Survival Guide for Chris Sailer Kicking / Rubio Long Snapping Parents

Quick Reference for the BIG Questions to the little Questions 

Most Parent/Guardians of LS and K/P have.
I’m just a mom. It sounds funny to say that out loud, as any parent knows being a parent is not for the faint of heart, so using the phrase “just a mom” is a HUGE understatement. Equally understated is to use the phrase “just the long snapper/kicker/punter.” So, go ahead and move past the “just” and recognize the vitally important role your son (or possibly daughter, but for the sake of time and space I’ll refer to the student athlete in the male form) plays on his team. Special teams, and specifically the long snapper and kicker/punter have, can, and will make or break a football game. I encourage you to go to and read more in depth blogs on this subject via the link to Rubio’s blog and Sailer’s blog. Another quick and extremely relevant example would be the 2014 college football season during which both regular season and bowl games had outcomes determined by the performance of special teams in the last few seconds. Now, moving forward, I’m just a mom and my kid’s just a long snapper, and the past year and a half has been one of the most exciting journeys…EVER…so buckle up buttercup, here we go!
Your First Rubio/Sailer Camp-
     1. This is typically the one day camp that is held closest to you. You probably googled long snapping or kicking instruction/technique, or heard of Rubio and/or Sailer by word of mouth, and now you’re all signed up for your first Rubio/Sailer Camp for your son. **Prepare to be blown away.** We were. My son had just finished his freshman season, having been pulled to the varsity team and become the starting long snapper for his high school football team. His high school is known for its football program in our state, and my son became a really big fish in a small pond literally overnight. He loved it. We, his parents, thought he was the best thing that had ever happened to long snapping. Once we got to that first camp, the “pond” suddenly got much, much bigger. That’s not to say my son wasn’t good, what I mean is we saw very quickly that if he wanted to get serious about football and college, there was work to be done.
          -This may or may not be your experience and that’s okay. Every situation is unique, and it’s important to take the suggestions that help.
          -You are going to be given A LOT of information. Relax! (You’ll find this to be a recurring theme throughout this experience.) Give it time and it will sink in. Also, Sailer and Rubio are two of the most open and receptive individuals/professionals when it comes to questions. A quick tip, though- after this first camp, when a question comes up, go to the website first. If you still can’t find an answer you are looking for, ask! 
     2. What do I need to take for camp?
Sounds a bit silly, but until you’ve been there, done that, (and now can even get the t-shirt), there are things I definitely would recommend having on hand that I never thought of in the beginning.
          -Wear comfortable clothes and shoes. You will be very involved in this experience and while I love my cute sandals and sundresses as much as the next mom (comfortable clothing applies to dads as well; choose clothes you’d wear when at home working with your son), this isn’t a beauty pageant. Get out your socks and tennis/running/athletic shoes, shorts, and a t-shirt and be ready to work and learn with your son.
          -Bring a chair, you’ll need to be in close proximity to the instruction. Usually that means on the sidelines until Sailer or Rubio call parents to the field. Standing all day or sitting on the grass/turf isn’t ideal.
          -If possible, bring a cooler with water. Water is ALWAYS provided, but if you’re at a camp in the heat of summer, a small cooler (even the soft, foldable ones) that can carry water bottles with ice/cold packs definitely comes in handy. Your athlete should be hydrating daily. The reality is, so should parents. If you or your athlete waits to take in water until thirsty, you’re doing it wrong. HYDRATE, HYDRATE, HYDRATE! If the camp isn’t close enough to drive to and you are flying, Google the nearest Dollar Store, Dollar General, WalMart, Target, etc. It’s worth the extra ten dollars to have cold water on hand. 
          -Sunscreen. You and your athlete will be outside (weather permitting) for the better part of eight hours. Even if the camp you and your athlete are attending is during one of the cooler months, you may need sunscreen. If it’s a summer camp and you enjoy having a nose, it’s a must.
