derauf502.93101350 / 3.18
88Declan Mullins52.82.76101162 / 3.40
89Torin Pilla483.01100752 / 3.19
90Andrew Medlin48.22.8998853 / 3.39
91Aiden Larsen49.42.7597556 / 3.31
92William Whitaker482.8197263 / 3.31
93Takeo Hiromura44.62.9496147 / 3.02
94Treyton McKee51.42.4995065 / 3.31
JC / Portal / Class of 2024 (Black)
PlaceName Avg. DistanceAvg. Hang TimeScoreBest 1 Ball 
1Ryan Harris66.23.99136073 / 3.94
2Taren Schive673.87134772 / 3.88
3Declan Wilson64.23.69128868 / 3.65
4Lars Rau62.43.75128069 / 3.94
5Jacob Bonilla65.43.57127968 / 3.71
6Tyler Manship62.43.68126866 / 3.74
7Devin Orr64.83.51126266 / 3.80
8Luis Rodriguez61.23.66125366 / 3.76
9Luke Barnes63.23.53125065 / 3.61
10Aaron Lee64.43.43124469 / 3.44
11Fisher Brown61.43.59124265 / 3.62
12Jakob Santiago60.23.64123964 / 3.73
13Dieter Kelly63.43.43123466 / 3.65
14Cooper DiLeva58.63.68123061 / 3.73
15Kellen Kobata58.83.65122763 / 3.76
16Luke Scoma62.83.41122564 / 3.65
17Ethan Crabtree60.83.5122164 / 3.60
18Harrison Engel61.63.43121665 / 3.63
19Isaac Espinosa60.23.48121163 / 3.51
20Moises Amezquita59.83.42119766 / 3.68
21Taylor Anderson59.83.4119364 / 3.32
22Jack Henninger59.23.43119262 / 3.56
23Jason Mendoza603.33118364 / 3.40
24Bailey LeBrun58.23.38117458 / 3.57
25Joseph Estrada57.43.41117158 / 3.51
26Ethan Rodriguez55.83.47116561 / 3.87
27Zach Greber58.43.3116261 / 3.46
28Ethan Schwartz56.63.35115257 / 3.89
29Kain Tubania553.39114358 / 3.55
30Preston Rasmussen553.37114061 / 3.43
31Carson Palisoc54.63.28112065 / 3.65
32Nathan Gamette54.83.14109858 / 3.53
33Jacob Hundven54.23.08108157 / 3.43
34Talon Sutherland52.23.15107352 / 3.32
35Alex Hernandez55.42.88105862 / 3.44
36Lucca Alcaraz Valens532.92104161 / 2.99
37Shawn Haenicke-Prevost52.62.93103957 / 3.31
38Jeffrey Kavanagh483.05101459 / 3.56
39Kale Purvis51.42.6597863 / 3.31
40Brady Akau49.82.7397660 / 3.26
41Jacob Bell47.42.8597354 / 3.46
42Rodrigo Pena Preciado482.7796548 / 3.06
43T. Hap Freres43.42.7491457 / 2.97
44Ashley McMichael39.82.8489549 / 2.93
45Matthew Bordner44.42.4487155 / 3.32


Introducing Chris Sailer Kicking Recruiting

For 23+ years Chris Sailer Kicking has been the leader in The Kicking & Punting World… Instruction, Competition, Evaluation, Recruiting has been the backbone of the company since day 1. We have embraced the opportunity to assist and mentor our families both on and off the field. Chris Sailer Kicking has helped place 1000’s of athletes at nearly every college / university across America. In the ever changing word of recruiting, we continue to strive to serve our families in every possible way. We understand how difficult it can be to navigate the recruiting process. Chris Sailer Kicking has the knowledge, experience and contacts to help. We would like to introduce Chris Sailer Kicking Recruiting.

As always, we will begin with a limited number of families to ensure that the process and product is top notch. The following options are now available on Please note that this program will work in conjunction with our partnership with NCSA.

1. (One) 45 minute consulting / mentoring session with Chris Sailer. Once you register for the session, we will set up a future 45 minute phone appointment to discuss any topic of your choice. These sessions are open to youth, high school, junior college, college and pro level athletes and / or their parents/coaches.
*NOTE: This is not a virtual coaching session. If you would like to do a virtual coaching session, please text Chris Sailer 818-209-8921 and we can set that up.

CLICK HERE – to schedule your 45 minute session ($150)

2. Chris Sailer Kicking 6-Month Mentorship & Recruiting Program ($1250)
THERE WILL ONLY BE 10 OF THIS PROGRAM AVAILABLE (First come, first serve basis)

*Two 45 minute phone calls per month (every other week) for 6 months for a total of 12 sessions
This program is designed to help assist you through the recruiting process. The program is designed to assist each family with their specific needs. Topics may include but are not limited to: training schedule, recruiting time line, identifying college options, help with college visits, etc.

*NOTE: Chris Sailer Kicking and Staff will be 100% honest with you during the process of this program. Purchasing this program does NOT guarantee you a college scholarship or offer. The program is designed to guide you to the best possible options for each athlete.


