Chris Sailer Kicking – Stats Leaderboard 2024 (NFL, College, Junior College & High School, Sailer Award)

NFL, College, Junior College, High School & Sailer Award

Chris Sailer Kicking will update the leader board as the season goes on:

Last Update:

1. Chris Sailer Kicking NFL Leaderboard
*All NFL kickers/punters that have worked with Chris Sailer Kicking Staff

2. Chris Sailer Kicking College Leaderboard (FBS)
*All 4-year college kickers/punters that have worked with Chris Sailer Kicking Staff

3. Chris Sailer Award Leaderboard
*All high school kickers that have worked with Chris Sailer Kicking Staff

4. Chris Sailer Kicking High School & Junior College Leaderboard
*All high school & junior college kickers/punters that have worked with Chris Sailer Kicking Staff

NFL Kicking:
Ka’imi Fairbairn (Texans) FG: 26-31, FG Long: 59, PAT: 24-24
Cameron Dicker (Chargers) FG: 21-23, FG Long: 59, PAT: 19-22
Tyler Bass (Bills) FG: 19-22, FG Long: 61, PAT: PAT: 33-37
Jason Sanders (Dolphins) FG: 19-23, FG Long: 56, PAT: 16-16
Justin Tucker (Ravens) FG: 16-22, FG Long: 56, PAT: 38-39
Cam Little (Jaguars) FG: 15-16, FG Long: 59, PAT: 19-19
Evan McPherson (Bengals) FG: 15-21, FG Long: 56, PAT: 32-33
Brayden Narveson (Packers) FG: 12-17, FG Long: 47, PAT: 16-16
Nick Folk (Titans) FG: 14-15, FG Long: 53, PAT: 18-18
Will Reichard (Vikings) FG: 14-16, FG Long: 58, PAT: 23-23
Dustin Hopkins (Browns) FG: 14-20, FG Long: 56, PAT: 10-12
Eddie Pineiro (Panthers) FG: 12-13, FG Long: 53, PAT: 17-17 

NFL Punting:
Logan Cooke (Jaguars) 51.6
Corey Borjorquez (Browns) 51.4
Braden Mann (Eagles) 50.7
Ryan Rehkow (Bengals) 50.3
Bryan Anger (Cowboys) 49.3
Blake Gillikin (Cardinals) 49.1
Bradley Pinion (Falcons) 47.9
JK Scott (Chargers) 47.7
Dan Whelan (Packers) 47.7
Tress Way (Commanders) 47.4
Tommy Townsend (Texans) 47.4
Jordan Stout (Ravens) 47.3
Jake Bailey (Dolphins) 46.6
Jamie Gillan (Giants) 46.4
Ryan Wright (Vikings) 45.6
Jake Camarda (Bucs) 45.7

College (D1) Kicking (15 or more FG)
Caden Chittenden (UNLV) 22-27
Caden Davis (Ole Miss) 20-23
Will Ferrin (BYU) 19-22
Clune Van Andel (Arkansas State) 19-22
Damian Ramos (LSU) 18-23
Will Bettridge (Virginia) 17-19
Mateen Bhaghani (UCLA) 16-20
Grady Gross (Washington) 16-24
Alex Raynor (Kentucky) 15-15
Laith Marjan (South Alabama) 15-16
David Olano (Illinois) 15-18
Matthew Denis (Wake Forest) 15-18
Cole Becker (Utah) 15-20
Kanoah Vinsett (NC State) 15-20
College (D1) Punting (Top 10)
Palmer Williams (Baylor) 50.3
Josh Green (Oregon State) 47.3
Jacob Ulrich (Kennasaw State) 46.5
Brian Buschini (Nebraska) 46.3
Ross James (Oregon) 46.2
Bryce McFerson (Maryland) 46.2
Logan Lupo (FAU) 45.0
Tyler White (Texas A&M) 44.8
Nick Barr-Mira (Mississippi State) 44.6
Jack Bouwmeester (Utah) 44.6

Chris Sailer Award Leaders:
Dillon Curtis (2025, UT) 21-27 FG’s (Long 63, 55) 40-40 PAT’s
Noah Goddard (2025, GA) 17-21 FG’s (Long 47) 9-9 PAT’s
Nicholas Rassai (2025, NV) 15-17 FG’s (Long 54) 44-45 PAT’s
Blake Letourneau (2025, TX) 15-17 FG’s (Long 45) 29-29 PAT’s
James Dean (2025, AZ) 15-22 FG’s (Long 49) 31-31 PAT’s
Easton Choate (2025, UT) 14-18 FG’s (Long 49) 23-24 PAT’s

High School / Junior College Field Goals (9 or more FG’s):
Dillon Curtis (2025, UT) 21-27
Noah Goddard (2025, GA) 17-21
Nicholas Rassai (2025, NV) 15-17
Blake Letourneau (2025, TX) 15-17
Dieter Kelly (JC, CA) 15-18
James Dean (2025, AZ) 15-22
Luis Rodriguez (JC, CA) 14-16
Nicholas Rassai (2025, NV) 15-17
Easton Choate (2025, UT) 14-18
Ford Stinson (2025, TX) 14-18
Blayne Munson (2025, AL) 14-22
Grady Dangerfield (2025, SC) 14-23
Jonathan Rodriguez (2025, GA) 13-16
Connor Ferguson (2025, GA) 13-16
Gavin Fenn (2025, UT) 13-21
Brett Fitzgerald (2025, GA) 12-14
Jake Snyder (2026, GA) 12-15
Grayson Lytton (2025, TN) 12-17
Bohdie Ing (2025, CA) 11-14
Trajan Sinatra (JC, CA) 11-16
Brandon Perez (JC, TX) 10-10
Cameron Allen (2026, TX) 10-10
Trey Butkowski (2025, FL) 10-12
Joshua Wedemeyer (2026, TX) 10-12
Christian Mungia (2025, TX) 10-12
Wyatt Jackson (2026, UT) 10-13
Oscar Dominguez (2025, UT) 10-14
Travis Mann (2027, NC) 10-15
AJ Rosen (2025, TX) 10-16
Asher Gubler (2025, UT) 10-16
Ashton Zamani (2025, CA) 9-11
Robert Meyer (2025, CA) 9-11
William Weisberg (2025, CA) 9-11
Kandler Happe (2025, NC) 9-11
Charlie Parke (2025, AZ) 9-11
Brogan Woeber (2025, FL) 9-11
Jackson Elam (2026, AR) 9-11
Jack Hopkins (2026, CA) 9-11
Brayden Jakins (2025, UT) 9-12
Alex Krishan (2025, CA) 9-12
Jacob Kreinbring (2026, CA) 9-12
Franklin Wilcox (2025, UT) 9-13
Austin Ferencz (2025, WA) 9-14
Landon Zayas (2025, UT) 9-15

50+ Yard Field Goals (Bold = Multiple):
Dillon Curtis (2025, UT) 63
Brogan Woeber (2025, FL) 59
Colby Frokjer (2025, UT) 58
Trey Butkowski (2025, FL) 58
Andrew Herron (2025, KY) 57
Luke Ryerse (2025, MN) 56
AJ Rosen (2025, TX) 56
Gavin Fenn (2025, UT) 56
Dillon Curtis (2025, UT) 55
Brandon Sims (2025, IL) 55
Fernando Banuelos (2025, UT) 55
Kyah Francone (2025, AZ) 54
Austin Ferencz (2025, WA) 54
Rhett Armstrong (2025, CO) 54
Nicholas Rassai (2025, NV) 54
Luis Rodriguez (JC, CA) 53
Andrew Herron (2025, KY) 53
Drew Cady (2025, MI) 53
Austin Lewis (2025, AL) 53
Colby Frokjer (2025, UT) 53
Vaughn Lennon (2025, FL) 53
Charlie Parke (2025, AZ) 53
Bryce Taylor (2025, IN) 53
Carter Kolesar (2025, CA) 53
Leo Attard (2026, GA) 53
Roman Reyna (2025, TX) 53
Austin Lewis (2025, AL) 53
Noah Piper (2025, TX) 52
Robert Meyer (2025, CA) 52
Oliver Hautanen (2025, TX) 52
Connor Ferguson (2025, GA) 52
Jaxon Beynon (2025, UT) 52
Christian Mungia (2025, TX) 52
Charlie Parke (2025, AZ) 52
Brett Fitzgerald (2025, GA) 52
Dieter Kelly (JC, CA) 52
Niki Dugandzic (2025, IL) 51
Trey Butkowski (2025, FL) 51
Jacob Kreinbring (2026, CA) 51
Gavin Fenn (2025, UT) 51
Dieter Kelly (JC, CA) 51
Jackson Elam (2026, AR) 51
Ethan Spiwak (2025, OK) 51
Mason Walters (2025, CO) 51
CJ Falotico (2026, SC) 51
Blayne Munson (2025, AL) 51
Kyah Francone (2025, AZ) 51
Kyah Francone (2025, AZ) 50

Brett Fitzgerald (2025, GA) 50
Noah LaBerge (2025, CA) 50
Carson Jones (2026, NC) 50
Connor Ferguson (2025, GA) 50
Landon Zayas (2025, UT) 50
Brogan Woeber (2025, FL) 50
Ozzy Trejo (2025, TX) 50
Austin Ferencz (2025, WA)
Davis Jones (2025, UT) 50
Bronson Mueller (2026, TX) 50
** Bold = Kicker with multiple 50+ Yard FG’s

Punting (43+ Yard Average):
Oliver Hautanen (2025, TX) 48.4
Jake Snyder (2026, GA) 47.5
Vaughn Lennon (2025, FL) 47.0
Gehrig Heil (2025, AZ) 46.3
Dillon Curtis (2025, UT) 46.0
Aydin Babic (2025, CA) 46.0
Luke Ryerse (2025, MN) 45.4
Ethan Aronson (2025, CA) 45.4
Jonathan Gates Jr. (2025, VA) 45.1
Dylan Gomez (2025, CA) 44.5
Alex Krishan (2025, CA) 44.5
John McGuire (2025, AL) 44.0
Niki Dugandzic (2025, IL) 43.7
Kaden Rosado (2027, TX) 43.5
Van Krisiloff (2026, IN) 43.4
Alessandro Garrett (2025, CA) 43.2
Tyler Nolan (2025, AZ) 43.0

*Stats are submitted personally by individual players or researched via Before any awards are given, stats will be double checked through proper resources.For more information, visit


Chris Sailer Kicking – Stats Leaderboard 2021 (NFL, College, Junior College & High School, Sailer Award)

Chris Sailer Kicking – 2021 Leaderboard

NFL, College, Junior College, High School & Sailer Award

Chris Sailer Kicking will update the leader board as the season goes on:

Last Update: 12/27/21

1. Chris Sailer Kicking NFL Leaderboard
*All NFL kickers/punters that have worked with Chris Sailer Kicking Staff

2. Chris Sailer Kicking College Leaderboard (FBS)
*All 4-year college kickers/punters that have worked with Chris Sailer Kicking Staff

