NEW Location for College Camp, TOP 12 and Underclassmen Invitational

It looks like the best just got better. This year, the Chris Sailer Kicking College Camp, The TOP 12 & EVENT ELITE Camp, and The Underclassmen Invitational will take place at the IMG ACADEMY in FL! Feel free to take a virtual tour of the campus HERE

Chris Sailer Kicking and Rubio Long Snapping will be locked in on the incredible campus for one week in July. Needless to say, the athletic facilities on the IMG Academy campus are EASILY on par with many colleges. We will have access to the fields, the trainers, the dorms AND the award winning cafeteria (yes, that means unlimited food and it will be included in the cost of the camps).

July 15 – 17 will be the COLLEGE Camp

July 18 – 20 will be the TOP 12 & EVENT ELITE Camp



Weight Room



Unlimited Food




Chris Sailer Kicking 2016 Summer Camps


Here we go, you have seen what others say about Chris Sailer Kicking and now is the time to get involved.

Below is a very detailed list of dates, locations, and explanations of what Chris Sailer Kicking has in store for summer 2016:



Summer Kicking/Punting Camps are open to ALL levels Kickers & Punters. You do NOT have to be invited to attended any spring or summer Chris Sailer Kicking Instructional Camps. These Kicking & Punting Camps are open to 8th grade (younger with permission from Sailer) through college. The winners of each camp receive FREE admission to a Fall camp put on by Chris Sailer Kicking (travel and accommodations excluded). Please note: these camps will sell out quickly!

These camps are one day camps that offer instruction, film and classroom session, Kicking & Punting Discussion, NCSA recruiting information and Competition. Attending these camps gives you top notch instruction and the chance to be added to the Chris Sailer Kicking Player Ranking Section of the website.

Why attend? To get the best instruction and the most exposure possible in the world as a Kicker and/or Punter, to be ranked with Chris Sailer Kicking, to receive a Chris Sailer Kicking shirt, to have the chance to win FREE admission to a Chris Sailer Kicking Fall camp of your choice (travel and accommodations not included).

  • July 7, Dallas, TX
  • July 9, Chicago, IL
  • July 11, Charlotte, NC
  • July 12, Atlanta, GA
  • July 31, Los Angeles, CA

You can register for any Chris Sailer Kicking summer camp HERE


Vegas uprights

As you know, the Vegas Events are the biggest and best Kicking and Punting camps in the world. They are truly a national/international event to see how you compete against the best in the nation, and world. The May Event, or VEGAS XXVIII, is the second largest Kicking & Punting camp we run (VEGAS XXVII in January was the biggest). The main difference is the weather and there are less seniors since many have already stepped onto their college campuses for their next stage of their life.

The Vegas Events are NOT an invite only camp. They are first come, first served. Kickers & Punters ranging from 8th grade – JC are allowed to attend.

This is the SUPER BOWL for Kickers & Punters. No other kicking event comes close to the exposure offered by the National Vegas Events. Chris Sailer Kicking is, by far, the most credible recruiting source for Kickers & Punters in the country.  The “TOP 12” and “EVENT ELITE” is the list to be on if you are seeking national exposure. From the Vegas Events, the Chris Sailer Kicking Staff will select the “TOP 12” Seniors/JC & the “TOP 12” Underclassman and “Event Elite”. Over 90% of the “TOP 12” have received full ride D1A scholarships in the past. Over 99% members of the “TOP 12” have gone on to play college football. In addition the “TOP 12” Underclassman will be invited to attend an exclusive summer camp to train and compete amongst that elite group.  The Competition Finals Round Winners (FG, Punt, and LS) will receive FREE Chris Sailer Kicking Camps for 1 FULL YEAR. (Excludes transportation and hotel). The Vegas Events offer the best exposure possible for Kickers & Punters. Chris Sailer Kicking has personal relationships with over 100 D1A Universities and many more at other levels. This is your chance to get recognized on a national scale. Chris Sailer Kicking works very closely with,,, etc. and have also been featured in Sports Illustrated, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, Deadspin, etc.