3. Chris Sailer Kicking 12-Month Mentorship & Recruiting Program ($1999)
THERE WILL ONLY BE 10 OF THIS PROGRAM AVAILABLE (First come, first serve basis)

*Two 45 minute phone calls per month (every other week) for 12 months for a total of 24 sessions
This program is designed to help assist you through the recruiting process. The program is designed to assist each family with their specific needs. Topics may include but are not limited to: training schedule, recruiting time line, identifying college options, help with college visits, etc.

*NOTE: Chris Sailer Kicking and Staff will be 100% honest with you during the process of this program. Purchasing this program does NOT guarantee you a college scholarship or offer. The program is designed to guide you to the best possible options for each athlete.

We are looking forward to working with the first 20 families to register. Also be sure to follow our Twitter: Chris Sailer Kicking Recruiting / @CSKRECRUITING




Chris Sailer Kicking – 2023 Week 12 College Players of the Week: Jayden Fielding (Ohio State) & Tommy Doman (Michigan) Honored!

Each week Chris Sailer Kicking will select College Players of the Week based off of performances from that week only.  Players selected are students of Chris Sailer Kicking and must have attended Chris Sailer Kicking camps or lessons.

Chris Sailer Kicking College KICKERS of the Week:

Week 1 – Brock Travelstead (Louisville) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 38) Extra Points: 3-3
Week 2 – Colton Boomer (UCF) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 55, 50), Extra Points: 1-1, Game Winning FG
Week 3 – Noah Rauschenberg (North Texas) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 48) Extra Points: 4-4, Game Winning FG!
Week 4 – Michael Hughes (Appalachian State) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 50) Extra Points: 1-1
Week 5 – Drew Stevens (Iowa) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 53) Extra Points: 2-2
Week 6 – Noah Burnette (North Carolina) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 36) Extra Points: 4-4
Week 7 – Kanon Woodill (NIU) Field Goal: 3-3 (Long 37) Extra Points: 2-2
Week 8 – Isaiah Hankins (Baylor) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 54) Extra Points: 2-2
Week 9 – Buzz Flabiano (UTEP) Field Goal: 3-3 (Long 43) Extra Points: 4-4, Game Winning FG!
Week 10 – Bert Auburn (Texas) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 49) Extra Points: 3-3, Game Winning FG!
Week 11 – Noah Burnette (North Carolina) Field Goal: 6-6 (Long 43) Extra Points: 3-3
Week 12 – Jayden Fielding (Ohio State) Field Goal: 3-3 (Long 47) Extra Points: 4-4

Chris Sailer Kicking College PUNTERS of the Week:

Week 1 – Porter Wilson (Duke) Punt Average: 53.6, Punt Long: 70, Punts: 5
Week 2 – Bryce McFerson (Notre Dame) Punt Average: 50.7, Punt Long: 59, Punts: 6
Week 3 – Ryan Sanborn (Texas) Punt Average: 48.3, Punt Long: 56, Punts: 4
Week 4 – Caden Noonkester (North Carolina State) Punt Average: 50.0, Punt Long: 67, Punts: 8
Week 5 – Ryan Rehkow (BYU) Punt Average: 51.0, Punt Long: 66, Punts: 6
Week 6 – Logan Lupo (FAU) Punt Average: 51.8, Punt Long: 71, Punts: 4
Week 7 – Matthew Shipley (Hawaii) Punt Average: 48.3, Punt Long: 55, Punts: 3
Week 8 – Ryan Rehkow (BYU) Punt Average: 52.8, Punt Long: 70, Punts: 8
Week 9 – Ross James (Oregon) Punt Average: 50.0, Punt Long: 58, Punts: 5
Week 10 – Bryce McFerson (Notre Dame) Punt Average: 50.2, Punt Long: 56, Punts: 6
Week 11 – Ryan Rehkow (BYU) Punt Average: 54.5, Punt Long: 61, Punts: 4
Week 12 – Tommy Doman (Michigan) Punt Average: 47.2, Punt Long: 58, Punts: 5

50+ Yard Field Goals

Week 1 – John Hoyland (Wyoming) 56, Dean Jankikowski (Washington State) 55, Isaiah Hankins (Baylor) 53, Cole Becker (Utah) 51, James Turner (Michigan) 50
Week 2 – John Hoyland (Wyoming) 56, Caden Davis (Ole Miss) 56, Will Reichard (Alabama) 51, Jai Patel (Rutgers) 51, Colton Boomer (UCF) 50, Andy Borregales (Miami) 50
Week 3 – Dylan Lynch (Fresno State) 50 
Week 4 – Carter Brown (Cincinnati)54, Denis Lynch (USC) 53, Michael Hughes (Appalachian State) 50, Todd Pelino (Duke) 50
Week 5 – Michael Hughes (Appalachian State) 54, Brock Travelstead (Louisville) 53, Drew Stevens (Iowa) 53, Caleb Griffin (Illinois) 53, Cam Little (Arkansas) 52, Connor Brooksby (Utah Tech) 52, Cam Little (Arkansas) 50, Alex Raynor (Kentucky) 50
Week 6 – Cam Little (Arkansas) 56, Graham Nicholson (Miami Ohio) 52
Week 7 – Brayden Narveson (NC State) 57, Cam Little (Arkansas) 55, Chase Allen (UTSA) 53, Nathanial Vakos (Wisconsin) 52, Todd Pelino (Duke) 52
Week 8 – Isaiah Hankins (Baylor) 54, Mitch Jeter (South Carolina) 51, Will Reichard (Alabama) 50, Dean Janikowski (Washington State) 50
Week 9 – Brandon Talton (Nevada) 52, Dario Longhetto (Arizona State) 51, Alex Felkins (Penn State) 50, Andy Borregales (Miami) 50
Week 10 – Drew Stevens (Iowa) 52, Matthew Shipley (Hawaii) 
Week 11 – Andy Borregales (Miami) 51
Week 12 – Colby Sessums (Sam Houston State) 53, Caleb Griffin (Illinois) 52, Andy Borregales (Miami) 51, Will Reichard (Alabama) 50, Bert Auburn (Texas) 50, Joe McFadden (UCONN) 50