3. Chris Sailer Award Leaderboard
*All high school kickers that have worked with Chris Sailer Kicking Staff

4. Chris Sailer Kicking High School & Junior College Leaderboard
*All high school & junior college kickers/punters that have worked with Chris Sailer Kicking Staff

NFL Kicking:
Nick Folk (Patriots) 34-37 FG’s (Long 53) 34-38 Extra Points
Justin Tucker (Ravens) 29-31 FG’s (Long 66) 30-30 Extra Points
Dustin Hopkins (Redskins/Chargers) 27-30 FG’s (Long 50) 33-37 Extra Points
Tyler Bass (Bills) 26-30 FG’s (Long 57) 45-45 Extra Points
Evan McPherson (Bengals) 26-31 FG’s (Long 58) 42-44 Extra Points
Randy Bullock (Titans) 24-28 FG’s (Long 51) 34-37 Extra Points
Ryan Succop (Titans) 21-25 FG’s (Long 48), 49-52 Extra Points
Jason Sanders (Dolphins) 18-24 FG’s (Long 51) 20-30 Extra Points
Ka’imi Fairbairn (Texans) 11-14 FG’s (Long 61) 10-13 Extra Points
Rodrigo Blankenship (Colts) 11-14 FG’s (Long 48) 7-8 Extra Points
Eddy Pineiro (Jets) 6-6 FG’s (Long 46) 5-6 Extra Points
Brian Johnson (Saints/Redskins) 10-10 FG’s (Long 52) 9-13 Extra Points
Tristan Vizcaino (Chargers) 6-7 (Long 46) 10-15 Extra Points
Elliott Fry (Chiefs) 3-4 FG’s (Long 44) 3-4 Extra Points
Cody Parkey (Saints) 0-0 FG’s (Long) 3-5 Extra Points

Nick Folk – Patriots

NFL Punting:
Tress Way (Redskins) 49.2
Bryan Anger (Cowboys) 48.4
Blake Gillikin (Saints) 48.2
Tommy Townsend (Chiefs) 48.0
Jake Bailey (Patriots) 47.4
Corey Borjorquez (Packers) 47.4
Logan Cooke (Jaguars) 47.3
Ty Long (Chargers) 45.3
Jamie Gillan (Browns) 43.9
Bradley Pinion (Buccaneers) 42.4
Tristan Vizcaino (Chargers) 32.0

Jake Bailey – Patriots

College (D1) Kicking (16 FG’s or more):
Cayden Camper (Colorado St.) 25-32 (Long 53) 27-27 Extra Points
Brayden Narveson (Western Kentucky) 23-29 FG’s (Long 53) 72-72 Extra Points
Brandon Talton (Nevada) 21-29 FG’s (Long 52) 49-49 Extra Points
Nick Sciba (Wake Forest) 20-22 FG’s (Long 46) 62-62 Extra Points
Mitchell Fineran (Purdue) 20-25 FG’s (Long 48) 36-38 Extra Points
Nick Rice (Old Dominion) 20-26 FG’s (Long 50) 39-41 Extra Points
Nate Needham (Bowling Green) 19-20 FG’s (Long 52) 26-27 Extra Points
Cam Little (Arkansas) 19-23 FG’s (Long 51) 43-43 Extra Points
BT Potter (Clemson) 19-23 FG’s (Long 50) 36-36 Extra Points
Owen Daffer (East Carolina) 19-23 FG’s (Long 54) 39-41 Extra Points
Noah Ruggles (Ohio State) 18-19 FG’s (Long 46) 68-68 Extra Points
Matthew Shipley (Hawaii)18-21 FG’s (Long 49) 42-42 Extra Points
James McCourt (Illinois) 18-23 (Long 53) 26-26 Extra Points
Andres Borregales (Miami) 17-21 FG’s (Long 55) 45-45 Extra Points
Jacob Barnes (Louisiana Tech) 17-21 FG’s (Long 47) 39-39 Extra Points
Ethan Albertson (New Mexico State) 17-21 FG’s (Long 50) 28-30 Extra Points
Daniel Gutierrez (UNLV) 16-18 FG’s (Long 53) 25-25 Extra Points
Will Reichard (Alabama) 16-20 FG’s (Long 51) 68-69 Extra Points
Jonathan Doerer (Notre Dame) 16-20 (Long 51) 47-48 Extra Points
Jordan Stout (Penn State) 16-23 FG’s (Long 52) 34-36 Extra Points
Matthew Trickett (Minnesota) 16-23 FG’s (Long 50) 35-37 Extra Points

Nick Sciba – Wake Forest

College (D1) Punting (Top 20):
Kyle Ostendorp (Arizona) 49.2
Ryan Rehkow (BYU) 48.6
Austin McNamara (Texas Tech) 48.4
Ryan Wright (Tulane) 47.5
Jake Camarda (Georgia) 47.1
Cameron Dicker (Texas) 46.8
Jordan Stout (Penn State) 46.5
Issac Power (Baylor) 46.2
Joe Doyle (Memphis) 46.0
Andy Vujnovich (Wisconsin) 45.8
Porter Wilson (Duke) 44.8
George Goergopoulos (UMASS) 44.8
Jay Bramblett (Notre Dame) 44.1
Ryan Hanson (Arkansas State) 44.0
Tyler Sumpter (West Virginia) 43.6
Ryan Sanborn (Stanford) 43.3
Ben Kiernan (North Carolina) 43.3
Join Young (East Carolina) 43.0
Nate Snyder (Ball State) 42.6
Aaron Rodriguez (New Mexico) 42.6

Ryan Rehkow – BYU

Chris Sailer Award Leaders 
Nolan Hauser (2024, NC) 21-26 FG’s (Long 48) 67-72 Extra Points
Ian Hershey (2022, ID) 19-23 FG’s (Long 58, 52, 50) 44-46 Extra Points
Magnus Lepak (2022, OK) 18-20 FG’s (Long 50) 72-74 Extra Points
Liam Padron (2023, FL) 18-24 FG’s (Long 49) 27-29 Extra Points
Carter Brown (2022, TX) 15-18 FG’s (Long 51) 38-42 Extra Points
Louie Gatlin (2022, MS) 15-20 FG’s (Long 46) 48-48 Extra Points
Trace Butcher (2022, GA) 15-24 FG’s (Long 56) 58-60 Extra Points

High School / Junior College Field Goals (CSK) (12 or more):
21-24 Ricardo Chavez (JC, CA)
21-26 Nolan Hauser (2024, NC)
19-23 Ian Hershey (2022, ID)
18-20 Magnus Lepak (2022, OK)
18-24 Liam Padron (2023, FL)
15-18 Carter Brown (2022, TX)
15-20 Louie Gatlin (2022, MS)
15-24 Trace Butcher (2022, GA)
13-15 Kellen McLaughlin (2023, KY)
13-16 Aidan Flintoft (2023, CA)
13-17 Casey Kautzman (2022, MT)
13-18 Brooks Sturgeon (2022, GA)
12-14 Kaden Lorick (2023, TX)
12-15 Grady Gross (2022, AZ)
12-17 Brysen Gardner (2023, AZ)

50+ Yard Field Goals:
59 – Ricardo Chavez (JC, CA)

58 – Ian Hershey (2022, ID)
57 – Charlie Weinrich (2022, KS)
56 – Ricardo Chavez (JC, CA)
56 – Landon Ogles (JC, CA)
56 – Trace Butcher (2022, GA)
55 – Logan Fuller (2022, NM)
55 – Tyler White (2023, TX)
55 – Grayson Bearden (2022, TX)
54 – Ricardo Chavez (JC, CA)
54 – Ricardo Chavez (JC, CA)

54 – Wyatt Redding (2022, WA)
54 – Jake Gaster (JC, TX)
54 – Carston Kieffer (2023, AZ)
53 – Logan Fuller (2022, NM)
52 – Ian Hershey (2022, ID)
52 – Grady Gross (2022, AZ)
52 – Todd Pelino (2022, NC)
52 – Michael James (2022, TX)
52 – Easton Black (2022, AZ)
52 – Logan Fuller (2022, NM)
51 – Drew Stevens (2022, SC)
51 – Carter Brown (2022, TX)
51 – Will Bettridge (2022, FL)
51 – Buzz Flabiano (2022, TX)
51 – Kelson Cotner (2022, TX)
51 – Casey Kautzman (2022, MT)
51 – Luke Brown (2022, GA)
50 – Ian Hershey (2022, ID)
50 – Landon Ogles (JC, CA)
50 – Magnus Lepak (2022, OK)
50 – Drew Stevens (2022, SC)
50 – Brooks Sturgeon (2022, GA)
50 – Keegan McDermott (2022, OH)
50 – Aidan Flintoft (2023, CA)
50 – Isaac Jackson (2022, UT)
50 – Liam Rickman (2022, GA)
50 – Spencer McKinley (2022, SC)
50 – Davis Ashcroft (2023, FL)
50 – Trevor Weldon (2022, SC)
** Bold = Kicker with multiple 50+ Yard FG’s

Charlie Weinrich – 2022, KS

Punting (Top 10):
47.1 – Grady Gross (2022, AZ)
46.9 – Easton Black (2022, AZ)
46.6 – Charlie Durkin (2022, OH)
46.6 – Kalen Jones (2022, CA)
46.5 – Joey Cheek (2022, CA)
46.2 – Evan Sundermann (2022, MI)
46.1 – Evan Van Steen (2022, NC)
46.0 – Bryce McFerson (2022, NC)
45.3 – Ryan Kingston (2022, IN)
45.3 – Tyler Graham (2022, NC)
43.2 – Tashi Dorje (2023, CA)
42.8 – Jake Reid (2022, PA)

*Stats are submitted personally by individual players or researched via Before any awards are given, stats will be double checked through proper resources.For more information, visit

See you at a Chris Sailer Kicking camp this Fall


Chris Sailer Kicking – Stats Leaderboard 2020 (NFL, College, Junior College & High School, Sailer Award)

Chris Sailer Kicking – 2020 Leaderboard

NFL, College, Junior College, High School & Sailer Award

Chris Sailer Kicking will update the leader board as the season goes on:
Last Update: 12/15/20

1. Chris Sailer Kicking NFL Leaderboard
*All NFL kickers/punters that have worked with Chris Sailer Kicking Staff

2. Chris Sailer Kicking College Leaderboard (FBS)
*All 4-year college kickers/punters that have worked with Chris Sailer Kicking Staff

3. Chris Sailer Award Leaderboard
*All high school kickers/punters are eligible for the Chris Sailer Award

4. Chris Sailer Kicking High School & Junior College Leaderboard
*All high school & junior college kickers/punters that have worked with Chris Sailer Kicking Staff