  • VEGAS XXVIII Prep Camp, May 15, Dallas, TX
  • VEGAS XXVIII Prep Camp, May 15, Atlanta, GA
  • VEGAS XXVIII Prep Camp, May 15, Los Angeles, CA
  • VEGAS XXVIII, Small Group Session, May 19, Las Vegas, NV
  • VEGAS XXVIII, May 20-21

You can register for any Chris Sailer Kicking VEGAS EVENT HERE


2016 U.S. Army All-Americans

Once again, Chris Sailer Kicking and Rubio Long Snapping will be teaming up with FBU to run the specialists portion of their camps. FBU is the world’s largest football training service and has hired us to handle their Kicking & Punting section. It is an honor and we are proud to do it again. It is a top notch organization that benefits countless athletes across the country.

Chris Sailer Kicking will be running more camps than EVER.  This year I will only be at the TOP GUN CAMP.  All other locations will have two Chris Sailer Kicking Senior Instructors in attendance (staff members that have been with me for well over 30 camps). They will follow the same format as myself and report directly to FBU and yours truly. Yes, you will get ranked on when you attend an FBU camp.

Based on what we see at the FBU TOP GUN CAMP in SC on July 14-15, we will be choosing the two Kickers and two Punters that will participate in the US ARMY ALL-AMERICAN BOWL.  Chris Sailer Kicking will also be selecting the East Bay Youth All-American for the Class of 2019 (Freshman All-American Bowl) and 2020 (8th Grade All-American Bowl) based on performances at the FBU TOP GUN CAMP in SC on July 14-15. You MUST be invited to the TOP GUN camp by performing well at one of the regional FBU camps prior to the TOP GUN Camp.

Bottom line, you will have to do well at one of the FBU camps, that our staff  is in attendance at, to pick up an invite from myself and/or one of my senior instructors.

  • April 8-9, San Antonio, TX
  • April 15-16, Austin, TX
  • April 15-16, Miami, FL
  • April 22-23, Orlando, FL
  • April 22-23, Phoenix, AZ
  • April 29-30, Orange County, CA
  • June 3-4, Lafayette, LA
  • June 24-25, Los Angeles, CA
  • July 14-15, Rock Hill, SC, TOP GUN CAMP (this is the camp where the US ARMY BOWL ALL-AMERICANS, FRESHMAN ALL-AMERICANS & 8TH GRADE ALL-AMERICANS will be selected)

Please register for FBU CAMPS by going to, calling (973) 366-5027 or emailing [email protected]


Chris Sailer Kicking will be in charge of several university led college camps across the country. These are camps that the universities put on and have us run.  You will not be ranked at these camps. You will register through THEIR site. Here is the list, so far, as more will be added once the dates are finalized…

  • June 1, University of Georgia
  • June 3, LSU
  • June 4, Alabama
  • June 5, University of Washington
  • June 6, Texas A&M
  • June 10, University of Cincinnati
  • June 11, University of Oregon
  • June 12, University of California Berkeley (CAL)
  • June 19, University of Miami
  • July 24, Army


Kai Forbath celebrating after his 50 yard game winning field goal for the Saints. (2015)

Kai Forbath celebrating after his 50 yard game winning field goal for the Saints. (2015)

You (the specialists) asked for it, you got it. They (NFL coaches) asked for it, they got it. As you know, Chris Rubio and myself have always run the biggest and best exposure camps for high school Kickers, Punters and Long Snappers.  For the second year, we are moving into the NFL realm to give the needed exposure to our college athletes.

This one day camp will be a showcase for NFL coaches. There will be little coaching (you shouldn’t need a ton if you are at this camp) as this camp will all be about exposure. NFL coaches and personnel will be on hand to personally see the Kickers & Punters in action.