Lou Groza Award Stars of the Week (3 selected each week) 

*Chris Sailer is on the voting committee for this prestigious award

Week 1 – Brock Travelstead (Louisville)
Week 2 – Colton Boomer (UCF), Camden Lewis (Oregon), Caden David (Ole Miss)
Week 3 – Noah Rauschenberg (North Texas)
Week 4 – Michael Lantz (Georgia Southern)
Week 5 – Drew Stevens (Iowa), Will Reichard (Alabama), John Hoyland (Wyoming)
Week 6 – Brock Travelstead (Louisville)
Week 7 – None
Week 8 – Isaiah Hankins (Baylor)
Week 9 – Andy Borregales (Miami), Brandon Talton (Nevada)
Week 10 – Bert Auburn (Texas), Cam Little (Arkansas)
Week 11 – Drew Stevens (Iowa)
Week 12 – Graham Nicholson (Miami OH)


Chris Sailer Kicking – 2023 Week 11 College Players of the Week: Noah Burnette (North Carolina) & Ryan Rehkow (BYU) Honored!

Each week Chris Sailer Kicking will select College Players of the Week based off of performances from that week only.  Players selected are students of Chris Sailer Kicking and must have attended Chris Sailer Kicking camps or lessons.

Chris Sailer Kicking College KICKERS of the Week:

Week 1 – Brock Travelstead (Louisville) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 38) Extra Points: 3-3
Week 2 – Colton Boomer (UCF) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 55, 50), Extra Points: 1-1, Game Winning FG
Week 3 – Noah Rauschenberg (North Texas) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 48) Extra Points: 4-4, Game Winning FG!
Week 4 – Michael Hughes (Appalachian State) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 50) Extra Points: 1-1
Week 5 – Drew Stevens (Iowa) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 53) Extra Points: 2-2
Week 6 – Noah Burnette (North Carolina) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 36) Extra Points: 4-4
Week 7 – Kanon Woodill (NIU) Field Goal: 3-3 (Long 37) Extra Points: 2-2
Week 8 – Isaiah Hankins (Baylor) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 54) Extra Points: 2-2
Week 9 – Buzz Flabiano (UTEP) Field Goal: 3-3 (Long 43) Extra Points: 4-4, Game Winning FG!
Week 10 – Bert Auburn (Texas) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 49) Extra Points: 3-3, Game Winning FG!
Week 11 – Noah Burnette (North Carolina) Field Goal: 6-6 (Long 43) Extra Points: 3-3

Chris Sailer Kicking College PUNTERS of the Week:

Week 1 – Porter Wilson (Duke) Punt Average: 53.6, Punt Long: 70, Punts: 5
Week 2 – Bryce McFerson (Notre Dame) Punt Average: 50.7, Punt Long: 59, Punts: 6
Week 3 – Ryan Sanborn (Texas) Punt Average: 48.3, Punt Long: 56, Punts: 4
Week 4 – Caden Noonkester (North Carolina State) Punt Average: 50.0, Punt Long: 67, Punts: 8
Week 5 – Ryan Rehkow (BYU) Punt Average: 51.0, Punt Long: 66, Punts: 6
Week 6 – Logan Lupo (FAU) Punt Average: 51.8, Punt Long: 71, Punts: 4
Week 7 – Matthew Shipley (Hawaii) Punt Average: 48.3, Punt Long: 55, Punts: 3
Week 8 – Ryan Rehkow (BYU) Punt Average: 52.8, Punt Long: 70, Punts: 8
Week 9 – Ross James (Oregon) Punt Average: 50.0, Punt Long: 58, Punts: 5
Week 10 – Bryce McFerson (Notre Dame) Punt Average: 50.2, Punt Long: 56, Punts: 6
Week 11 – Ryan Rehkow (BYU) Punt Average: 54.5, Punt Long: 61, Punts: 4