NFL Kicking:
Jason Sanders (Dolphins) 30-32 FG’s (Long 56) 30-30 Extra Points
Rodrigo Blankenship (Colts) 27-30 FG’s (Long 44) 35-37 Extra Points
Tyler Bass (Bills) 25-31 FG’s (Long 58) 38-40 Extra Points
Ryan Succop (Titans) 24-26 FG’s (Long 50), 38-41 Extra Points
Justin Tucker (Ravens) 22-24 FG’s (Long 55) 39-40 Extra Points
Dustin Hopkins (Redskins) 22-29 FG’s (Long 51) 27-28 Extra Points
Nick Folk (Patriots) 21-23 FG’s (Long 51) 26-28 Extra Points
Randy Bullock (Bengals) 21-26 FG’s (Long 55) 24-25 Extra Points
Ka’imi Fairbairn (Texans) 20-24 FG’s (Long 54) 29-31 Extra Points
Cody Parkey (Browns) 17-20 FG’s (Long 46) 37-39 Extra Points
Dan Bailey (Vikings) 12-18 FG’s (Long 53) 27-31 Extra Points
Sam Sloman (Rams) 7-8 FG’s (Long 42) 18-21 Extra Points
Kai Forbath (Rams) 2-3 FG’s (Long 23) 4-5 Extra Points
Elliott Fry (Falcons) 1-1 FG’s (Long 23) 1-2 Extra Points

NFL Punting:
Corey Borjorquez (Bills) 49.8
Jake Bailey (Patriots) 48.8
Ryan Allen (Colts) 48.6
Tress Way (Redskins) 48.5
Logan Cooke (Jaguars) 47.6
Ty Long (Chargers) 47.3
Bryan Anger (Texans) 46.6
Tommy Townsend (Chiefs) 46.2
Bradley Pinion (Buccaneers) 45.6
JK Scott (Packers) 45.5
Braden Mann (Jets) 44.7
Jamie Gillan (Browns) 44.5

College Kicking (13 FG’s or more):
Jose Borregales (Miami) 18-20 FG’s (Long 57) 35-35 Extra Points
Alex Raynor (Georgia Southern) 17-24 FG’s (Long 47) 35-36 Extra Points
BT Potter (Clemson) 16-21 FG’s (Long 52) 53-54 Extra Points
Brandon Talton (Nevada) 15-17 FG’s (Long 49) 26-27 Extra Points
Nick Sciba (Wake Forest) 14-17 FG’s (Long 46) 31-31 Extra Points
Evan McPherson (Florida) 14-18 FG’s (Long 55) 46-46 Extra Points
Keith Duncan (Iowa) 14-18 FG’s (Long 48) 26-26 Extra Points
Jonathan Doehrer (Notre Dame) 14-20 FG’s (Long 48) 46-46 Extra Points
Jake Verity (East Carolina) 14-21 FG’s (Long 48) 30-31 Extra Points
Jake Oldroyd (BYU) 13-13 FG’s (Long 54) 53-55 Extra Points
Brayden Narveson (W. Kentucky) 13-14 FG’s (Long 53) 24-24 Extra Points
John Hoyland (Wyoming) 13-14 FG’s (Long 42) 16-16 Extra Points
Connor Culp (Nebraska) 13-15 FG’s (Long 49) 16-16 Extra Points
Cameron Dicker (Texas) 13-18 FG’s (Long 43) 43-44 Extra Points
Evan Legassey (Troy) 13-21 FG’s (Long 47) 34-35 Extra Points

College Punting (Top 12):
Jake Camarda (Georgia) 47.9
Austin McNamara (Texas Tech) 46.3
Ryan Wright (Tulane) 45.8
Tanner Kuljian (San Diego State) 45.4
Drue Chrisman (Ohio State) 45.2
Tucker Day (Mississippi State) 45.0
Oscar Draguicevich (Washington State) 45.2
Adam Stack (Hawaii) 43.8
Ben Kiernen (North Carolina) 43.7
Porter Wilson (Duke) 42.9
Andy Vujnovich (Wisconsin) 42.9
Charlie Mendes (Rice) 42.8

Chris Sailer Award Leaders
Teagen Lenderink (2021, TN) 20-28 FG’s (Long 54) 42-42 Extra Points

Chris Sailer Award Leaders
Teagen Lenderink (2021, TN) 20-28 FG’s (Long 54) 42-42 Extra Points
Trevor Helburg (2022, TX) 16-18 FG’s (Long 42) 71-18 Extra Points
Brooks Sturgeon (2022, GA) 15-17 FG’s (Long 44) 35-36 Extra Points
Jack Tannehill (2021, MS) 15-18 FG’s (Long 45) 40-40 Extra Points
Colby Sessums (2021, TX) 14-14 FG’s (Long 50, 50) 59-60 Extra Points
Isaiah Hankins (2021, AR) 14-15 FG’s (Long 48) 64-65 Extra Points
Andrew Lastovka (2022, OH) 14-15 FG’s (Long 47) 45-46 Extra Points
Spencer Hanna (2021, IN) 14-16 FG’s (Long 44) 44-44 Extra Points

High School / Junior College Field Goals:
20-28 Teagen Lenderink (2021, TN)
15-17 Brooks Sturgeon (2022, GA)
15-18 Jack Tannehill (2021, MS)
14-14 Colby Sessums (2021, TX)
14-15 Isaiah Hankins (2021, AR)
13-18 Conor Cummins (2021, GA)
12-16 Graham Nicholson (2021, OH)
12-17 Brock Pellegrino (2021, GA)
12-21 David Kemp (2021, FL)
11-12 Joseph McFadden (2021, TX)
11-14 Liam Shepherd (2021, IN)
11-16 Samir Atassi (2023, FL)
10-12 Joshua Click (2021, TX)
10-12 Kanoah Vinesett (2022, SC)
10-13 Nick De Las Alas (2022, TX)
10-15 Chris Maron (2021, FL)

50+ Yard Field Goals:
58 – Dax Iverson (2023, UT)
54 – Dax Iverson (2023, UT)
54 – Teagen Lenderink (2021, TN)
54 – David Kemp (2021, FL)
53 – Conor Cummins (2021, GA)
53 – Tommy Doman (2021, MI)
53 – Brock Pellegrino (2021, GA)
53 – Kanoah Vinesett (2022, SC)
52 – David Kemp (2021, FL)
52 – Davis Ashcroft (2023, FL)
52 – Sean Meisler (2021, FL)
51 – Charlie Weinrich (2022, KS)
50Conor Cummins (2021, GA)
50 – Colby Sessums (2021, TX)
50 – Colby Sessums (2021, TX)
50 – Brayden Beck (2021, TX)
50 – Tommy Doman (2021, MI)
50 – Oscar Ronquillo (2021, TX)
** Bold = Kicker with multiple 50+ Yard FG’s

Punting (Top 10):
50.5 – Tyler White (2023, TX)
46.0 – Tyler Perkins (2021, OH)
45.6 – Graham Nicholson (2021, OH)
44.8 – Tommy Doman (2021, MI)
43.9 – Alex Davis (2023, FL)
42.8 – Brayden Beck (2021, TX)
42.2 – Teagen Lenderink (2021, TN)
42.1 – Jack Brooks (2022, FL)
42.0 – Jack Tannehill (2021, MS)
42.0 – Korben Waldrop (2021, GA)
41.9 – Jack Tannehill (2021, MS)
41.7 – Brooks Sturgeon (2022, GA)
41.5 – Connor Weselman (2021, GA)
40.9 – Ian Hershey (2022, ID)
40.8 – Jackson Ray (2021, AZ)

*Stats are submitted personally by individual players or researched via Before any awards are given, stats will be double checked through proper resources.

For more information, visit


Chris Sailer Kicking – Stats Leaderboard 2019 (NFL, College, Junior College & High School, Sailer Award)

Chris Sailer Kicking – 2019 Leaderboard

NFL, College, Junior College, High School & Sailer Award

Chris Sailer Kicking will update the leader board as the season goes on:
Last Update: 12/17/19

1. Chris Sailer Kicking NFL Leaderboard
*All NFL kickers/punters that have worked with Chris Sailer Kicking Staff

2. Chris Sailer Kicking College Leaderboard (FBS)
*All 4-year college kickers/punters that have worked with Chris Sailer Kicking Staff

3. Chris Sailer Award Leaderboard
*All high school kickers/punters are eligible for the Chris Sailer Award

4. Chris Sailer Kicking High School & Junior College Leaderboard
*All high school & junior college kickers/punters that have worked with Chris Sailer Kicking Staff

NFL Kicking:
Justin Tucker (Ravens) 23-24 FG’s (Long 51) 51-53 Extra Points
Randy Bullock (Bengals) 23-27 FG’s (Long 48) 20-20 Extra Points
Dan Bailey (Vikings) 22-24 FG’s (Long 50) 38-42 Extra Points
Dustin Hopkins (Redskins) 22-27 FG’s (Long 53) 15-16 Extra Points
Jason Sanders (Dolphins) 20-26 FG’s (Long 54) 21-22 Extra Points
Eddy Pineiro (Bears) 18-23 FG’s (Long 53) 26-28 Extra Points
Ka’imi Fairbairn (Texans) 17-22 FG’s (Long 54) 36-41 Extra Points
Nick Folk (Patriots) 10-13 FG’s (Long 46) 8-8 Extra Points
Ty Long (Chargers) 7-9 FG’s (Long 51) 9-9 Extra Points
Kai Forbath (Cowboys) 4-4 FG’s (Long 50) 6-7 Extra Points
Cody Parkey (Titans) 3-3 FG’s (Long 51) 5-6 Extra Points
Ryan Succop (Titans) 1-6 FG’s (Long 31), 24-25 Extra Points

NFL Punting:
Tress Way (Redskins) 49.4
Ty Long (Chargers) 47.1
Logan Cooke (Jaguars) 46.1
Jamie Gillan (Browns) 46.0
Bryan Anger (Texans) 45.9
Jake Bailey (Patriots) 44.9
Colby Wadman (Broncos) 43.8
JK Scott (Packers) 43.7
Bradley Pinion (Buccaneers) 43.5
Ryan Allen (Falcons) 42.7
Corey Borjorquez (Bills) 42.3

College Kicking (10 FG’s or more):
Keith Duncan (Iowa) 29-34 FG’s (Long 49) 25-25 Extra Points
Rodrigo Blankenship (Georgia) 25-31 FG’s (Long 50) 44-44 Extra Points
Sam Sloman (Miami OH) 25-29 FG’s (Long 53) 32-32 Extra Points
Nick Sciba (Wake Forest) 24-25 FG’s (Long 45) 44-44 Extra Points
Matthew Trickett (Kent State) 24-29 FG’s (Long 47) 35-35 Extra Points
Jake Verity (East Carolina) 24-29 FG’s (Long 51) 33-33 Extra Points
Christopher Dunn (NC State) 21-24 FG’s (Long 46) 28-28 Extra Points
Blake Mazza (Washington State) 20-21 FG’s (Long 51) 52-54 Extra Points
Brent Cimaglia (Tennessee) 20-24 FG’s (Long 53) 33-33 Extra Points
Christian Zendejas (Arizona State) 19-23 FG’s (Long 43) 29-30 Extra Points
Peyton Henry (Washington) 18-20 FG’s (Long 49) 44-44 Extra Points
Blake Lynch (Kansas State) 18-20 FG’s (Long 46) 44-44 Extra Points
Brandon Talton (Nevada) 18-22 FG’s (Long 56) 27-28 Extra Points