In order to attend this camp, you must be out of college and be eligible for the NFL draft.

  • March 17, Las Vegas, NV

You can register for the NFL Free Agent camp HERE (spots will be limited)


This camp will be ONLY for 4 year university college Kickers & Punters AND Kickers & Punters entering into a 4 year university. 1st year JC and freshman, sophomores and juniors in high school can NOT attend this camp.

This will be a very high level camp that will be run similarly to the TOP 12 and EVENT ELITE camp. Cost of the camp will include accommodations, transportation to the fields and the instruction, and meals. This camp is built for Kickers & Punters looking to dominate the college camp and get ready for the NFL.

  • July 15-17, IMG Academy, FL



This camp is open ONLY to those invited personally by Chris Sailer. You are chosen to attend this camp by performing extremely well at either the January or May National Kicking/Punting Events in Las Vegas. Do NOT sign up for this camp unless you have been formally invited by Sailer. Former “TOP 12” and “EVENT ELITE” members includes countless college and NFL players, All-Americans, NFL Pro Bowlers and Super Bowl participants.

The “TOP 12” is chosen after the January Event (VEGAS XXVII) and the “EVENT ELITE” is chosen after the spring Event (VEGAS XXVIII). There are obviously 12 chosen for the “TOP 12” and there is no set number for the “EVENT ELITE”. Those that deserve it and are top of their class in May, get chosen…it could be one, it could be 30.

The success rate of those we have chosen have been selected in the past that go on to play college football (most on scholarship) is over 95%.

  • July 18-20, IMG Academy, FL

Invites go out after each Vegas Event.


You will almost think of this Event as a baby TOP 12 & EVENT ELITE Camp. This two day event is a camp that Chris Sailer Kicking will be completely gearing towards the athletes and their parents/guardians. This camp is meant to not only get the athletes headed in the right direction in the beginning of their high school careers, but also their parents. It will provide information regarding nutrition, social media, recruiting, film, education and, of course, on field instruction. This event is just as much for the parents/guardians as it is the athletes!

Early exposure is necessary these days. The Chris Sailer Kicking Underclassmen Invitational is the perfect opportunity to make a name for yourself and solidify your national ranking at the perfect time. The middle of the summer is now the time college coaches build their underclassmen lists. You want to be on that list. This camp will get you there. It is also your first opportunity to prove that you are a “TOP 12” candidate in your class. The camp is set in July for a reason, college coaches asked us to do this. They want the inside track early. Don’t be surprised to see more and more underclassmen offered during the season in the near future.

There will be formal meetings/classroom sessions on individual topics such as: Training (what level is right for the underclassmen athlete, how often, proper techniques), Nutrition and Lifting (Good habits, bad habits), Social Media (Setting up and using the proper social media outlets – this has become a must), Filming (proper angles, techniques, times, set up), Education (the importance of it, standards, year by year plan)

  • July 21-22, IMG Academy, FL

Invites go out in May.


NLOI (National Letter of Intent) Day!

Tomorrow, high school football players around the country will be signing on the dotted line to play for their respective schools. It is a great time of the year for all involved. It is NLOI (National Letter of Intent) Signing Day. It is covered by major sports affiliates and it begins the process of which college will dominate tomorrow with the stellar high school athletes of today.

With all the hoopla, comes questions….allow me clear some things up for everyone. These are all from questions I have received over the years.

Is Signing Day the only day an athlete can sign with a college?
Absolutely not. It is just the first official day for the seniors to make their commitment official. A scholarship athlete can sign anytime on or after that day. You can literally sign the day you get on campus if you are a late pick-up for a school. The whole Signing Day is just a lot of pomp and circumstance that the media has turned it into an event.