          -You are going to have about an hour for lunch. Be prepared. Google restaurants close by that you can get in and out of quickly. Another option is bring lunch with you- think tailgating. This can be a good idea for several reasons: you don’t have to rush, your athlete has more time to relax and regroup, and you will likely have the opportunity to get to know others at the camp. It’s important to realize this group of young men will see each other again, and they are building friendships on the field, so build friendships with the parents around you. Be smart, though. If it’s 100* outside, go somewhere out of the heat for this break. Otherwise, I’m confident EMS will gladly take you somewhere cooler- just saying.
          -Bring your camera/phone. Rubio and Sailer are used to taking pictures with athletes at their camps at the end. Even if your kid isn’t big on pictures, DO IT. You’ll look back at some point and realize how far your kid has come, and you’ll be glad you did.
     3. Why does Rubio/Sailer know other kids’ names/parents/families? Will they remember my son? Are they even watching them?
          -Don’t flip out!! Some of the athletes and their families have been working with Rubio/Sailer for years. Just because they know some of the athletes immediately doesn’t mean they aren’t watching your kid. In fact, you just might hear them called by a nickname that will stick (ex. BaconHead, Oregon, MadDawg). Your son may get a “big daddy” thrown his way. This happens because they ARE noticing your kid, and while in that moment they may not use your athlete’s full name, they use these kinds of nicknames because that’s one of the ways they remember the athletes. You may also notice that your athlete is being photographed and videoed…a lot. Relax, Rubio and Sailer are noticing your son from the moment you walk up to the registration table until the moment you leave that afternoon (likely dragging, tired, a little overwhelmed by all the information you’ve been given, and definitely excited and motivated for the future).
           -Remember the big fish/small pond example? This is when you’ll probably realize that while your kid is talented, so are many other kids. Again, relax. At the end of the day, your son has just learned from the best, trained with the best, and been evaluated by the best. Once rankings/evaluations are posted, your athlete is going to have his strengths highlighted while also given constructive criticism. This part of the process ideally will encourage, motivate, and drive your son to put what he has learned to good use if he hasn’t already. Rubio has an excellent blog that explains how his rankings are done, so, again, go to the website, click on Rubio’s blog and search for how his rankings/evaluations are done. It’s fair, honest, and really quite easy to understand.
          -Be patient. Believe me when I say I understand, patience is not one of my virtues. However, Rubio and Sailer will tell the athletes and parents a date their rankings will come out. If you aren’t already, you and your athlete should follow, friend, like, etc. Sailer and Rubio on all social media sources. They will let everyone know via their blogs and social media that the rankings are up. 
     -Get familiar with social media- like yesterday. You will hear it, read it, and maybe wake up repeating it: Be sure your athlete is being appropriate when using social media. Colleges are watching and noting EVERYTHING your athlete is doing if they are a potential recruit. Think of it like Santa Claus (you better watch out…he knows when you’ve been bad or good so be good for goodness sake)- he’s everywhere! Does your kid want to play ball or lose a spot on a team over a retweet? If you don’t know what a retweet is, figure it out right now. 
How often should my son attend a Rubio/Sailer camp? Isn’t once enough? What about Vegas?
     1. I am a parent that looks for a really good reason to do something, I evaluate its worth as well as the sacrifice needed to obtain a goal. My son that I’ve referenced here has three siblings, so a great deal of thought has to go into these decisions. The following are my thoughts as a parent on this subject:
          -When preparing to have our son, my husband and I put a great deal of time and effort into being sure he would have the things he needed to thrive. While my husband (as a new dad) was awesome at helping, and he could change a diaper, the first few weeks of diaper changes were pretty comical. Sure, our son had a diaper on, but with practice he had a diaper on that didn’t fall off when we picked him up. Another example would be when our son got his learner’s permit to drive. He was very diligent about safety, and could get us from point A to B. But with practice, he stopped using the brake like an on/off switch. The point is, your athlete will learn great things at one camp, but if his desire is to be the best he can be or to play football at the next level, giving him more opportunities to fine tune his skills is imperative. Yes, attend more than one camp. 