College Punting (Top 12):
Braden Mann (Texas A&M) 47.8
Jake Camarda (Georgia) 47.4
Dane Roy (Houston) 46.9
Dom Maggio (Wake Forest) 46.8
Austin McNamara (Texas Tech) 45.0
Kyle Thompson (Kansas) 44.5
Tommy Townsend (Florida) 44.5
Cody Grace (Arkansas State) 44.4
Alex Kinney (Colorado) 44.4
Drue Chrisman (Ohio State) 44.1
Blake Maimone (Oregon) 43.9
Jared Porter (ULM) 43.8

Chris Sailer Award Leaders – TOP 8
Jude Kelley (2020, GA) 19-25 FG’s (Long 54, 54) 49-49 Extra Points
Renan Baeta (2021, TX) 17-23 FG’s (Long 48) 48-50 Extra Points
Daniel Gibbs (2021, GA) 17-30 FG’s (Long 54, 54) 29-31 Extra Points
Joshua Karty (2020, NC) 16-21 FG’s (Long 45) 44-48 Extra Points
Carter Brown (2022, TX) 15-16 FG’s (Long 49) 48-51 Extra Points
Cole Becker (2021, CA) 14-15 FG’s (Long 45) 31-31 Extra Points
John Hoyland (2020, CO) 14-16 FG’s (Long 48) 31-31 Extra Points
Owen Daffer (2020, NC) 14-16 FG’s (Long 50) 63-70 Extra Points

High School / Junior College Field Goals (10 or more FG’s):
19-25 Jude Kelley (2021, GA)
15-16 Carter Brown (2022, TX)
14-16 Owen Daffer (2020, NC)
14-16 John Hoyland (2020, CO)
13-14 Quinn Castner (2020, SC)
13-15 Noah Burnette (2020, NC)
13-15 Joshua Click (2021, TX)
13-17 Caleb Bonesteel (2021, GA)
13-18 Jack Tannehill (2020, MS)
13-19 Chase Allen (2020, TX)
13-22 Ethan Spearman (2021, TX)
12-13 Ian Hershey (2022, ID)
12-14 Andy Borregales (2021, FL)
12-15 Kade Hensley (2021, TN)
12-16 David Kemp (2021, KS)
12-17 Cameron Shirkey (2020, OH)
12-19 Britton Williams (2020, GA)
11-12 Tommy Day (2021, TN)
11-12 Garrison Smith (2021, OH)
11-12 Matthew Eich (2021, CO)
11-19 Josh Bryan (2021, CA)
10-11 Jake Gaster (2021, TX)
10-12 Conor Cummins (2021, GA)
10-12 Dillon Fedor (2020, NV)
10-12 Ethan Dutton (2021, SC)
10-13 Arturo Ramirez (2020, TX)
10-13 Jacob Haussermann (2020, OR)
10-13 Oscar Ronquillo (2021, TX)
10-13 Kyler Halvorsen (2021, HI)
10-13 Connor Wood (2021, TN)
10-15 Brayden Blevins (2020, CA)
10-16 Nolan McCord (2020, GA)

50+ Yard Field Goals:
57 – Andy Borregales (2021, FL)
57 – Mitch Jeter (2020, NC)
56 – Andy Borregales (2021, FL)

55 – Mitch Jeter (2020, NC)
55 – Keanu Keolanui (2020, HI)
54 – Jude Kelley (2020, GA)
54 – David Kemp (2021, KS)
53 – Jack Olsen (2020, IL)
53 – Kyler Halvorsen (2021, HI)
53 – Garrison Smith (2021, OH)
53 – Zeke Mata (2020, CA)
53 – Sergio Rubio (2021, TX)
52 – David Kemp (2021, KS)
52 – Holt Cloninger (2020, NC)
52 – Brenden Segovia (2021, CA)
52 – Lucas Dunker (2020, CO)
52 – Dillon Fedor (2020, NV)
52 – Caleb Bonesteel (2021, GA)
51 – Wyatt Redding (2022, WA)
51 – Holt Cloninger (2020, NC)
51 – Noah Burnette (2020, NC)
51 – Noah Burnette (2020, NC)

51 – Riley Sullivan (2022, NC)
50 – Jude Kelley (2020, GA)
50 – Andy Borregales (2021, FL)
50 – Tanner Brown (JC, CA)
50 – Owen Daffer (2020, NC)
50 – Nolan McCord (2020, GA)
50 – Carson Zilmer (2020, AZ)
50 – Kade Hensley (2021, TN)
50 – Easton Jones (2020, NV)
50 – Tanner Cragun (2020, TX)
50 – Owen Daffer (2020, NC)
50 – Lane Gilchrest (2020, AL)
50 – Conor Hunt (2020, HI)
** Bold = Kicker with multiple 50+ Yard FG’s

Punting (Top 10):
48.6 – Ralph Fawaz (2020, OK)
48.0 – Jake Gaster (2021, TX)
47.7 – Graham Nicholson (2021, OH)
47.3 – Jarrett Reeser (2021, CA)
46.6 – Marshall Nichols (2021, GA)
45.3 – Chase Allen (2020, TX)
44.6 – Tanner Nicklas (2020, WA)
44.6 – Tommy Meek (2020, CA)
44.2 – Damon Lewis (2020, CA)
43.3 – Ezra King (2020, GA)
43.2 – Nate Miskella (2020, CA)
43.0 – Trace Hrgich (2021, IL)
43.0 – Arturo Ramirez (2020, TX)
43.0 – Kyler Halvorsen (2021, HI)
42.5 – Jude Kelley (2020, GA)
42.5 – Ben D’Aquilla (2020, CA)

*Stats are submitted personally by individual players or researched via Before any awards are given, stats will be double checked through proper resources.

For more information, visit


Chris Sailer Kicking – Week 8 College Players of the Week, John Barron II & Yanni Routsas Honored!

Each week Chris Sailer Kicking will select College Players of the Week based off of performances from that week only.  Players selected are students of Chris Sailer Kicking and must have attended Chris Sailer Kicking camps or lessons.

Chris Sailer Kicking College Players of the Week:

Week 1: Cole Tracy (LSU) 4-4 Field Goals (Long 54), 3-3 Extra Points
Week 2: Brandon Ruiz (Arizona State) 3-3 Field Goals (Long 49), 1-1 Extra Points, Game Winning Field Goal vs. Michigan State
Week 3: Cameron Dicker (Texas) 3-3 Field Goals (Long 46), 4-4 Extra Points
Week 4: Connor Assalley (Iowa State) 4-4 Field Goals (Long 37) 2-2 Extra Points
Week 5: JJ Molson (UCLA) 3-3 Field Goals (Long 50) 1-1 Extra Points
Week 6: Matthew Trickett (Kent State) 4-4 Field Goals (Long 49) 2-2 Extra Points
Week 7: Cole Tracy (LSU) 5-5 Field Goals (Long 39), 3-3 Extra Points
Week 8: John Barron II (San Diego State) 3-3 Field Goals (Long 51) + Game Winner, 1-1 Extra Points

John Barron II, San Diego State

Week 1: Jake Bailey (Stanford) 48.8 Yard Average on 5 Punts (Long 63)
Week 2: Brandon Wright (Georgia State) 56.3 Yard Average on 4 Punts (Long 65)
Week 3: Tyler Newsome (Notre Dame) 59.6 Yard Average on 5 Punts (Long 63)
Week 4: Braden Mann (Texas A&M) 60.8 Yard Average on 5 Punts (Long 65)
Week 5: Drue Christman (Ohio State) 47.9 Yard Average on 9 Punts (Long 58)
Week 6: Braden Mann (Texas A&M) 59.9 Yard Average on 5 Punts (Long 82)
Week 7: Cody Grace (Arkansas State) 45.5 Yard Average on 7 Punts (Long 62)
Week 8: Yanni Routsas (UTSA) 47.3 Yard Average on 9 Punts (Long 58)

Yanni Routsas, UTSA


50+ Yard Field Goals:
Week 1: Cole Tracy (LSU) 54, Gabriel Rui (Kansas) 54, Daniel LaCamera (Texas A&M) 52, Cole Hedlund (North Texas) 51
Week 2: John Barron II (San Diego State) 52, Cole Tracy (LSU) 50, Tyler Bass (Georgia Southern) 50
Week 3: John Barron II (San Diego State) 54, Nick Madonia (Tennessee Tech) 54
Week 4: Blake Mazza (Washington State) 50, Massimo Biscardi (Coastal Carolina) 50, John Barron II (San Diego State) 50
Week 5: Justin Davidovicz (Rutgers) 52, JJ Molson (UCLA), 50
Week 6: Rodrigo Blankenship (Georgia) 53, Cole Hedlund (North Texas) 52
Week 7: Jose Borregales (FIU) 53, Riley Guay (Vanderbilt) 53, Tyler Sumpter (Troy) 50
Week 8: John Barron II 51

Lou Groza Award Stars of the Week (3 selected each week)
Week 1: Cole Tracy (LSU), Chase McCrath (USC), Cole Hedlund (North Texas)
Week 2: James Sherman (Texas State)
Week 3: Cole Tracy (LSU)
Week 4: Connor Assalley (Iowa State), John Barron II (San Diego State)
Week 5: None
Week 6: Cameron Dicker (Texas)
Week 7: Cole Tracy (LSU)
Week 8: Cole Tracy (LSU), John Barron II (San Diego State)

Stay tuned as each week, Chris Sailer Kicking will update you on Chris Sailer Kicking in College Football!

Check out former Chris Sailer Kicking Kickers that have won the Lou Groza Award!