0+ Yard Field Goals

Week 1 – John Hoyland (Wyoming) 56, Dean Jankikowski (Washington State) 55, Isaiah Hankins (Baylor) 53, Cole Becker (Utah) 51, James Turner (Michigan) 50
Week 2 – John Hoyland (Wyoming) 56, Caden Davis (Ole Miss) 56, Will Reichard (Alabama) 51, Jai Patel (Rutgers) 51, Colton Boomer (UCF) 50, Andy Borregales (Miami) 50
Week 3 – Dylan Lynch (Fresno State) 50 
Week 4 – Carter Brown (Cincinnati)54, Denis Lynch (USC) 53, Michael Hughes (Appalachian State) 50, Todd Pelino (Duke) 50
Week 5 – Michael Hughes (Appalachian State) 54, Brock Travelstead (Louisville) 53, Drew Stevens (Iowa) 53, Caleb Griffin (Illinois) 53, Cam Little (Arkansas) 52, Connor Brooksby (Utah Tech) 52, Cam Little (Arkansas) 50, Alex Raynor (Kentucky) 50
Week 6 – Cam Little (Arkansas) 56, Graham Nicholson (Miami Ohio) 52
Week 7 – Brayden Narveson (NC State) 57, Cam Little (Arkansas) 55, Chase Allen (UTSA) 53, Nathanial Vakos (Wisconsin) 52, Todd Pelino (Duke) 52
Week 8 – Isaiah Hankins (Baylor) 54, Mitch Jeter (South Carolina) 51, Will Reichard (Alabama) 50, Dean Janikowski (Washington State) 50
Week 9 – Brandon Talton (Nevada) 52, Dario Longhetto (Arizona State) 51, Alex Felkins (Penn State) 50, Andy Borregales (Miami) 50
Week 10 – Drew Stevens (Iowa) 52, Matthew Shipley (Hawaii) 
Week 11 – Andy Borregales (Miami) 51

Lou Groza Award Stars of the Week (3 selected each week) 

*Chris Sailer is on the voting committee for this prestigious award

Week 1 – Brock Travelstead (Louisville)
Week 2 – Colton Boomer (UCF), Camden Lewis (Oregon), Caden David (Ole Miss)
Week 3 – Noah Rauschenberg (North Texas)
Week 4 – Michael Lantz (Georgia Southern)
Week 5 – Drew Stevens (Iowa), Will Reichard (Alabama), John Hoyland (Wyoming)
Week 6 – Brock Travelstead (Louisville)
Week 7 – None
Week 8 – Isaiah Hankins (Baylor)
Week 9 – Andy Borregales (Miami), Brandon Talton (Nevada)
Week 10 – Bert Auburn (Texas), Cam Little (Arkansas)
Week 11 – Drew Stevens (Iowa)


Chris Sailer Kicking – Vegas XLIV Hotel Options

Vegas XLIV is coming up January 4-5, 2024.

Green Valley High School
460 Arroyo Grande Blvd.
Henderson, NV 89014

Hotel Options:
Green Valley Ranch Resort Spa & Casino
2300 Paseo Verde Pkwy.
Henderson, NV 89052
*4.6 miles from Green Valley High School

Hilton Garden Valley Inn
1340 W. Warm Springs Rd.
Henderson, NV 89014
*1 mile from Green Valley High School

SpringHill Suites Las Vegas Henderson
1481 Paseo Verde Parkway
Henderson, NV 89012
*2.9 miles from Green Valley High School

Sunset Station Hotel & Casino
1301 W. Sunset Rd.
Henderson, NV 89104
*0.9 miles from Green Valley High School

These are just a few options. You are free to stay wherever you would like. There are obviously 100’s of hotel options in the Las Vegas / Henderson area. The Las Vegas Strip is less than 10 miles from Green Valley High School. Choose a hotel that makes the most sense for your family and budget.

Rental Car vs. Taxi / Uber / Lyft:
It is just 5.5 miles from the LAS Airport to Green Valley High School. Hotels & Restaurants are also very close by and accessible. The decision to rent a car or use Taxi / Uber / Lyft services is entirely up to you and your preferences. Just be sure to always give yourself plenty of time to arrive on time to camp.


Chris Sailer Kicking – 2023 Week 10 College Players of the Week: Bert Auburn (Texas) & Bryce McFerson (Notre Dame) Honored!

Each week Chris Sailer Kicking will select College Players of the Week based off of performances from that week only.  Players selected are students of Chris Sailer Kicking and must have attended Chris Sailer Kicking camps or lessons.

Chris Sailer Kicking College KICKERS of the Week:

Week 1 – Brock Travelstead (Louisville) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 38) Extra Points: 3-3
Week 2 – Colton Boomer (UCF) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 55, 50), Extra Points: 1-1, Game Winning FG
Week 3 – Noah Rauschenberg (North Texas) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 48) Extra Points: 4-4, Game Winning FG!
Week 4 – Michael Hughes (Appalachian State) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 50) Extra Points: 1-1
Week 5 – Drew Stevens (Iowa) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 53) Extra Points: 2-2
Week 6 – Noah Burnette (North Carolina) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 36) Extra Points: 4-4
Week 7 – Kanon Woodill (NIU) Field Goal: 3-3 (Long 37) Extra Points: 2-2
Week 8 – Isaiah Hankins (Baylor) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 54) Extra Points: 2-2
Week 9 – Buzz Flabiano (UTEP) Field Goal: 3-3 (Long 43) Extra Points: 4-4, Game Winning FG!
Week 10 – Bert Auburn (Texas) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 49) Extra Points: 3-3, Game Winning FG!