          -While things like form, speed, accuracy, and consistency are themes that remain unchanged at each camp, I can say with certainty that my son has learned something new each time he’s attended a Rubio/Sailer camp. That could mean learning a new drill all the way to walking up to register by himself and displaying the confidence he is building in himself. The best analogy I can think of for this part of the process is much like when one learns to drive a car with a manual transmission. There’s that really fine, smooth moment you let off the clutch and press the gas pedal. In the beginning, most of us had those “herky, jerky” moments and had to restart, or have heard a parent yell “you’re grinding the gears.” If you only attend one camp, it’s probable that you and your athlete will approach most of the day together. If you attend a second camp, and you nudge your son to handle things himself, depending on the kid, it’s going to be somewhat “herky, jerky.” The more opportunities to practice and fine tune skills on and off the field, the smoother the transition will be for your son to become a confident and independent individual in a very positive way.
     2. Vegas. If I could go back in time, I would have gotten my son to this event sooner. It’s honestly not something one can explain, it’s the experience itself. You will hear Sailer and Rubio say go more than once. ABSOLUTELY! The first time you and your son attend this event, it’s like the first day of high school as a freshman. Most of the time is spent figuring everything out (unless your son is a seasoned world traveler that never gets jet lag and is intimidated by nothing). If you’ve ever seen the movie “Hoosiers” (your son probably has not, but hopefully you saw it back in the day), there is a scene where the team makes it to the BIG championship game. They all walk in the arena looking like a bunch of deer in headlights. The coach has them measure the court, and so on. This is much like that first trip to Vegas. Your son will realize the distance to the target hasn’t changed, Sailer and Rubio haven’t changed, and get more comfortable with what comes along with traveling, navigating this mega event, etc. 
Is it (the camps) really worth it?
     1. The easy, quick answer: YES!
     2. The training experience offered by Chris Sailer and Chris Rubio truly is worth it, and here is why:
          -If we are talking dollars and cents, as well as probability and statistics, then it’s a no-brainer. Add up what you would spend on the camps your son attends in a given year (everything- travel, food, hotel, camp, etc.). Nope, it’s not cheap. Now add up the cost of a four year education (and even pick a school with a lesser tuition, but add in staying on campus, a meal plan, transportation of some sort, etc.). You likely have just seen in black and white how beneficial this can be.
          -Do some research. Look at the options out there. It will quickly become clear NO OTHER CAMP offers the same degree of exposure, education, and instruction, AND educates/involves the parent/guardian (maximizing your athlete’s potential by giving him the tools to work hard and smart after camp is over). This is the real deal. 
          -What your son will take away from the Sailer/Rubio camp experience is priceless on several levels. First, this is my son’s goal, his dream- not mine, not my husband’s- his. If this is your athlete’s passion, you will see great things; if it’s your dream and not your kid’s you’re doing it wrong- stop. Second, this is an awesome opportunity for your son to learn responsibility, confidence, and independence BEFORE he steps out into this big ole world on his own. If my son chose to never pick up a football again, what he has learned and gained is more than we could teach him on our own as parents, and that alone makes every bit worth it. Finally, the day I stood back with my husband and watched our son walk up to a college’s special teams coordinator, shake his hand, look him in the eye and have a conversation with him on his own, I knew we were on the right track.
I cannot stress enough how essential the website ( is. Hopefully you’ve gained some insight and can relax and enjoy this awesome time with your athlete. It’s been one of the best decisions we have ever made.Written by Ashley Culbertson (Long Snapping Parent, MS)