Chris Sailer Kicking – Stats Leaderboard (NFL, College, Junior College & High School, Sailer Award)

Chris Sailer Kicking – 2018 Leaderboard

NFL, College, Junior College, High School & Sailer Award

Chris Sailer Kicking will update the leader boards as the season goes on:
Last Update: 11/14/18

1. Chris Sailer Kicking NFL Leaderboard
*All NFL kickers/punters that have worked with Chris Sailer Kicking Staff

2. Chris Sailer Kicking College Leaderboard (FBS)
*All 4-year college kickers/punters that have worked with Chris Sailer Kicking Staff

3. Chris Sailer Award Leaderboard
*All high school kickers/punters are eligible for the Chris Sailer Award

4. Chris Sailer Kicking High School & Junior College Leaderboard
*All high school & junior college kickers/punters that have worked with Chris Sailer Kicking Staff

NFL Kicking:
Ka’imi Fairbairn (Texans) 19-22 FG’s (Long 54) 33-34 Extra Points
Dustin Hopkins (Redskins) 17-19 FG’s (Long 56) 17-17 Extra Points
Ryan Succop (Titans) 17-20 FG’s (Long 54) 15-15 Extra Points
Justin Tucker (Ravens) 16-18 FG’s (Long 55) 21-22 Extra Points
Jason Sanders (Dolphins) 15-16 FG’s (Long 50) 20-21 Extra Points
Cody Parkey (Bears) 13-18 FG’s (Long 50) 30-32 Extra Points
Dan Bailey (Vikings) 12-15 FG’s (Long 52) 16-17 Extra Points
Chandler Catanzaro (Bucs) 11-15 FG’s (Long 59) 23-27 Extra Points
Randy Bullock (Bengals) 9-11 FG’s (Long 51) 28-29 Extra Points
Georgio Tavecchio (Falcons) 5-5 FG’s (Long 56) 8-8 Extra Points

NFL Punting:
Drew Kaser (Chargers) 48.4
Ryan Allen (Patriots) 46.3
Corey Borjorquez (Bills) 45.1
JK Scott (Packers) 44.5
Bryan Anger (Buccaneers) 44.5
Tress Way (Redskins) 43.9
Bradley Pinion (49ers) 43.5
Colby Wadman (Broncos) 43.3
Logan Cooke (Jaguars) 42.3
Colton Schmidt (Bills) 40.2

College Kicking (14 FG’s or more):
Cole Tracy (LSU) 22-25 FG’s (Long 54) 27-27 Extra Points
Rodrigo Blankenship (Georgia) 17-19 FG’s (Long 53) 43-43 Extra Points
Christopher Dunn (NC State) 17-20 (Long 44) 32-32 Extra Points
Jake Verity (East Carolina) 16-18 FG’s (Long 52) 21-22 Extra Points
Cole Hedlund (North Texas) 16-19 FG’s (Long 51) 42-44 Extra Points
John Barron II (San Diego State) 16-19 FG’s (Long 54) 22-22 Extra Points
Luke Logan (Mississippi) 16-21 FG’s (Long 40) 43-44 Extra Points
Evan McPherson (Florida) 11-12 FG’s (Long 48) 25-25 Extra Points
Freeman Jones (North Carolina) 16-23 FG’s (Long 49) 24-24 Extra Points
Peyton Henry (Washington) 14-18 FG’s (Long 41) 32-32 Extra Points
Cameron Dicker (Texas) 14-19 FG’s (Long 52) 40-40 Extra Points

College Punting (Top 12):
Braden Mann (Texas A&M) 51.0
Brandon Wright (Georgia State) 48.6
Oscar Draguicevich (Washington State) 47.6
Stefan Flintoft (UCLA) 46.4
Blake Maimone (Oregon) 46.1
Corey Fatony (Missouri) 44.9
Tyler Newsome (Notre Dame) 44.9
Tommy Townsend (Florida) 44.9
Michael Farkas (Ohio) 44.5
Tyler Sumpter (Troy) 44.5
Joe Schopper (Purdue) 44.2
Quinton Conaway (Nevada) 43.8

Chris Sailer Award Leaders (12 or more FG’s)
Jack Olsen (2020, IL) 22-32 FG’s (Long 48) 28-29 Extra Points
Brock Travelstead (2020, GA) 18-19 FG’s (Long 46) 39-39 Extra Points
Ben Greenberg (2019, MN) 15-18 FG’s (Long 38) 36-38 Extra Points
Ryan Fitzgerald (2019, GA) 14-17 FG’s (Long 57, 55, 53, 51) 56-56 Extra Points
Talen Rider (2019, AZ) 14-17 FG’s (Long 49) 45-46 Extra Points
John Grist (2019, TX) 14-19 FG’s (Long 45) 33-34 Extra Points
Bryce Peters (2019, AZ) 13-15 FG’s (long 42) 34-39 Extra Points
Will Ferrin (2019, UT) 13-17 FG’s (Long 45) 16-16 Extra Points
Mark Ramos (2019, TX) 13-20 FG’s (Long 43) 37-28 Extra Points
Nate Gard (2020, IN) 13-20 FG’s (Long 42) 33-34 Extra Points
Collin Smith (2019, NC) 13-18 FG’s (Long 53) 36-38 Extra Points

High School / Junior College Field Goals (10 or more FG’s):
22-32 Jack Olsen (2020, IL)
18-19 Brock Travelstead (2020, GA)
14-17 Ryan Fitzgerald (2019, GA)
13-15 Bryce Peters (2019, AZ)
13-17 Will Ferrin (2019, UT)
13-18 Collin Smith (2019, NC)
12-15 Blake Glessner (2020, WA)
12-16 Zaden Weber (2019, TN)
12-16 Jack Westbrook (2019, GA)
12-19 Kyle Thompson (2019, UT)
11-15 Cory Munson (2019, GA)
11-15 Jimmy Lowery (2019, FL)
11-15 Kevin Aranda (2019, CA)
11-16 Jack Tannehill (2021, MS)
11-18 Matthius Dunn (2019, UT)
10-12 Alex Felkins (2019, OK)
10-13 Jude Kelly (2020, GA)
10-13 Cameron Shirkey (2020, OH)
10-14 Caden Davis (2019, TX)
10-14 Drew Chilcoat (2019, TX)
10-14 Lane Gilchrist (2020, AL)
10-15 Colton Theaker (2019, CA)
10-15 Michael Lantz (2019, GA)
10-17 Luke Barresi (2019, IL)
10-17 Peter Delis (2020, CA)
9-9 JT Turner (2019, MI)
9-12 Will Reichard (2019, AL)
9-13 Noah Burnette (2020, NC)

50+ Yard Field Goals:
57 – Ryan Fitzgerald (2019, GA)
57 – James Williams (2020, GA)
57 – Caden Davis (2019, TX)
55 – Ryan Fitzgerald (2019, GA)
55 – Zaden Weber (2019, TN)
54 – Will Reichard (2019, AL)
54David Kemp (2021, KS)
53 – Ryan Fitzgerald (2019, GA)
53 – Everett Hayes (2019, WA)
53 – Bijan Nichols (2019, TX)
53 – Zeke Mata (2020, CA)
53 – Noah Rauschenberg (2019, OK)
53 – Collin Smith (2019, NC)
53 – Cory Munson (2019, GA)
53 – Tommy Christakos (2020, AZ)
52 – Brody Patty (2019, TX)
52 – Brody Patty (2019, TX)
52 – Camden Lewis (2019, NC)
52 – Noah Burnette (2020, NC)
52 – Jared Wheatley (2019, NC)
52 – Colton Theaker (2019, CA)
52 – Zach Hoban (2019, NJ)
52 – Holt Cloninger (2020, NC)
52 – Holt Cloninger (2020, NC)
51 – Zach Hoban (2019, NJ)
51 – Holt Cloninger (2020, NC)
51 – Ryan Fitzgerald (2019, GA)
51 – Jude Kelley (2020, GA)
51 – Jackson Passey (2019, AZ)
50 – David Kemp (2021, KS)
50 – Jason Stricker (2019, NC)
50 – Jason Stricker (2019, NC)
50 – Bert Auburn (2021, TX)
50 – Michael Lantz (2019, GA)
50 – Conor Hunt (2020, HI)
50 – Drew Chilcoat (2019, TX)
50 – Grant Ross (2019, MO)

** Bold = Kicker with multiple 50+ Yard FG’s

Punting (Top 10):
45.1 – Jay Bramblett (2019, AL)
44.7 – Porter Wilson (2019, OH)
44.0 – Jake Marion (2021, NC)
43.9 – Nolan Parris (2019, NC)
43.7 – Matthew Eich (2021, CO)
43.2 – Sam Hogan (2019, NY)
43.0 – Brock Travelstead (2020, GA)
42.3 – Jude Kelly (2020, GA)
42.2 – John McConnell (2021, WV)
42.1 – Asa Kempton (2019, OH)
42.0 – Carson Olivas (JC, CA)

*Stats are submitted personally by individual players or researched via Before any awards are given, stats will be double checked through proper resources.

For more information, visit


STATS…. Chris Sailer Kicking – 2017 NFL, College, TOP 12, Event Elite, High School, Sailer Award Leaderboard

Chris Sailer Kicking – 2017 Leaderboard

NFL, College, TOP 12 & Event Elite, High School, Sailer Award

Chris Sailer Kicking will update the leader boards as the season goes on:
Last Update: 12/6/17

1. Chris Sailer Kicking NFL Leaderboard
*All NFL kickers/punters that have worked with Chris Sailer Kicking Staff

2. Chris Sailer Kicking College Leaderboard (D1)
*All 4-year college kickers/punters that have worked with Chris Sailer Kicking Staff

3. Chris Sailer Kicking “TOP 12″ & “Event Elite”
*Chris Sailer Kicking students that were selected as the nation’s very best in LAS VEGAS in 2017

4. Chris Sailer Award Leaderboard
*All high school kickers/punters are eligible for the Chris Sailer Award

5. Chris Sailer Kicking High School & Junior College Leaderboard
*All high school & junior college kickers/punters that have worked with Chris Sailer Kicking Staff

NFL Kicking:
Justin Tucker (Ravens) 26-29 FG’s (Long 57) 26-26 Extra Points
Ryan Succop (Titans) 26-31 FG’s (Long 52) 26-27 Extra Points
Kai Forbath (Vikings) 24-28 FG’s (Long 53) 25-30 Extra Points
Chandler Catanzaro (Jets) 21-25 FG’s (Long 57) 27-27 Extra Points
Ka’imi Fairbairn (Texans) 17-21 FG’s (Long 50) 29-31 Extra Points
Blair Walsh (Seahawks) 19-25 FG’s (Long 49) 27-28 Extra Points
Randy Bullock (Bengals) 13-15 FG’s (Long 49) 23-25 Extra Points
Cody Parkey (Dolphins) 13-15 FG’s (Long 54) 20-23 Extra Points
Giorgio Tavecchio (Raiders) 13-16 FG’s (Long 53) 28-29 Extra Points
Dustin Hopkins (Redskins) 9-11 FG’s (Long 48) 12-13 Extra Points
Dan Bailey (Cowboys) 8-8 FG’s (Long 56) 21-21 Extra Points
Nick Folk (Buccaneers) 6-11 FG’s (Long 50) 7-9 Extra Points
Travis Coons (Chargers) 4-5 FG’s (Long 40) 1-1 Extra Points

NFL Punting:
Drew Kaser (Chargers) 48.5
Colton Schmidt (Bills) 45.3
Brad Nortman (Jaguars) 44.8
Tress Way (Redskins) 44.7
Bradley Pinion (49ers) 43.5
Bryan Anger (Buccaneers) 43.1
Ryan Allen (Patriots) 42.6
Jeff Locke (Lions) 42.2