Chris Sailer Kicking College PUNTERS of the Week:

Week 1 – Porter Wilson (Duke) Punt Average: 53.6, Punt Long: 70, Punts: 5
Week 2 – Bryce McFerson (Notre Dame) Punt Average: 50.7, Punt Long: 59, Punts: 6
Week 3 – Ryan Sanborn (Texas) Punt Average: 48.3, Punt Long: 56, Punts: 4
Week 4 – Caden Noonkester (North Carolina State) Punt Average: 50.0, Punt Long: 67, Punts: 8
Week 5 – Ryan Rehkow (BYU) Punt Average: 51.0, Punt Long: 66, Punts: 6
Week 6 – Logan Lupo (FAU) Punt Average: 51.8, Punt Long: 71, Punts: 4
Week 7 – Matthew Shipley (Hawaii) Punt Average: 48.3, Punt Long: 55, Punts: 3
Week 8 – Ryan Rehkow (BYU) Punt Average: 52.8, Punt Long: 70, Punts: 8
Week 9 – Ross James (Oregon) Punt Average: 50.0, Punt Long: 58, Punts: 5
Week 10 – Bryce McFerson (Notre Dame) Punt Average: 50.2, Punt Long: 56, Punts: 6

50+ Yard Field Goals

Week 1 – John Hoyland (Wyoming) 56, Dean Jankikowski (Washington State) 55, Isaiah Hankins (Baylor) 53, Cole Becker (Utah) 51, James Turner (Michigan) 50
Week 2 – John Hoyland (Wyoming) 56, Caden Davis (Ole Miss) 56, Will Reichard (Alabama) 51, Jai Patel (Rutgers) 51, Colton Boomer (UCF) 50, Andy Borregales (Miami) 50
Week 3 – Dylan Lynch (Fresno State) 50 
Week 4 – Carter Brown (Cincinnati)54, Denis Lynch (USC) 53, Michael Hughes (Appalachian State) 50, Todd Pelino (Duke) 50
Week 5 – Michael Hughes (Appalachian State) 54, Brock Travelstead (Louisville) 53, Drew Stevens (Iowa) 53, Caleb Griffin (Illinois) 53, Cam Little (Arkansas) 52, Connor Brooksby (Utah Tech) 52, Cam Little (Arkansas) 50, Alex Raynor (Kentucky) 50
Week 6 – Cam Little (Arkansas) 56, Graham Nicholson (Miami Ohio) 52
Week 7 – Brayden Narveson (NC State) 57, Cam Little (Arkansas) 55, Chase Allen (UTSA) 53, Nathanial Vakos (Wisconsin) 52, Todd Pelino (Duke) 52
Week 8 – Isaiah Hankins (Baylor) 54, Mitch Jeter (South Carolina) 51, Will Reichard (Alabama) 50, Dean Janikowski (Washington State) 50
Week 9 – Brandon Talton (Nevada) 52, Dario Longhetto (Arizona State) 51, Alex Felkins (Penn State) 50, Andy Borregales (Miami) 50
Week 10 – Drew Stevens (Iowa) 52, Matthew Shipley (Hawaii)

Lou Groza Award Stars of the Week (3 selected each week) 

*Chris Sailer is on the voting committee for this prestigious award

Week 1 – Brock Travelstead (Louisville)
Week 2 – Colton Boomer (UCF), Camden Lewis (Oregon), Caden David (Ole Miss)
Week 3 – Noah Rauschenberg (North Texas)
Week 4 – Michael Lantz (Georgia Southern)
Week 5 – Drew Stevens (Iowa), Will Reichard (Alabama), John Hoyland (Wyoming)
Week 6 – Brock Travelstead (Louisville)
Week 7 – None
Week 8 – Isaiah Hankins (Baylor)
Week 9 – Andy Borregales (Miami), Brandon Talton (Nevada)
Week 10 – TBD


Chris Sailer Kicking – 2023 Week 9 College Players of the Week: Buzz Flabiano (UTEP) & Ross James (Oregon) Honored!

Each week Chris Sailer Kicking will select College Players of the Week based off of performances from that week only.  Players selected are students of Chris Sailer Kicking and must have attended Chris Sailer Kicking camps or lessons.

Chris Sailer Kicking College KICKERS of the Week:

Week 1 – Brock Travelstead (Louisville) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 38) Extra Points: 3-3
Week 2 – Colton Boomer (UCF) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 55, 50), Extra Points: 1-1, Game Winning FG
Week 3 – Noah Rauschenberg (North Texas) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 48) Extra Points: 4-4, Game Winning FG!
Week 4 – Michael Hughes (Appalachian State) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 50) Extra Points: 1-1
Week 5 – Drew Stevens (Iowa) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 53) Extra Points: 2-2
Week 6 – Noah Burnette (North Carolina) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 36) Extra Points: 4-4
Week 7 – Kanon Woodill (NIU) Field Goal: 3-3 (Long 37) Extra Points: 2-2
Week 8 – Isaiah Hankins (Baylor) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 54) Extra Points: 2-2
Week 9 – Buzz Flabiano (UTEP) Field Goal: 3-3 (Long 43) Extra Points: 4-4, Game Winning FG!