Vegas XXVI – What You Need to Know!

Vegas XXVI in Las Vegas, NV is less than a month away.  While many specialists are taking this time of year off, those that seriously want to play in college and know what it takes are working harder than ever.  Those hard workers will be in Las Vegas May 9-10, 2015 ready to impress and gain the most valuable national exposure in the nation.  Here is some useful information for those attending and those that are still considering attending.

•    Event Date: May 9-10, 2015
•    Arrive Friday May 8th.  The earlier that you arrive, the more well rested you will be for the weekend.
•    Plan on being at camp until 4PM Sunday May 10th.  There is no way of knowing if you will make the Finals Round Sunday until you and all other participants have completed the initial round of charting Sunday morning.  Whether you make the Finals Round or not, you should plan on staying on watching the Finals Round.  Get the full experience from the camp!
•    Friday Small Group Sessions (3:00 – 4:00 & 4:00 – 5:00) are OPTIONAL.  These were designed to knock some rust off, get rid of jet lag legs, and gain confidence heading into Saturday.  If you can make it, I highly recommend you attend. CLICK HERE
•    Location: Las Vegas Outdoor Soccer 1400 N. Rampart Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89128
•    There is no bleacher seating.  Bring chairs or buy some cheap chairs if you would like to sit while you watch.
•    Why May? May is also known as “Evaluation Period” for college coaches.  This is a very HOT time for recruiting for all classes.  May offers maximum exposure.  Chris Rubio and myself will be handing 100′s of calls after this event.  Recruiting Boards will be set based on results and our evaluations.  Want to be offered a scholarship at those college camps this summer?  Attending this camp is how they will know about you!
•    Vegas XXVI gives you a chance to make the “Event Elite”.  There is NO set number of specialists that will be selected.  The number selected is based on the number of participants that can compete at that VERY HIGHEST LEVEL.  Usually 20-25 are selected to join the “TOP 12″ at the most prestigious Invite Only Camp in the world.  CLICK HERE
•    Think you are good enough to make the “Event Elite” – CLICK HERE to see who you are competing with and to get a little history about the “TOP 12″ & “Event Elite”
•    It is no surprise that from Vegas XXV in January that the “TOP 12” are already getting major attention and full scholarship offers.  Who will be next?
•    The Spring Event in NOT an Invite Only Camp.  This camp offers a great experience to kickers, punters, and long snappers of all levels.  Expect a wide range of talent from beginners to the best of the best from around the world in the Classes of 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, Junior Colleges and 4-Year Transfer Students.  The best of the best, The “Event Elite”, selected from the Spring Event will be invited to attend the “TOP 12″ and “Event Elite” Camp in June.
•    Come prepared to enjoy your experience.  Do NOT put to much pressure on yourself.  Come with open eyes and ears.  Learn from your instructors and your peers.  Look around and take it all in.  Watch other groups.  Watch the college and pro demo.  Attend the Meetings.  There are so many things to learn and that you can and will benefit from if you take advantage.  Leave the camp with goals and a motivation to work harder than ever!
•    Saturday – Instructional Day.  You will get plenty of reps.  Pace yourself.  Saturday ends with a Chris Sailer Kicking Original Last Man Standing Competition. Your group numbers will be emailed to you about a week prior to camp.
•    Sunday – Competition Day.  You will be charted.  You can compete in 1, 2, or all 3 skills.  This is up to you.  Your competition start time will be assigned to you at Check-In Saturday.
•    Those that just punt – you are automatically in Group #2 on Saturday.
•    Class of 2019, 2018, 2017 and 2016 – You may use tees up to 2″ for both Field Goal and Kickoffs.  The choice is yours.  Class of 2015, JC, and Transfers you must kick off the ground for Field Goals and use a 1″ tee for Kickoffs.
•    Saturday Meetings are the the Group Rate Hotel – JW Marriott.  I highly advise that participants and their parents attend.  Get there early and enjoy.
•    What makes Chris Sailer Kicking the best in the business?  1st National Camp Ever for Specialists.  1st Kicking Company to ever to rank Kickers, Punters, and Long Snappers on a true national scale.  Chris Sailer is physically at EVERY camp associated with Chris Sailer Kicking.  Chris Sailer is the ONLY one that handles the evaluations and rankings for the Kickers and Punters.  Same holds true for Chris Rubio with the Long Snappers.  Talk to any college coach in America or any kicker or punter that has been to multiple camps and will see that Chris Sailer Kicking is the place to be for the best possible instruction and exposure.  Our advertising is word of mouth.  Come see for yourself!  See you in May!