Do Preferred Walk-Ons sign on Signing Day?
No, they do not officially sign anything. However, many schools and parents like to have a simple ceremony that represents signing. A preferred walk-on, although verbally committed to a school is NOT locked into that respective school. They have the option to change their mind to another school at any point if a scholarship comes their way. Not exactly the most kosher thing to do to a coach/program but they would most likely understand. I look at it like this, an athlete not taking a scholarship would be similar to a person not taking a free car and opting to pay for the same car.

If I sign with a college on scholarship, can I adjust after?
Sure, BUT you will lose a year of eligibility. Once you sign, you are done. Don’t even think about transferring as it rarely works out and is an uphill battle to say the least. Think about it, why would a coach want an athlete that could not fit in at their first stop? A transfer athlete always brings up red flags…why is it going to work this time, why did he not get along with players and coaches at the first school, it is a homesick issue, is he a problem case, schooling? All are questions that a new coach is going to want to know about you. Bottom line, make your decision and stick with it.

How do the schools get the athletes signatures? 
Most athletes sign in the early morning and then fax them in to their new home (school).

Why have a Signing Day? 
It is the day your verbal commitment becomes official.

Can a junior that is offered a scholarship sign early?
Nope. They must wait just like the others within his graduating class. All of this waiting around gives way to all the committing and de-committing which coaches and sports writers absolutely love (dripping with sarcasm).

Is it true that scholarships have to be renewed every year by the school?
Yes. This is one of those things that not a lot of people know about but it is true. Every single year, the staff has to renew your scholarship for the next year. Therefore, if you are not producing as an athlete, student or person, your scholarship can not be renewed. It is not very common for it to happen, but I have witnessed it occur. Usually, a social issue is the final straw in saying bye bye to your education being paid for by the school.

All in all, Signing Day is a great thing that should be cherished by all but definitely don’t feel as though it is the end all be all. No matter when you sign, you are still going to be on full scholarship with your school paid for, and that is the most important thing.



5 October Recruiting Tips For All Kickers/Punters

5 October Recruiting Tips For All Kickers/Punters


1. Enjoy getting used to high school.

2. Attend private & group lessons.  Perfect your technique.

3. Attend a 1-Day Chris Sailer Kicking Fall Camp in your area.

4. Sign up for Vegas XXVII, the experience will pay off tenfold.

5. Breathe, relax and understand that your simply learning how to one day be recruited.


1. Enjoy your sophomore season.  It won’t be long and you will be an upperclassmen.

2. Attend private & group lessons.  Perfect your technique.

3. Attend a 1-Day Chris Sailer Kicking Fall Camp in your area.

4. Sign up for Vegas XXVII, the experience will pay off tenfold.

5. Breathe, relax and understand that your simply learning how to one day be recruited.


1. Dominate the remaining part of your junior season.  It doesn’t matter if you are having a great season to date, or currently struggling for one reason or another.  Stay focuses or regather your focus and put your best foot forward from here are on out.  Yes, college coaches are watching.

2. Take unofficial visits.  Get on campus.  Get your name and face in front of college coaches.  Take trips to D1, D2, D3, NAIA, JC programs.  Take trips to the east, the west, the south, the north.  Be realistic with your choices and it will pay off.  Genuine interest during the season is worth way more than mass emails.  Call the football office and speak with a secretary to set up unofficial visits.  Simply say that you are a recruit.  It is VERY smart to plan these trips on a weekend when Chris Sailer Kicking is in town (see tip #4).  Attend the game on Saturday.  Attend the Chris Sailer Kicking camp on Sunday.

3. Attend private & group lessons.  Perfect your technique. Don’t ever think that you are to old or experienced to get better.  Believe me, you will get a major wake up call once you step foot on college campus.  Dominate through perfecting your technique.

4. Attend 1-Day Chris Sailer Kicking Fall Camps across the country.  Exposure is necessary.  Attend in your region, but also attend outside of your region (see tip #2).  If you want to play college football, you have to put in the effort.