Chris Sailer Kicking College PUNTERS of the Week:

Week 1 – Porter Wilson (Duke) Punt Average: 53.6, Punt Long: 70, Punts: 5
Week 2 – Bryce McFerson (Notre Dame) Punt Average: 50.7, Punt Long: 59, Punts: 6
Week 3 – Ryan Sanborn (Texas) Punt Average: 48.3, Punt Long: 56, Punts: 4
Week 4 – Caden Noonkester (North Carolina State) Punt Average: 50.0, Punt Long: 67, Punts: 8
Week 5 – Ryan Rehkow (BYU) Punt Average: 51.0, Punt Long: 66, Punts: 6
Week 6 – Logan Lupo (FAU) Punt Average: 51.8, Punt Long: 71, Punts: 4
Week 7 – Matthew Shipley (Hawaii) Punt Average: 48.3, Punt Long: 55, Punts: 3
Week 8 – Ryan Rehkow (BYU) Punt Average: 52.8, Punt Long: 70, Punts: 8
Week 9 – Ross James (Oregon) Punt Average: 50.0, Punt Long: 58, Punts: 5

50+ Yard Field Goals

Week 1 – John Hoyland (Wyoming) 56, Dean Jankikowski (Washington State) 55, Isaiah Hankins (Baylor) 53, Cole Becker (Utah) 51, James Turner (Michigan) 50
Week 2 – John Hoyland (Wyoming) 56, Caden Davis (Ole Miss) 56, Will Reichard (Alabama) 51, Jai Patel (Rutgers) 51, Colton Boomer (UCF) 50, Andy Borregales (Miami) 50
Week 3 – Dylan Lynch (Fresno State) 50 
Week 4 – Carter Brown (Cincinnati)54, Denis Lynch (USC) 53, Michael Hughes (Appalachian State) 50, Todd Pelino (Duke) 50
Week 5 – Michael Hughes (Appalachian State) 54, Brock Travelstead (Louisville) 53, Drew Stevens (Iowa) 53, Caleb Griffin (Illinois) 53, Cam Little (Arkansas) 52, Connor Brooksby (Utah Tech) 52, Cam Little (Arkansas) 50, Alex Raynor (Kentucky) 50
Week 6 – Cam Little (Arkansas) 56, Graham Nicholson (Miami Ohio) 52
Week 7 – Brayden Narveson (NC State) 57, Cam Little (Arkansas) 55, Chase Allen (UTSA) 53, Nathanial Vakos (Wisconsin) 52, Todd Pelino (Duke) 52
Week 8 – Isaiah Hankins (Baylor) 54, Mitch Jeter (South Carolina) 51, Will Reichard (Alabama) 50, Dean Janikowski (Washington State) 50
Week 9 – Brandon Talton (Nevada) 52, Dario Longhetto (Arizona State) 51, Alex Felkins (Penn State) 50, Andy Borregales (Miami) 50

Lou Groza Award Stars of the Week (3 selected each week) 

*Chris Sailer is on the voting committee for this prestigious award

Week 1 – Brock Travelstead (Louisville)
Week 2 – Colton Boomer (UCF), Camden Lewis (Oregon), Caden David (Ole Miss)
Week 3 – Noah Rauschenberg (North Texas)
Week 4 – Michael Lantz (Georgia Southern)
Week 5 – Drew Stevens (Iowa), Will Reichard (Alabama), John Hoyland (Wyoming)
Week 6 – Brock Travelstead (Louisville)
Week 7 – None
Week 8 – Isaiah Hankins (Baylor)
Week 9 – TBD


Chris Sailer Kicking – 2023 Week 8 College Players of the Week: Isaiah Hankins (Baylor) & Ryan Rehkow (BYU) Honored!

Each week Chris Sailer Kicking will select College Players of the Week based off of performances from that week only.  Players selected are students of Chris Sailer Kicking and must have attended Chris Sailer Kicking camps or lessons.

Chris Sailer Kicking College KICKERS of the Week:

Week 1 – Brock Travelstead (Louisville) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 38) Extra Points: 3-3
Week 2 – Colton Boomer (UCF) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 55, 50), Extra Points: 1-1, Game Winning FG
Week 3 – Noah Rauschenberg (North Texas) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 48) Extra Points: 4-4, Game Winning FG
Week 4 – Michael Hughes (Appalachian State) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 50) Extra Points: 1-1
Week 5 – Drew Stevens (Iowa) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 53) Extra Points: 2-2
Week 6 – Noah Burnette (North Carolina) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 36) Extra Points: 4-4
Week 7 – Kanon Woodill (NIU) Field Goal: 3-3 (Long 37) Extra Points: 2-2
Week 8 – Isaiah Hankins (Baylor) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 54) Extra Points: 2-2

Chris Sailer Kicking College PUNTERS of the Week:

Week 1 – Porter Wilson (Duke) Punt Average: 53.6, Punt Long: 70, Punts: 5
Week 2 – Bryce McFerson (Notre Dame) Punt Average: 50.7, Punt Long: 59, Punts: 6
Week 3 – Ryan Sanborn (Texas) Punt Average: 48.3, Punt Long: 56, Punts: 4
Week 4 – Caden Noonkester (North Carolina State) Punt Average: 50.0, Punt Long: 67, Punts: 8
Week 5 – Ryan Rehkow (BYU) Punt Average: 51.0, Punt Long: 66, Punts: 6
Week 6 – Logan Lupo (FAU) Punt Average: 51.8, Punt Long: 71, Punts: 4
Week 7 – Matthew Shipley (Hawaii) Punt Average: 48.3, Punt Long: 55, Punts: 3
Week 8 – Ryan Rehkow (BYU) Punt Average: 52.8, Punt Long: 70, Punts: 8

50+ Yard Field Goals

Week 1 – John Hoyland (Wyoming) 56, Dean Jankikowski (Washington State) 55, Isaiah Hankins (Baylor) 53, Cole Becker (Utah) 51, James Turner (Michigan) 50
Week 2 – John Hoyland (Wyoming) 56, Caden Davis (Ole Miss) 56, Will Reichard (Alabama) 51, Jai Patel (Rutgers) 51, Colton Boomer (UCF) 50, Andy Borregales (Miami) 50
Week 3 – Dylan Lynch (Fresno State) 50 
Week 4 – Carter Brown (Cincinnati)54, Denis Lynch (USC) 53, Michael Hughes (Appalachian State) 50, Todd Pelino (Duke) 50
Week 5 – Michael Hughes (Appalachian State) 54, Brock Travelstead (Louisville) 53, Drew Stevens (Iowa) 53, Caleb Griffin (Illinois) 53, Cam Little (Arkansas) 52, Connor Brooksby (Utah Tech) 52, Cam Little (Arkansas) 50, Alex Raynor (Kentucky) 50
Week 6 – Cam Little (Arkansas) 56, Graham Nicholson (Miami Ohio) 52
Week 7 – Brayden Narveson (NC State) 57, Cam Little (Arkansas) 55, Chase Allen (UTSA) 53, Nathanial Vakos (Wisconsin) 52, Todd Pelino (Duke) 52
Week 8 – Isaiah Hankins (Baylor) 54, Mitch Jeter (South Carolina) 51, Will Reichard (Alabama) 50, Dean Janikowski (Washington State) 50

Lou Groza Award Stars of the Week (3 selected each week) 

*Chris Sailer is on the voting committee for this prestigious award

Week 1 – Brock Travelstead (Louisville)
Week 2 – Colton Boomer (UCF), Camden Lewis (Oregon), Caden David (Ole Miss)
Week 3 – Noah Rauschenberg (North Texas)
Week 4 – Michael Lantz (Georgia Southern)
Week 5 – Drew Stevens (Iowa), Will Reichard (Alabama), John Hoyland (Wyoming)
Week 6 – Brock Travelstead (Louisville)
Week 7 – None
Week 8 – TBD


Chris Sailer Kicking – 2023 Week 7 College Players of the Week: Kanon Woodill (NIU) & Matthew Shipley (Hawaii) Honored!

Each week Chris Sailer Kicking will select College Players of the Week based off of performances from that week only.  Players selected are students of Chris Sailer Kicking and must have attended Chris Sailer Kicking camps or lessons.

Chris Sailer Kicking College KICKERS of the Week:

Week 1 – Brock Travelstead (Louisville) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 38) Extra Points: 3-3
Week 2 – Colton Boomer (UCF) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 55, 50), Extra Points: 1-1, Game Winning FG
Week 3 – Noah Rauschenberg (North Texas) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 48) Extra Points: 4-4, Game Winning FG
Week 4 – Michael Hughes (Appalachian State) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 50) Extra Points: 1-1
Week 5 – Drew Stevens (Iowa) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 53) Extra Points: 2-2
Week 6 – Noah Burnette (North Carolina) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 36) Extra Points: 4-4
Week 7 – Kanon Woodill (NIU) Field Goal: 3-3 (Long 37) Extra Points: 2-2

Chris Sailer Kicking College PUNTERS of the Week:

Week 1 – Porter Wilson (Duke) Punt Average: 53.6, Punt Long: 70, Punts: 5
Week 2 – Bryce McFerson (Notre Dame) Punt Average: 50.7, Punt Long: 59, Punts: 6
Week 3 – Ryan Sanborn (Texas) Punt Average: 48.3, Punt Long: 56, Punts: 4
Week 4 – Caden Noonkester (North Carolina State) Punt Average: 50.0, Punt Long: 67, Punts: 8
Week 5 – Ryan Rehkow (BYU) Punt Average: 51.0, Punt Long: 66, Punts: 6
Week 6 – Logan Lupo (FAU) Punt Average: 51.8, Punt Long: 71, Punts: 4
Week 7 – Matthew Shipley (Hawaii) Punt Average: 48.3, Punt Long: 55, Punts: 3