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2015 Chris Sailer Kicking College Camps

2015 Chris Sailer Kicking – College Camps

Chris Sailer Kicking will be in charge of several university led college camps across the country. These are camps that the universities put on and have us run. You will register through THEIR site. Here is the list, so far, as more will be added once the dates are finalized…

•    Alabama, June 6
•    Texas A&M, June 8
•    U.S.C. (Southern Cal), June 12
•    Oregon, June 13
•    Kansas, June 14 *
•    UCLA, June 18
•    LSU, July 19

These camps are a great opportunity to get top notch instruction, visit the school, meet it’s coaches and basically have an audition for the team.

*Sailer will not be at this camp. Chris Sailer Kicking will have senior staff members, Joe Houston & Obi Egekeze, present and running the camp.

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Vegas XXV Kickoff Results

VEGAS XXV – Kickoff Results
Class of 2018 / 2019
Place Name Distance Hang Time Best 1 Ball
T1 Brown, Robert 49 3.19 50 / 3.44
T1 Reichard, Willl (19) 49.2 3.09 50 / 3.25
3 Fukuroda, Tyler 48.5 2.99 48 / 3/31
4 Johnson, Cole (19) 48.5 2.94 55 / 3.40
5 Power, Isaac 48.8 2.87 52 / 3
6 Simpson, Luke 46.7 3 48 / 3.27
7 Sanborn, Ryan (19) 47 2.91 50 / 3
8 Lipel, Jonah 47 2.65 48 / 2.97
T9 Ahn, Phillip 42.3 2.77 47 / 3.13
T9 Berman, Chase 44.8 2.66 50 / 2.94
11 March, Jared 39 2.66 49 / 2.97
12 Bell, Corey 36.8 2.59 38 / 2.85
T13 Jaridly, Ramzee (19) 36 2.57 39 / 2.75
T13 Calvert, Connor 38.7 2.34 40 / 2.47
15 Whipple, Gabriel (19) 35 2.45 40 / 2.75
Class of 2017
Place Name Distance Hang Time Best 1 Ball
1 Ryerse, Grant 61.7 3.64 67 / 4.05
2 Bulovas, Joseph 60.1 3.61 66 / 4
3 Sentkowski, Kyle 59.5 3.59 64 / 3.72
4 Horiates, Nick 58.8 3.52 59 / 3.72
5 Stack, Adam 60.5 3.44 61 / 3.81
6 Schroeder, Bailey 56.8 3.52 60 / 3.56
7 Doerer, Jonathan 58.3 3.49 64 / 3.68
T8 Welch, Hunter 57.3 3.4 60 / 3.68
T8 Graham, Cooper 60.8 3.26 61 / 3.56
T10 Fuller, Asa 54.3 3.59 54 / 3.81
T10 Ruiz, Brandon 64 3.2 64 / 3.69
T12 Swartz, Jacob 56.3 3.32 62 / 3.4
T12 Stearns, Zach 56.8 3.31 63 / 3.47
14 Papazian, Brian 55.3 3.32 55 / 3.56
15 Chan, Jeffrey 54.7 3.41 60 / 3.56