5. Sign up for Vegas XXVII.  It is finally your time to compete for “TOP 12”.  Who has made “TOP 12” before you?  Here are a few names: Justin Tucker (Ravens), Blair Walsh (Vikings), Ryan Succop (Titans), Dan Bailey (Cowboys), Bryan Anger (Jaguars), Jeff Locke (Vikings), Brad Nortman (Panthers), Bradley Pinion (49ers), Colton Schmidt (Bills), Ryan Allen (Patriots), Tress Way (Redskins), Cody Parkey (Eagles), Dustin Hopkins (Redskins)…. just to name a few.  And it goes well beyond making “TOP 12”.  The experience, the connections, the friendships, the exposure, etc.  There will never be a camp more important than this.


1. Dominate the remaining part of your senior season.  It doesn’t matter if you are having a great season to date, or currently struggling for one reason or another.  Stay focuses or regather your focus and put your best foot forward from here are on out.  College coaches are watching very closely and beginning to make choices.

2. Take unofficial visits.  Get on campus.  Get your name and face in front of college coaches.  Take trips to D1, D2, D3, NAIA, JC programs.  Take trips to the east, the west, the south, the north.  Be realistic with your choices and it will pay off.  Genuine interest during the season is worth way more than mass emails.  Call the football office and speak with a secretary to set up unofficial visits.  Simply say that you are a recruit.  It is VERY smart to plan these trips on a weekend when Chris Sailer Kicking is in town (see tip #4).  Attend the game on Saturday.  Attend the Chris Sailer Kicking camp on Sunday.

3. Attend private & group lessons.  Perfect your technique. Don’t ever think that you are to old or experienced to get better.  Believe me, you will get a major wake up call once you step foot on college campus.  Dominate through perfecting your technique.

4. Attend 1-Day Chris Sailer Kicking Fall Camps across the country.  Exposure is necessary.  Attend in your region, but also attend outside of your region (see tip #2).  If you want to play college football, you have to put in the effort.

5. Sign up for Vegas XXVII.  This event was created in 2003 specifically for the senior class.  There is a reason why the camp is in January.  This is still the most important time in recruiting for the senior class.  National Letter of Intent signing day is in early February.  Over 95% of the senior class is NOT committed and have not received any sort of college offer.  Breathe, relax and get your mind focused on getting the exposure necessary at the most important time of your career. Every college coach in America will be waiting on these results.  Scholarships and preferred walk on opportunities will be decided in Las Vegas.

**** Note to those lucky few that are committed (Yes, I am talking to the “TOP 12” and “Event Elite” from last year).  The NFL Stars listed in tip #5 for juniors all attended this event as seniors as well.  They didn’t rest.  They continued to be hungry and dominate.  That is why they are stars.  The list of
“TOP 12” and “Event Elite” that decided to rest because they were already committed is much longer.  And close to 0% of them made it to the NFL.

For more information, visit

Chris Sailer Kicking Add


Best Available Chris Sailer Kicking 2016 Kickers, Punters & Combo Prospects. OFFER NOW!!!

As we enter October 2015, we enter a crucial stage of recruiting for the Class of 2016.  Week 5 of College Football is underway.  Some specialists have excelled at the college level ,while others have failed.  College coaches will soon have to make serious decisions for the future of their programs.  They will revisit their recruiting boards and get back on the recruiting trail.  Performance, contacts and most importantly exposure will play a large role in who lands the next round of scholarship offers.  How did you perform this past summer in front of college coaches?  How is your current season going?  Have you taken unofficial visits and shown genuine interest in college programs? What is your current ranking with Chris Sailer Kicking?

Take a look at who I believe should be the next 15 Kickers, Punters & Combo Players offered full ride D1 Scholarships!