College Kicking (17 FG or more):
Jameson Vest (Toledo) 25-30 FG’s (Long 49) 56-58 Extra Points
Jonathan Barnes (Louisiana Tech) 22-29 FG’s (Long 53) 37-40 Extra Points
Austin MacGinnis (Kentucky) 21-27 (Long 53), 34-34 Extra Points
Jet Toner (Stanford) 20-24 FG’s (Long 46) 50-50 Extra Points
Matt Anderson (CAL) 20-27 (Long 52) 35-36 Extra Points
Cole Murphy (Syracuse) 20-27 FG’s (Long 53) 34-35 Extra Points
Erik Powell (Washington State) 19-23 FG’s (Long 56) 44-45 Extra Points
Brandon Ruiz (Arizona State) 18-25 FG’s (Long 52) 45-46 Extra Points
Eddy Pineiro (Florida) 17-18 FG’s (Long 50) 24-26 Extra Points
Daniel LaCamera (Texas A&M) 17-20 FG’s (Long 52) 44-45 Extra Points
Gabriel Rui (Kansas) 17-20 FG’s (Long 50) 23-23 Extra Points
Garrett Owens (Iowa State) 17-21 (Long 45) 42-42 Extra Points
Gary Wunderlich (Mississippi) 17-21 (Long 49) 34-36 Extra Points

College Punting (Top 10):
Corey Bojorquez (New Mexico) 47.3
Ryan Stonehouse (Colorado State) 46.8
Shane Tripucka (Texas A&M) 46.1
Michael Carrizosa (San Jose State) 45.6|
Drew Galitz (Baylor) 45.2
Jake Bailey (Stanford) 45.1
Hunter Lent (North Carolina) 44.9
Cade Coffey (Idaho) 44.6
Corey Fatony (Missouri) 44.5
Brandon Wright (Georgia State) 44.4

TOP 12 & EVENT ELITE (High School/JC)
Field Goals:
13-13 Jonah Lipel (2018, CA)
13-17 Cameron Dicker (2018, TX)
13-19 Mitchell Fineran (2018, GA)
12-17 BT Potter (2018, SC)
11-16 Andrew Rodriguez (JC, CA)
10-12 Dylan Williams (2018, CA)
10-15 Brayden Narveson (2018, AZ)
10-19 Ajay Culhane (2018, CA)
9-10 Chris Kessler (2018, TX)
9-11 Caleb Griffin (2018, IL)
9-12 Campbell Geddes (2018, CA)
9-13 Issac Power (2018, CO)
9-16 George Triplett (2018, WV)
8-11 Nick Sciba (2018, SC)
8-13 Dylan Brady (2018, CA)
8-15 Carson Garrett (2019, TX)
8-17 Chris Dunn (2018, NC)
7-9 Derek Ng (2018, NV)
7-14 Jake Camarda (2018, GA)
6-7 Gabe Boring (2018, TN)
6-8 John Mayers (2018, TX)
6-9 Evan McPherson (2018, AL)
6-9 Quentin Wallace (2018, IL)
5-5 Matt Jaeger (2018, MN)
5-6 Clayton Stewart (2018, TX)
5-6 Jacob Meeks (2018, TX)
5-9 Michael Lantz (2019, GA)
4-6 Cody Williams (2018, CA)
4-8 Charles Campbell (2018, TN)
3-5 Camden Lewis (2019, NC)
2-2 Nick Mihalic (2018, IL)
1-2 Thomas Burks (2018, TN)

Longest Field Goals:
60 – Evan McPherson (2018, AL)
58 – Brayden Narveson (2018, AZ)
58 – Issac Power (2018, CO)
57 – Chris Dunn (2018, NC)
55 – Jake Camarda (2018, GA)
55 – Dylan Brady (2018, CA)
54 – Mitchell Fineran (2018, GA)
53 – Cameron Dicker (2018, TX)
51 – Charles Campbell (2018, TN)
50 – Michael Lantz (2019, GA)
49 – Clayton Stewart (2018, TX)
49 – Dylan Williams (2018, CA)
48 – Caleb Griffin (2018, IL)
48 – Gabe Boring (2018, TN)
47 – Camden Lewis (2019, NC)
47 – Andrew Rodriguez (JC, CA)
46 – Carson Garrett (2019, TX)
45 – BT Potter (2018, SC)
45 – Cody Williams (2018, CA)
45 – George Triplett (2018, WV)
43 – Jonah Lipel (2018, CA)
42 – Jacob Meeks (2018, TX)
41 – Nick Mihalic (2018, IL)
40 – Campbell Geddes (2018, CA)
40 – Nick Sciba (2018, SC)
39 – Chris Kessler (2018, TX)
38 – Matt Jaeger (2018, MN)
37 – Derek Ng (2018, NV)
37 – John Mayers (2018, TX)
33 – Quentin Wallace (2018, IL)
21 – Thomas Burks (2018, TN)

Extra Points:
81-87 Derek Ng (2018, NV)
80-81 Mitchell Fineran (2018, GA)
69-69 Dylan Williams (2018, CA)
68-69 Cody Williams (2018, CA)
67-69 Cameron Dicker (2018, TX)
55-57 Chris Kessler (2018, TX)
52-52 Thomas Burks (2018, TN)
50-52 Caleb Griffin (2018, IL)
50-54 Issac Power (2018, CO)
43-44 Jacob Meeks (2018, TX)
41-44 Jonah Lipel (2018, CA)
40-42 BT Potter (2018, SC)
40-42 Quentin Wallace (2018, IL)
40-43 Brayden Narveson (2018, AZ)
29-30 Nick Sciba (2018, SC)
29-32 George Triplett (2018, WV)
25-26 Carson Garrett (2019, TX)
25-28 Michael Lantz (2019, GA)
22-24 Matt Jaeger (2018, MN)
21-21 John Mayers (2018, TX)
21-24 Charles Campbell (2018, TN)
20-21 Dylan Brady (2018, CA)
20-24 Clayton Stewart (2018, TX)
13-13 Andrew Rodriguez (JC, CA)
10-10 Chris Dunn (2018, NC)
10-10 Nick Mihalic (2018, IL)
10-11 Evan McPherson (2018, AL)
6-6 Gabe Boring (2018, TN)
4-4 Jake Camarda (2018, GA)

Kickoff Distance Average:
70.7 – Issac Power (2018, CO)
70.0 – BT Potter (2018, SC)
70.0 – Jonah Lipel (2018, CA)
70.0 – Charles Campbell (2018, TN)
70.0 – Prominence Akubuo-Onwuemeka(JC, CA)
69.5 – Dylan Brady (2018, CA)
68.0 – Evan McPherson (2018, AL)
68.0 – Gabe Boring (2018, TN)
67.2 – Andrew Rodriguez (JC, CA)
67.0 – Quentin Wallace (2018, IL)
67.0 – Thomas Burks (2018, TN)
67.0 – John Mayers (2018, TX)
67.0 – Jacob Meeks (2018, TX)
66.8 – Mitchell Fineran (2018, GA)
66.5 – Chris Dunn (2018, NC)
66.3 – George Triplett (2018, WV)
66.0 – Cody Williams (2018, CA)
65.0 – Clayton Stewart (2018, TX)
65.0 – Campbell Geddes (2018, CA)
65.0 – Chris Kessler (2018, TX)
65.0 – Nick Sciba (2018, SC)
65.0 – Nick Mihalic (2018, IL)
65.0 – Carson Garrett (2019, TX)
65.0 – Dylan Williams (2018, CA)
64.0 – Derek Ng (2018, NV)
63.0 – Brayden Narveson (2018, AZ)
62.4 – Cameron Dicker (2018, TX)
61.0 – Matt Jaeger (2018, MN)
58.5 – Caleb Griffin (2018, IL)

Punt Distance Average:
46.5 – Jake Camarda (2018, GA)
46.0 – George Triplett (2018, WV)
46.0 – Evan McPherson (2018, AL)
45.8 – Gabe Boring (2018, TN)
44.6 – Cade Pollard (2018, TX)
44.0 – Chris Kessler (2018, TX)
43.0 – Thomas Burks (2018, TN)
42.5 – Dylan Williams (2018, CA)
42.3 – Chris Dunn (2018, NC)
42.0 – BT Potter (2018, SC)
42.0 – Brayden Narveson (2018, AZ)
41.7 – Porter Wilson (2019, OH)
41.6 – Chris Van Eekeran (2019, IN)
41.5 – Adam Krause (2018, IL)
41.3 – Issac Power (2018, CO)
41.1 – Cody Williams (2018, CA)
40.6 – Charles Campbell (2018, TN)
40.3 – Cameron Dicker (2018, TX)
40.0 – Nick Mihalic (2018, IL)
40.0 – Nick Sciba (2018, SC)
40.0 – Carson Garrett (2019, TX)
40.0 – Prominence Akubuo-Onwuemeka(JC, CA)
39.5 – Caleb Griffin (2018, IL)
39.4 – Clayton Stewart (2018, TX)
39.0 – Dylan Brady (2018, CA)
38.0 – Campbell Geddes (2018, CA)
37.5 – Andrew Rodriguez (JC, CA)
35.4 – Matt Jaeger (2018, MN)
34.0 – Derek Ng (2018, NV)
33.0 – John Mayers (2018, TX)
32.0 – Jonah Lipel (2018, CA)

Chris Sailer Award Leaders (Top 10)
Griffin Cera (2018, FL) 19-24 FG’s (Long 48) 46-51 Extra Points
Ryan Fitzgerald (2019, GA) 18-25 FG’s (Long 60, 52) 49-49 Extra Points
Conor MacDougall (2018, NC) 17-19 FG’s (Long 43) 30-30 Extra Points
Cory Munson (2019, GA) 17-23 FG’s (Long 59) 20-24 Extra Points
Fernando Ramirez (2018, GA) 15-16 FG’s (Long 44) 52-52 Extra Points
Caden Davis (2019, TX) 15-21 FG’s (Long 51) 63-65 Extra Points
Andrew Stein (2019, LA) 15-22 FG’s (Long 49) 23-24 Extra Points
Parker Colburn (2019, AL) 14-15 FG’s (Long 49) 68-69 Extra Points
Carter Raupach (2018, PA) 14-16 FG’s (Long 40) 41-45 Extra Points
Jonah Lipel (2018, CA) 13-13 FG’s (Long 43) 41-44 Extra Points
Cameron Dicker (2018, TX) 13-17 FG’s (Long 53) 67-69 Extra Points

High School / Junior College Field Goals (11 or more FG’s):
18-25 Ryan Fitzgerald (2019, GA)
17-21 Cooper Garcia (JC, CA)
17-19 Conor MacDougall (2018, NC)
15-21 Caden Davis (2019, TX)
13-13 Jonah Lipel (2018, CA)
13-14 Dylan Schorr (2018, GA)
13-16 Peter Delis (2020, CA)
13-17 Cameron Dicker (2018, TX)
13-19 Mitchell Fineran (2018, GA)
12-13 Jackson Likens (2018, KS)
12-14 Victor Karam (2018, IL)
12-14 Jack Morrell (2018, CA)
12-15 Grant Gonya (2018, OH)
12-16 Robert Brown (2018, NC)
12-17 BT Potter (2018, SC)
11-13 Jack Martin (2018, AL)
11-13 Grant Ennis (2019, AR)
11-13 Bryce Christensen (2018, GA)
11-14 Evan Price (2018, CO)
11-14 Drew Byus (2018, GA)
11-14 Jeremiah Kim (2019, NC)
11-14 DJ Del Fierro (2019, CA)
11-16 Andrew Rodriguez (JC, CA)
11-16 Cole Johnson (2019, AZ)
11-20 Scott Goodman (2018, MS)