16 Bunnell, Liam 52.7 3.57 58 / 3.84
T17 Henry, Peyton 53.3 3.44 59 / 3.41
T17 Kukahiko, Kalani 56.7 3.2 61 / 3.37
T19 Carrasco, Eric 55.2 3.27 60 / 3.63
T19 Munoz, Javi 58.5 3.15 64 / 3.53
21 Bowens, Trevor 52 3.5 51 / 3.69
22 Nixon, Cole 55.7 3.17 56 / 3.37
23 Cacho-Sousa, Diego 53.5 3.25 55 / 3.50
24 Galbo, Jake 52.2 3.38 55 / 3.5
25 McCartney, Grant 55 3.15 58 / 3.34
26 Andrade, Carter 51.3 3.32 56 / 3.57
27 Edwards, Josh 52.7 3.21 55 / 3.34
28 Salani, Marco 53 3.17 64 / 3.69
29 Strickland, Bryce 53.5 2.96 60 / 3.75
30 Johnson, Chandler 53.8 3.12 57 / 3.44
31 Howell, Clayton 51.3 3.2 54 / 3.32
32 Zetterberg, Johan 55.3 2.84 59 / 3.1
33 Grant, Josh 52.7 3.09 59 / 3.47
T34 Cooper, Jack 48.8 3.2 51 / 3.31
T34 Pace, Geoffrey 53 2.97 55 / 3.37
36 Padilla, Tyler 54.2 2.78 62 / 3.44
T37 Pontiff, Gabe 50 3.1 50 / 3.32
T37 Meyer, Tristan 50.5 3.03 57 / 3.34
T39 Bazarevitsch, Matt 45.3 3.15 50 / 3.44
T39 Moreton, Connor 51 2.92 55 / 3.44
T41 Siegel, Chase 43.2 3.15 48 / 3.25
T41 Carlson, Dylan 46 3.08 50 / 3.09
T41 Hellen, Matt 48.3 2.98 55 / 3.19
T44 Carius, Liam 46.8 3.01 50 / 3.34
T44 Zolferino, Torre 49.7 2.94 58 / 3
46 Brake, Caleb 49.8 2.89 52 / 3.37
47 Poinsette, Joel 50.2 2.79 52 / 3.06
48 Moehring, Hayden 50.5 2.74 65 / 3.47
49 Keefer, Brandon 49.7 2.8 58 / 3.34
50 Saros, Zack 46 2.89 50 / 3.09
T51 Coale, William 32 2.87 38 / 2.92
T51 Leisle, Michael 45.5 2.57 51 / 3.02
53 Fitzgerald, Ryan 44.7 2.75 51 / 3
54 McGrath, Chase 45 2.3 50 / 3.22
55 Harwell, Ryan 44.3 2.53 57 / 3.18
56 Hawk, Hayden 36.7 2.22 46 / 2.54
Class of 2016
Place Name Distance Hang Time Best 1 Ball
1 Culp, Connor 70.2 3.89 75 / 3.97
2 Molson, JJ 69.7 3.78 78 / 3.75
3 Wasson, Mitchell 65.3 3.86 71 / 3.84
4 Fitschen, Jerry 67.5 3.73 71 / 3.62
5 Southam, Skyler 64.3 3.82 73 / 3.59
6 Young, Jonn 66.2 3.68 70 / 3.7
T7 Hampton, Butch 62.2 3.79 63 / 4
T7 Patterson, Blake 65 3.62 67 / 3.75
9 Porter, Jared 61.7 3.73 61 / 3.87
10 Dellinger, JD 64.2 3.56 65 / 3.75
T11 Medina, Jamie 61.5 3.71 64 / 3.84
T11 Brown, Michael 64.2 3.54 71 / 3.5
13 Pierson, Crawford 62.8 3.52 67 / 3.47
T14 Roehler, Griffin 60.7 3.72 67 / 3.7
T14 Boermeester, Kevin 60.8 3.69 66 / 3.78
T16 Morris, Jackson 61 3.63 66 / 3.75
T16 Corbett, Kyle 62.5 3.51 67 / 3.67