50+ Yard Field Goals

Week 1 – John Hoyland (Wyoming) 56, Dean Jankikowski (Washington State) 55, Isaiah Hankins (Baylor) 53, Cole Becker (Utah) 51, James Turner (Michigan) 50
Week 2 – John Hoyland (Wyoming) 56, Caden Davis (Ole Miss) 56, Will Reichard (Alabama) 51, Jai Patel (Rutgers) 51, Colton Boomer (UCF) 50, Andy Borregales (Miami) 50
Week 3 – Dylan Lynch (Fresno State) 50 
Week 4 – Carter Brown (Cincinnati)54, Denis Lynch (USC) 53, Michael Hughes (Appalachian State) 50, Todd Pelino (Duke) 50
Week 5 – Michael Hughes (Appalachian State) 54, Brock Travelstead (Louisville) 53, Drew Stevens (Iowa) 53, Caleb Griffin (Illinois) 53, Cam Little (Arkansas) 52, Connor Brooksby (Utah Tech) 52, Cam Little (Arkansas) 50, Alex Raynor (Kentucky) 50
Week 6 – Cam Little (Arkansas) 56, Graham Nicholson (Miami Ohio) 52
Week 7 – Brayden Narveson (NC State) 57, Cam Little (Arkansas) 55, Chase Allen (UTSA) 53, Nathanial Vakos (Wisconsin) 52, Todd Pelino (Duke) 52

Lou Groza Award Stars of the Week (3 selected each week) 

*Chris Sailer is on the voting committee for this prestigious award

Week 1 – Brock Travelstead (Louisville)
Week 2 – Colton Boomer (UCF), Camden Lewis (Oregon), Caden David (Ole Miss)
Week 3 – Noah Rauschenberg (North Texas)
Week 4 – Michael Lantz (Georgia Southern)
Week 5 – Drew Stevens (Iowa), Will Reichard (Alabama), John Hoyland (Wyoming)
Week 6 – Brock Travelstead (Louisville)


Chris Sailer Kicking – 2023 Week 6 College Players of the Week: Noah Burnette (North Carolina) & Logan Lupo (FAU) Honored!

Each week Chris Sailer Kicking will select College Players of the Week based off of performances from that week only.  Players selected are students of Chris Sailer Kicking and must have attended Chris Sailer Kicking camps or lessons.

Chris Sailer Kicking College KICKERS of the Week:

Week 1 – Brock Travelstead (Louisville) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 38) Extra Points: 3-3
Week 2 – Colton Boomer (UCF) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 55, 50), Extra Points: 1-1, Game Winning FG
Week 3 – Noah Rauschenberg (North Texas) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 48) Extra Points: 4-4, Game Winning FG
Week 4 – Michael Hughes (Appalachian State) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 50) Extra Points: 1-1
Week 5 – Drew Stevens (Iowa) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 53) Extra Points: 2-2
Week 6 – Noah Burnette (North Carolina) Field Goal: 4-4 (Long 36) Extra Points: 4-4

Chris Sailer Kicking College PUNTERS of the Week:

Week 1 – Porter Wilson (Duke) Punt Average: 53.6, Punt Long: 70, Punts: 5
Week 2 – Bryce McFerson (Notre Dame) Punt Average: 50.7, Punt Long: 59, Punts: 6
Week 3 – Ryan Sanborn (Texas) Punt Average: 48.3, Punt Long: 56, Punts: 4
Week 4 – Caden Noonkester (North Carolina State) Punt Average: 50.0, Punt Long: 67, Punts: 8
Week 5 – Ryan Rehkow (BYU) Punt Average: 51.0, Punt Long: 66, Punts: 6
Week 6 – Logan Lupo (FAU) Punt Average: 51.8, Punt Long: 71, Punts: 4

50+ Yard Field Goals

Week 1 – John Hoyland (Wyoming) 56, Dean Jankikowski (Washington State) 55, Isaiah Hankins (Baylor) 53, Cole Becker (Utah) 51, James Turner (Michigan) 50
Week 2 – John Hoyland (Wyoming) 56, Caden Davis (Ole Miss) 56, Will Reichard (Alabama) 51, Jai Patel (Rutgers) 51, Colton Boomer (UCF) 50, Andy Borregales (Miami) 50
Week 3 – Dylan Lynch (Fresno State) 50 
Week 4 – Carter Brown (Cincinnati)54, Denis Lynch (USC) 53, Michael Hughes (Appalachian State) 50, Todd Pelino (Duke) 50
Week 5 – Michael Hughes (Appalachian State) 54, Brock Travelstead (Louisville) 53, Drew Stevens (Iowa) 53, Caleb Griffin (Illinois) 53, Cam Little (Arkansas) 52, Connor Brooksby (Utah Tech) 52, Cam Little (Arkansas) 50, Alex Raynor (Kentucky) 50
Week 6 – Cam Little (Arkansas) 56, Graham Nicholson (Miami Ohio) 52

Lou Groza Award Stars of the Week (3 selected each week) 

*Chris Sailer is on the voting committee for this prestigious award

Week 1 – Brock Travelstead (Louisville)
Week 2 – Colton Boomer (UCF), Camden Lewis (Oregon), Caden David (Ole Miss)
Week 3 – Noah Rauschenberg (North Texas)
Week 4 – Michael Lantz (Georgia Southern)
Week 5 – Drew Stevens (Iowa), Will Reichard (Alabama), John Hoyland (Wyoming)
Week 6 – TBD