50+ Yard Field Goals:
60 – Evan McPherson (2018, AL)
60 – Ryan Fitzgerald (2019, GA)

58 – Brayden Narveson (2018, AZ)
58 – Issac Power (2018, CO)
57 – Chris Dunn (2018, NC)
56 – Blair Zepeda (2018, TX)
55 – Jake Camarda (2018, GA)
55 – Dylan Brady (2018, CA)
54 – Evan Price (2018, CO)
54 – Mitchell Fineran (2018, GA)
54 – Evan McPherson (2018, AL)
53 – Cameron Dicker (2018, TX)
52 – Jake Camarda (2018, GA)
52 – Jake Camarda (2018, GA)
52 – Bryson Porzenski (2018, NC)
52 – Ryan Fitzgerald (2019, GA)
51 – Charles Campbell (2018, TN)
51 – Cole Johnson (2019, AZ)
52 – Evan Price (2018, CO)
52 – Michael Bobak (2018, PA)
51 – Brayden Narveson (2018, AZ)
51 – Bryson Porzenski (2018, NC)
51 – Blair Zepeda (2018, TX)
51 – Bryce Jones (2018, GA)
51 – Cole Johnson (2019, AZ)
51 – Jason Stricker (2019, NC)
51 – Caden Davis (2019, TX)
50 – Mitchell Fineran (2018, GA)
50 – Mitchell Fineran (2018, GA)
50 – Brayden Narveson (2018, AZ)
50 – Sean Henderson (2018, GA)
50 – Sean Henderson (2018, GA)
50 – Ben Freehill (2019, IN)
50 – Michael Lantz (2019, GA)
50 – John Brosnahan (2018, NC)
50 – Stephen Ruiz (2018, IL)
50 – Neal Koskay (2019, TX)
50 – Patrick Markwalter (2019, GA)

** Bold = Kicker with multiple 50+ Yard FG’s

Punting (Top 12):
48.0 – Gabe Boring (2018, TN)
48.0 – George Georgopolous (2018, SC)
46.5 – Jake Camarda (2018, GA)
46.2 – Preston Pitt (2018, UT)
46.0 – George Triplett (2018, WV)
46.0 – Evan McPherson (2018, AL)
46.0 – Brandon Petruescu (2019, CA)
44.6 – Cade Pollard (2018, TX)
44.5 – Bryson Porzenski (2018, NC)
44.0 – Chris Kessler (2018, TX)
44.0 – Sam Hogan (2019, NY)
43.5 – Bryce Christensen (2018, GA)
43.4 –  Joanly Martinez (2018, TX)
43.3 – Adam Barry (2018, KY)
43.6 – Brian Barber (2019, LA)
43.2 – Nate Craft (2018, VA)

*Stats are submitted personally by individual players or researched via Before any awards are given, stats will be double checked through proper resources.

For more information, visit


STATS…. Chris Sailer Kicking – 2017 NFL, College, TOP 12, Event Elite, High School, Sailer Award Leaderboard

Chris Sailer Kicking – 2017 Leaderboard

NFL, College, TOP 12 & Event Elite, High School, Sailer Award

Chris Sailer Kicking will update the leader boards as the season goes on:
Last Update: 10/24/17

1. Chris Sailer Kicking NFL Leaderboard
*All NFL kickers/punters that have worked with Chris Sailer Kicking Staff

2. Chris Sailer Kicking College Leaderboard (D1)
*All 4-year college kickers/punters that have worked with Chris Sailer Kicking Staff

3. Chris Sailer Kicking “TOP 12″ & “Event Elite”
*Chris Sailer Kicking students that were selected as the nation’s very best in LAS VEGAS in 2017

4. Chris Sailer Award Leaderboard
*All high school kickers/punters are eligible for the Chris Sailer Award

5. Chris Sailer Kicking High School & Junior College Leaderboard
*All high school & junior college kickers/punters that have worked with Chris Sailer Kicking Staff

NFL Kicking:
Ryan Succop (Titans) 20-22 FG’s (Long 56) 21-21 Extra Points
Kai Forbath (Vikings) 17-18 FG’s (Long 53) 11-14 Extra Points
Justin Tucker (Ravens) 13-15 FG’s (Long 57) 11-11 Extra Points
Chandler Catanzaro (Jets) 11-13 FG’s (Long 57) 14-14 Extra Points
Ka’imi Fairbairn (Texans) 10-10 FG’s (Long 50) 15-17 Extra Points
Blair Walsh (Seahawks) 10-11 FG’s (Long 49) 12-13 Extra Points
Giorgio Tavecchio (Raiders) 10-12 FG’s (Long 52) 17-18 Extra Points
Dustin Hopkins (Redskins) 9-11 FG’s (Long 48) 12-13 Extra Points
Cody Parkey (Dolphins) 8-8 FG’s (Long 54) 8-10 Extra Points
Dan Bailey (Cowboys) 7-7 FG’s (Long 48) 16-16 Extra Points
Randy Bullock (Bengals) 7-8 FG’s (Long 46) 11-11 Extra Points
Nick Folk (Buccaneers) 6-11 FG’s (Long 50) 7-9 Extra Points

NFL Punting:
Drew Kaser (Chargers) 50.3
Colton Schmidt (Bills) 46.2
Jeff Locke (Lions) 45.3
Tress Way (Redskins) 45.2
Bradley Pinion (49ers) 44.8
Brad Nortman (Jaguars) 44.6
Bryan Anger (Buccaneers) 43.9
Ryan Allen (Patriots) 43.1

College Kicking (Top 10):
Cole Murphy (Syracuse) 16-18 FG’s (Long 53) 23-24 Extra Points
Jameson Vest (Toledo) 16-19 FG’s (Long 49) 26-27 Extra Points
Daniel LaCamera (Texas A&M) 14-16 FG’s (Long 52) 25-25 Extra Points
Jonathan Barnes (Louisiana Tech) 14-19 FG’s (Long 52) 19-22 Extra Points
Erik Powell (Washington State) 13-15 FG’s (Long 52) 32-32 Extra Points
Andy Pappanastos (Alabama) 13-16 FG’s (Long 46) 42-42 Extra Points
Austin MacGinnis (Kentucky) 13-18 (Long 53), 19-19 Extra Points
Jet Toner (Stanford) 12-13 FG’s (Long 46) 33-33 Extra Points
Canon Rooker (Middle Tennessee State) 11-13 FG’s (Long 50) 16-17 Extra Points
John Barron II (San Diego State) 11-13 FG’s (Long 43) 25-25 Extra Points

College Punting (Top 10):
Ryan Stonehouse (Colorado State) 48.7
Corey Bojorquez (New Mexico) 47.8
Cade Coffey (Idaho) 47.0
Shane Tripucka (Texas A&M) 46.2
Corey Fatony (Missouri) 46.1
Logan Cooke (Mississippi State) 45.6
Drew Galitz (Baylor) 45.2
Tyler Newsome (Notre Dame) 45.0
Blake Gillikin (Penn State) 44.5
Joseph Davidson (Bowling Green) 44.5

TOP 12 & EVENT ELITE (High School/JC)
Field Goals:
11-16 Andrew Rodriguez (JC, CA)
10-13 BT Potter (2018, SC)
10-13 Cameron Dicker (2018, TX)
9-9 Jonah Lipel (2018, CA)
7-9 Carson Garrett (2019, TX)
7-9 Campbell Geddes (2018, CA)
7-10 Nick Sciba (2018, SC)
7-11 Jake Camarda (2018, GA)
6-9 Evan McPherson (2018, AL)
6-11 George Triplett (2018, WV)
5-5 Gabe Boring (2018, TN)
5-5 Matt Jaeger (2018, MN)
5-6 Clayton Stewart (2018, TX)
5-6 Jacob Meeks (2018, TX)
5-9 Brayden Narveson (2018, AZ)
5-9 Michael Lantz (2019, GA)
4-5 Caleb Griffin (2018, IL)
4-6 Issac Power (2018, CO)
4-7 Mitchell Fineran (2018, GA)
4-8 Charles Campbell (2018, TN)
3-3 Derek Ng (2018, NV)
3-4 Quentin Wallace (2018, IL)
3-5 John Mayers (2018, TX)
3-5 Chris Dunn (2018, NC)
3-5 Camden Lewis (2019, NC)
2-2 Dylan Williams (2018, CA)
2-2 Nick Mihalic (2018, IL)
2-3 Chris Kessler (2018, TX)
2-4 Dylan Brady (2018, CA)
2-4 Cody Williams (2018, CA)
1-2 Thomas Burks (2018, TN)

Longest Field Goals:
60 – Evan McPherson (2018, AL)
58 – Brayden Narveson (2018, AZ)
58 – Issac Power (2018, CO)
55 – Jake Camarda (2018, GA)
55 – Dylan Brady (2018, CA)
53 – Cameron Dicker (2018, TX)
51 – Charles Campbell (2018, TN)
50 – Michael Lantz (2019, GA)
49 – Clayton Stewart (2018, TX)
48 – Caleb Griffin (2018, IL)
48 – Gabe Boring (2018, TN)
47 – Andrew Rodriguez (JC, CA)
46 – Carson Garrett (2019, TX)
45 – BT Potter (2018, SC)
45 – Mitchell Fineran (2018, GA)
43 – Jonah Lipel (2018, CA)
42 – Dylan Williams (2018, CA)
42 – Jacob Meeks (2018, TX)
41 – Chris Dunn (2018, NC)
41 – George Triplett (2018, WV)
41 – Nick Mihalic (2018, IL)
40 – Campbell Geddes (2018, CA)
40 – Nick Sciba (2018, SC)
39 – Chris Kessler (2018, TX)
38 – Matt Jaeger (2018, MN)
37 – Derek Ng (2018, NV)
37 – John Mayers (2018, TX)
35 – Cody Williams (2018, CA)
33 – Quentin Wallace (2018, IL)
21 – Thomas Burks (2018, TN)

Extra Points:
52-52 Thomas Burks (2018, TN)
43-43 Cody Williams (2018, CA)
40-42 BT Potter (2018, SC)
35-35 Dylan Williams (2018, CA)
32-32 Cameron Dicker (2018, TX)
32-33 Jonah Lipel (2018, CA)
29-30 Nick Sciba (2018, SC)
29-31 Caleb Griffin (2018, IL)
28-29 Issac Power (2018, CO)
28-31 Derek Ng (2018, NV)
27-27 Jacob Meeks (2018, TX)
26-27 Quentin Wallace (2018, IL)
25-26 Carson Garrett (2019, TX)
25-28 Michael Lantz (2019, GA)
22-24 Matt Jaeger (2018, MN)
21-24 Charles Campbell (2018, TN)
20-21 Dylan Brady (2018, CA)
20-24 Clayton Stewart (2018, TX)
19-21 Brayden Narveson (2018, AZ)
17-17 John Mayers (2018, TX)
15-15 Mitchell Fineran (2018, GA)
15-15 George Triplett (2018, WV)
13-13 Andrew Rodriguez (JC, CA)
10-10 Chris Dunn (2018, NC)
10-10 Nick Mihalic (2018, IL)
10-11 Evan McPherson (2018, AL)
6-6 Gabe Boring (2018, TN)
4-4 Jake Camarda (2018, GA)