1. Mitchell Wasson (GA)
2. Kekoa Sasaoka (HI)
3. Diego Marquez (CA)
4. Brandon Gracia (CA)
5. JD Dellinger (NC)
Next Best: Eric Silvester (NY)

1. Austin Kent (NC)
2. Jet Toner (HI)
3. Marshall Long (NC)
4. Seth Kujawski (NC)
5. Kyle Thompson (CA)
Next Best: Thomas Manning (CA)

Combo Players:
1. Jared Smolar (IN)
2. Jake Verity (GA)
3. Nate Needham (IN)
4. Jaime Medina (CA)
5. Jared Porter (CA)
Next Best: Charlie Scott (CO)

*The above athletes are not currently verbally committed to any University or College.

The above athletes have proven themselves time and time again in all aspects of the game.  They are physically and mentally ready for the next level.  They are fine young men that are going to be great leaders on and off the field.  I stand behind them with 100% certainty.  College coaches…. OFFER NOW!!!

Fall Camps are set to begin this weekend in Seatlle, WA.  NC, GA, CA, NJ, FL, IL, TX to follow.  The largest exposure camp in the world, Vegas XXVII will take place January 16-17, 2016.  National Letter of Intent Day is February 3rd. Want the best instruction? Want to get ranked? Want to improve your ranking? Want to get the necessary exposure? See you soon!

Visit for more information and registration details.


What Coaches Will Ask a Recruit

Everyone always wants to know the key questions a coach will ask their son/daughter when they are getting recruited and the truth is, it’s the basics…

  • “So, what’s up?”
  • “How is school?”
  • “How is the weather?”
  • “How are your grades?”
  • “Do you play any other sports?”
  • “Do you have a girlfriend?”
  • “Would you be interested in coming to _____________ to get your degree and play some football?”

Right now, you are thinking “this is a joke, Sailer.” No, it is not. The coach is not looking to solve the world’s problems by speaking to your kid. He is simply trying to see if your kid is someone he would like to spend the next 4-5 years with.


They just want to hear the athlete speak, make sure he/she can hold a conversation and  is someone that can operate on their own without mommy/daddy speaking for them.

So, you want to prep your kid? Just speak to them.
Chris Sailer Kicking Add


Chris Sailer Kicking – College Football Week 7 Recap

CSKChris Sailer Kicking Kicker/Punters once again enjoyed tremendous success during Week 7 of the college football season.  A few more game winners, 50+ yard field goals and huge momentum swinging punts.   Take a look at the Week 7 Chris Sailer Kicking College Players of the Week!

Chris Sailer Kicking College Players of the Week (Week 7):


Nolan Kohorst (UNLV) – 4 for 4 Field Goals (Long 44), 3 for 3 Extra Points, Game Winning Field Goal

Previous Players of the Week:
Week 1: Will Oliver (Colorado)
Week 2: Niklas Sade (NC State)
Week 3: Zach Paul (North Texas)
Week 4: Ryan Bustin (Texas Tech)
Week 5: Nick Diaz (Utah State)
Week 6: Michael Geiger (Michigan State)

Mike Sadler (Michigan State) 59.3 Yard Punt Average on 4 Punts (Long 69), 1 Punt Inside the 20-Yard Line

Previous Players of the Week:
Week 1: Drew Kaser (Texas A&M)
Week 2: Nick Bruno (Stephen F. Austin)
Week 3: Nate Freese (Boston College)
Week 4: Nathan Renfro (Maryland)
Week 5: Cody Mandell (Alabama)
Week 6: Cayle Champman-Brown (New Mexico State)

50+Yard Field Goals:
Week 7: Will Conant (Air Force) 52, Anthony Fera (Texas) 50
Week 6: Marshall Morgan (Georgia) 56
Week 5: Marshall Morgan (Georgia) 55, Cade Foster (Alabama) 53, Carey Spear (Vanderbilt) 50
Week 4: Brad Craddock (Maryland) 50
Week 3: Andrew Ritter (Ole Miss) 52
Week 2: None
Week 1: Ian Frye (Virginia) 53, Will Oliver (Colorado) 52, Will Conant (Air Force) 52, Andre Heidari (USC) 52, Ty Long (UAB) 52

Lou Groza Stars of the Week (3 Chosen Each Week):
Week 7: Nolan Kohorst (UNLV)
Week 6: Ryan Bustin (Texas Tech)
Week 5: Nick Diaz (Utah State)
Week 4: Ryan Bustin (Texas Teach)
Week 3: Cody Parkey (Auburn), Trevor Romaine (Oregon State)
Week 2: Niklas Sade (NC State), Justin Sorensen (BYU)
Week 1: Will Oliver (Colorado), Niklas Sade (NC State), Wesley Feer (San Diego State)

The Chris Sailer Kicking College Players of the Week are selected each week from D1A kickers that are Chris Sailer Kicking Students.

Stay tuned as each week, Chris Sailer Kicking will update you on Chris Sailer Kicking in College Football!


Chris Sailer Kicking – College Football Week 8 Recap

CSKAs the college football season approaches the final third of the season, Chris Sailer Kicking specialists will have more of an impact that ever.  Week 8 was no different.   Take a look at the Week 8 Chris Sailer Kicking College Players of the Week!

Chris Sailer Kicking College Players of the Week (Week 8):


Chad Hedlund (Wake Forest) – 2 for 2 Field Goals (Long 51), 4 for 4 Extra Points

Previous Players of the Week:
Week 1: Will Oliver (Colorado)
Week 2: Niklas Sade (NC State)
Week 3: Zach Paul (North Texas)
Week 4: Ryan Bustin (Texas Tech)
Week 5: Nick Diaz (Utah State)
Week 6: Michael Geiger (Michigan State)
Week 7: Nolan Kohorst (UNLV)

Travis Coons (Washington) 46.8 Yard Punt Average on 11 Punts (Long 61), 1 Punt Inside the 20-Yard Line

Previous Players of the Week:
Week 1: Drew Kaser (Texas A&M)
Week 2: Nick Bruno (Stephen F. Austin)
Week 3: Nate Freese (Boston College)
Week 4: Nathan Renfro (Maryland)
Week 5: Cody Mandell (Alabama)
Week 6: Cayle Champman-Brown (New Mexico State)
Week 7: Mike Sadler (Michigan State)

50+Yard Field Goals:
Week 8: Chad Hedlund (Wake Forest) 51, Mitch Ewald (Indiana) 50
Week 7: Will Conant (Air Force) 52, Anthony Fera (Texas) 50
Week 6: Marshall Morgan (Georgia) 56
Week 5: Marshall Morgan (Georgia) 55, Cade Foster (Alabama) 53, Carey Spear (Vanderbilt) 50
Week 4: Brad Craddock (Maryland) 50
Week 3: Andrew Ritter (Ole Miss) 52
Week 2: None
Week 1: Ian Frye (Virginia) 53, Will Oliver (Colorado) 52, Will Conant (Air Force) 52, Andre Heidari (USC) 52, Ty Long (UAB) 52

Lou Groza Stars of the Week (3 Chosen Each Week):
Week 8: None
Week 7: Nolan Kohorst (UNLV)
Week 6: Ryan Bustin (Texas Tech)
Week 5: Nick Diaz (Utah State)
Week 4: Ryan Bustin (Texas Teach)
Week 3: Cody Parkey (Auburn), Trevor Romaine (Oregon State)
Week 2: Niklas Sade (NC State), Justin Sorensen (BYU)
Week 1: Will Oliver (Colorado), Niklas Sade (NC State), Wesley Feer (San Diego State)

The Chris Sailer Kicking College Players of the Week are selected each week from D1A kickers that are Chris Sailer Kicking Students.

Stay tuned as each week, Chris Sailer Kicking will update you on Chris Sailer Kicking in College Football!



Chris Sailer Kicking – NY Nike Fall Camp Recap!