Kickoff Distance Average:
71.0 – Issac Power (2018, CO)
70.0 – BT Potter (2018, SC)
70.0 – Jonah Lipel (2018, CA)
70.0 – Charles Campbell (2018, TN)
70.0 – Prominence Akubuo-Onwuemeka(JC, CA)
69.5 – Dylan Brady (2018, CA)
68.0 – Evan McPherson (2018, AL)
68.0 – Gabe Boring (2018, TN)
67.5 – Brayden Narveson (2018, AZ)
67.2 – Andrew Rodriguez (JC, CA)
67.0 – Thomas Burks (2018, TN)
67.0 – John Mayers (2018, TX)
67.0 – Jacob Meeks (2018, TX)
66.5 – Chris Dunn (2018, NC)
66.1 – George Triplett (2018, WV)
65.5 – Quentin Wallace (2018, IL)
65.0 – Mitchell Fineran (2018, GA)
65.0 – Clayton Stewart (2018, TX)
65.0 – Campbell Geddes (2018, CA)
65.0 – Chris Kessler (2018, TX)
65.0 – Nick Mihalic (2018, IL)
65.0 – Carson Garrett (2019, TX)
65.0 – Caleb Griffin (2018, IL)
64.7 – Cody Williams (2018, CA)
64.3 – Cameron Dicker (2018, TX)
63.0 – Dylan Williams (2018, CA)
61.0 – Matt Jaeger (2018, MN)
60.8 – Nick Sciba (2018, SC)
59.0 – Derek Ng (2018, NV)

Punt Distance Average:
46.5 – Jake Camarda (2018, GA)
46.0 – Evan McPherson (2018, AL)
45.8 – Gabe Boring (2018, TN)
44.6 – George Triplett (2018, WV)
44.6 – Cade Pollard (2018, TX)
44.0 – Chris Kessler (2018, TX)
43.0 – Thomas Burks (2018, TN)
42.5 – Dylan Williams (2018, CA)
42.0 – BT Potter (2018, SC)
42.0 – Brayden Narveson (2018, AZ)
41.7 – Porter Wilson (2019, OH)
41.6 – Chris Van Eekeran (2019, IN)
41.5 – Adam Krause (2018, IL)
41.5 – Issac Power (2018, CO)
41.0 – Cody Williams (2018, CA)
40.6 – Charles Campbell (2018, TN)
40.0 – Nick Mihalic (2018, IL)
40.0 – Nick Sciba (2018, SC)
40.0 – Carson Garrett (2019, TX)
40.0 – Prominence Akubuo-Onwuemeka(JC, CA)
39.6 – Chris Dunn (2018, NC)
39.5 – Caleb Griffin (2018, IL)
39.4 – Clayton Stewart (2018, TX)
39.0 – Dylan Brady (2018, CA)
38.7 – Cameron Dicker (2018, TX)
38.0 – Campbell Geddes (2018, CA)
37.5 – Andrew Rodriguez (JC, CA)
35.4 – Matt Jaeger (2018, MN)
33.4 – Derek Ng (2018, NV)
33.0 – John Mayers (2018, TX)
32.0 – Jonah Lipel (2018, CA)

Chris Sailer Award Leaders (Top 10)
Cory Munson (2019, GA) 15-21 FG’s (Long 59) 15-19 Extra Points
Fernando Ramirez (2018, GA) 13-14 FG’s (Long 44) 34-34 Extra Points
Carter Raupach (2018, PA) 12-13 FG’s (Long 40) 34-38 Extra Points
Connor MacDougall (2018, NC) 12-14 FG’s (Long 42) 23-23 Extra Points
Ben Norton (2018, IN) 12-14 FG’s (Long 48) 15-15 Extra Points
Bryce Louters (2018, CA) 12-16 (Long 47) 23-26 Extra Points
Dylan Schorr (2018, GA) 11-12 FG’s (Long 44) 24-25 Extra Points
Ethan Van Buskirk (2018, PA) 11-14 FG’s (Long 49) 29-30 Extra Points
Connor Davis (2018, FL) 11-14 FG’s (Long 52) 21-21 Extra Points
Ryan Fitzgerald (2019, GA) 11-15 FG’s (Long 52) 28-28 Extra Points

High School / Junior College Field Goals (9 or more FG’s):
11-12 Dylan Schorr (2018, GA)
11-15 Ryan Fitzgerald (2019, GA)
11-16 Andrew Rodriguez (JC, CA)
10-11 Grant Gonya (2018, OH)
10-11 Jack Morrell (2018, CA)
10-12 Bryce Christensen (2018, GA)
10-13 BT Potter (2018, SC)
10-13 Cameron Dicker (2018, TX)
10-13 Cole Johnson (2019, AZ)
10-14 Caden Davis (2019, TX)
10-16 Bryson Porzenski (2018, NC)
9-9 Jonah Lipel (2018, CA)
9-10 Evan Price (2018, CO)
9-12 Robert Brown (2018, NC)
9-13 Stephen Ruiz (2018, IL)

50+ Yard Field Goals:
60 – Evan McPherson (2018, AL)

58 – Brayden Narveson (2018, AZ)
58 – Issac Power (2018, CO)
55 – Jake Camarda (2018, GA)
55 – Dylan Brady (2018, CA)
54 – Evan McPherson (2018, AL)
53 – Cameron Dicker (2018, TX)
52 – Jake Camarda (2018, GA)
52 – Jake Camarda (2018, GA)
52 – Bryson Porzenski (2018, NC)
52 – Ryan Fitzgerald (2019, GA)
51 – Charles Campbell (2018, TN)
54 – Evan Price (2018, CO)
52 – Evan Price (2018, CO)
52 – Michael Bobak (2018, PA)
51 – Brayden Narveson (2018, AZ)
51 – Bryson Porzenski (2018, NC)
51 – Blair Zepeda (2018, TX)
51 – Bryce Jones (2018, GA)
51 – Cole Johnson (2019, AZ)
51 – Caden Davis (2019, TX)
50 – Sean Henderson (2018, GA)
50 – Sean Henderson (2018, GA)
50 – Ben Freehill (2019, IN)
50 – Michael Lantz (2019, GA)
50 – John Brosnahan (2018, NC)
50 – Stephen Ruiz (2018, IL)
50 – Neal Koskay (2019, TX)

** Bold = Kicker with multiple 50+ Yard FG’s

Punting (Top 12):
48.0 – Gabe Boring (2018, TN)
46.5 – Jake Camarda (2018, GA)
46.2 – Preston Pitt (2018, UT)
46.0 – Evan McPherson (2018, AL)
46.0 – Brandon Petruescu (2019, CA)
44.6 – George Triplett (2018, WV)
44.6 – Cade Pollard (2018, TX)
44.5 – Bryson Porzenski (2018, NC)
44.0 – Chris Kessler (2018, TX)
43.5 – Bryce Christensen (2018, GA)
43.4 –  Joanly Martinez (2018, TX)
43.3 – Adam Barry (2018, KY)

*Stats are submitted personally by individual players or researched via Before any awards are given, stats will be double checked through proper resources.

For more information, visit


It’s Almost Spring & You’re a 2017 Kicker/Punter, Now What?

This is easily one of the top questions I get from senior Kickers/Punters and/or their parents. Here are the answers:

  1. You should definitely be at Chris Sailer Kicking Camp to stay sharp, focused, continue to learn how to handle pressure and show absolute dominance.
  2. If you are uncommitted, read THIS and THIS and get yourself ready for VEGAS 30 for a final push at exposure.
  3. If you are committed, you need to push yourself even harder. Dominate every camp. Commit yourself to not being stagnant.

All seniors and their parents need to remember, while you still have some time left in high school, colleges and their football programs aren’t stopping to wait for you. They have several Kickers & Punters on their roster and they already hate you for even thinking you will attempt to take their jobs come the summer time. (Fast forward a few years and think about how you will feel being on the other side)

I have done this many times and  have seen countless senior Kickers & Punters coast through their senior year only to find a nice spot on the bench come fall. Coaches call me continuously asking how the Kickers & Punters that they recruited are doing. Needless to say, they are not happy when I tell them “Oh, I haven’t seen him since VEGAS XXIX”!

The senior Kickers & Punters that keep working and attending camps are the ones that start.  It’s like clockwork.

Never rest and never stop improving seniors. See you soon!

To be the best, train & compete with the best!


Recruiting Simplified

Recruiting is full of ups and downs, full of emotional highs and lows, full of stress… but ultimately the prize at the end of the process will be well worth it…. IF you handle the process correctly.

Here is a guide for Kickers & Punters , in its simplest for, to live by.

Freshman Year:
– Focus on getting better (Lessons, Camps, Vegas, Underclassmen Invitational).

Sophomore Year:
– Focus on getting better (Lessons, Camps, Vegas, Underclassmen Invitational).
– Attend 1 or max 2 college camps simply for experience.

Junior Year:
– Focus on getting better (Lessons).
– Dominate competition (Camps, Vegas, TOP 12 Camp, FBU Top Gun, College Camps).

Senior Year:
– Focus on getting better (Lessons).
– Dominate competition (Camps, Vegas).
– Be patient.  Recruiting does not end on signing date (NLOI) in February. Recruiting ends in August once Fall Camps begin.
– Realize that lessons and camps do not end once you commit, in fact they are just as important or even more important.  Those who continue to stay focused will be ready for college.  Those who don’t, will sit on the bench in college. Attend regional camps, attend Vegas, attend the CSK College Camp that summer.

If you are not committed by signing day (NLOI) here are some tools to use to find the right college fit:
– You are part of the majority, not the minority.  Take a look: 2017 Rankings as of 3/1/17
– Every college will take 1 Kicker and 1 Punter per year on average.  There are hundreds of colleges, do the math.  There are opportunity out there.
– Be proactive.  Sitting on your couch and waiting for a call is not going to work.  Sending emails without any action is not going to work.  Waiting on your high school coach or Chris Sailer is not going to work.
– Visit colleges, get on campus! This will show a coach genuine interest.  Get face time and tell that coach that you want a roster spot and a chance to compete.  Don’t just ask for a scholarship.
– Be open to MANY colleges, not just a short list.  Dedicate the months of March, April, May & beyond to this task.
– Use NCSA, they will hook you up with many options.
– In the end, I believe everything happens for a reason.  You will end up where you belong as long as you are open minded.  Choose the school that is right for you.  Transferring should not be an option.