PICTUREEEEChris Sailer Kicking continued on the 2013 Nike Fall Camp tour this past weekend in Albany, NY.  Kickers, punters and long snappers from many of the surrounding states traveled to New York on what was perfect a day for a specialist camp.  The number of specialists in attendance and the talent continues to improve with each trip to the East Coast.  Take a look at the results.

Camp Champion
Chris Miner (2014, MA): The veteran Chris Sailer Kicking student had a tremendous all around day.  He is a great athlete with a very strong leg.  His consistency and confidence were on display on this day.  He won two major field goal competitions by hitting consecutive 50 yard field goals.  Chris is going to be a fine college kicker one day.

Kickoff Champion
Christian Kapp (2014, NY): Christian was perhaps the most consistent and technically sound kicker on the day.  The Chris Sailer Kicking veteran competed until the end of nearly every competition.  His kickoffs measured 65 yards with 3.8+ hang time.  He is a strong competitor who should do very well a the next level.

Punt Champion
Rory O’Riordan (2016, NY): The young punter stepped up when it counted the most.  His consistency is what ultimately what got him to the end in the punting competition.  Most punts measured 40+ yards with 4.3+ hang time.  Look for this young combo prospect to ca

use some waves in the near future.

Other Standouts: David Vandenabee, Devin Dzikowicz, George Gendler, and Jeffery Beattie.

For more rankings, stats and results visit Chris Sailer Kicking will next make stops in Dallas, TX (November 10), Chicago, IL (November 24), Atlanta, GA (December 7), Charlotte, NC (December 8th) and Los Angeles, CA (January 12).  The season will conclude with the 12th Annual National Kicking Event in Las Vegas on January 18-19, 2014.  This is the biggest kicking, punting & long snapping camp in the world.  The early registration deadline for Las Vegas is this Friday October 18th!



Chris Sailer Kicking – College Football Week 5 Recap


Week 5 saw many Chris Sailer Kicking kickers have perfect games and huge punt averages.  But as always, only 1 player per position was selected Player of the Week!  Take a look.

Chris Sailer Kicking College Players of the Week (Week 5):


Nick Diaz (Utah State) – 4 for 4 Field Goals (Long 45), 4 for 4 Extra Points

Previous Players of the Week:
Week 1: Will Oliver (Colorado)
Week 2: Niklas Sade (NC State)
Week 3: Zach Paul (North Texas)
Week 4: Ryan Bustin (Texas Tech)

Cody Mandell (Alabama) 46.2 Yard Punt Average on 5 Punts (Long 56), 3 Punts Inside the 20-Yard Line

Previous Players of the Week:
Week 1: Drew Kaser (Texas A&M)
Week 2: Nick Bruno (Stephen F. Austin)
Week 3: Nate Freese (Boston College)
Week 4: Nathan Renfro (Maryland)

50+Yard Field Goals:
Week 5: Marshall Morgan (Georgia) 55, Cade Foster (Alabama) 53, Carey Spear (Vanderbilt) 50
Week 4: Brad Craddock (Maryland) 50
Week 3: Andrew Ritter (Ole Miss) 52
Week 2: None
Week 1: Ian Frye (Virginia) 53, Will Oliver (Colorado) 52, Will Conant (Air Force) 52, Andre Heidari (USC) 52, Ty Long (UAB) 52

Lou Groza Stars of the Week (3 Chosen Each Week):
Week 5: Nick Diaz (Utah State)
Week 4: Ryan Bustin (Texas Teach)
Week 3: Cody Parkey (Auburn), Trevor Romaine (Oregon State)
Week 2: Niklas Sade (NC State), Justin Sorensen (BYU)
Week 1: Will Oliver (Colorado), Niklas Sade (NC State), Wesley Feer (San Diego State)

The Chris Sailer Kicking College Players of the Week are selected each week from D1A kickers that are Chris Sailer Kicking Students.

Stay tuned as each week, Chris Sailer Kicking will update you on Chris Sailer Kicking in College Football!