18 Farlow, Brady 61 3.62 69 / 3.59
19 Milstein, Oren 62.7 3.5 66 / 3.81
T20 Keon, Kaden 63.8 3.47 66 / 3.53
T20 Toner, Jet 68.2 3.38 69 / 3.78
22 Sasaoka, Kekoa 64.8 3.44 67 / 3.59
23 Raborn, Bailey 62.3 3.46 67 / 3.92
24 Riccitelli, Collin 59 3.69 56 / 3.84
25 Lyons, Holden 61.8 3.46 65 / 3.43
T26 Moreno, Alex 61.3 3.47 61 / 3.56
T26 Wall, Brad 66.8 3.33 69 / 3.6
28 Kuljian, Tanner 58.8 3.65 63 / 3.85
29 Riethman, Drew 59.3 3.54 64 / 3.84
30 Roberts, Jake 60.8 3.47 63 / 3.6
31 Santos, Mauricio 64.5 3.35 66 / 3.53
32 Grimes, Tyler 59.5 3.49 62 / 3.43
33 Kubin, Jacob 59.2 3.49 60 / 3.76
34 Logan, Luke 61.7 3.37 68 / 3.91
35 Noyes, Edwin 58.7 3.51 65 / 3.68
36 Fudge, Trenton 57 3.7 66 / 3.86
T37 Agritelley, Ethan 58 3.57 61 / 3.69
T37 Souza, Mitchell 58.8 3.49 62 / 3.72
39 Stewart, Christian 60.7 3.37 63 / 3.41
40 Price, Davis 59.2 3.39 61 / 3.75
41 Stoney, Jacob 60 3.32 64 / 3.5
T42 Siemieniec, Gabriel 57 3.49 58 / 3.78
T42 Stalter, Christopher 60.3 3.31 63 / 3.4
44 Mullins, Dalton 61.8 3.21 67 / 3.4
45 Blair, Matt 58.3 3.43 61 / 3.57
46 Cook, Thomas 58.3 3.42 64 / 3.56
47 Esposito, Parker 56.3 3.51 61 / 3.69
48 Romo, Parker 57 3.46 58 / 3.78
49 Alerding, Vincent 58.5 3.36 62 / 3.56
T50 Hadfield, Braden 57.7 3.38 61 / 3.53
T50 Scott, Charlie 59.8 3.25 63 / 3.63
T52 Brunner, Noah 54 3.56 65 / 3.6
T52 Garber, Brady 56.5 3.46 60 / 3.53
T52 Coale, Kyle 57.2 3.39 60 / 3.44
T52 Smolar, Jared 65 2.95 72 / 3.68
56 Jones, Scott 58.5 3.32 62 / 3.41
57 Wilkinson, Cody 59.2 3.23 60 / 3.5
58 Kujawski, Seth 58.5 3.29 64 / 3.41
T59 McDaid, Jonathan 58.2 3.28 62 / 3.75
T59 Kiser, Harrison 60.8 3.1 63 / 3.25
61 Holt, Crews 59.2 3.17 61 / 3.68
62 Guay, Ryley 60 3.11 60 / 3.38
T63 Callan, Ryan 56.3 3.35 60 / 3.5
T63 Thompson, Mateo 58.7 3.17 62 / 3.4
65 Neitzke, Kevin 57.2 3.25 63 / 3.69
T66 Barbir, Alex 54.3 3.38 62 / 3.84
T66 Amrhein, Matthew 56.5 3.3 58 / 3.47
68 Tarbox, Henry 54.4 3.36 58 / 3.47
69 Assalley, Connor 57.3 3.19 62 / 3.69
70 Rodriguez, Andrew 56.8 3.22 66 / 3.31
T71 De Jager, Nathan 56.5 3.22 63 / 3.57
T71 Kenworthy, Alvin 57 3.18 61 / 3.56
73 Loy, Sam 56 3.25 60 / 3.41
74 Olesniewicz, Jacob 57.3 3.12 63 / 3.34
75 Dorn, Jimmy 57.7 3.08 61 / 3.35
76 Selsor, Mikey 56.3 3.19 60 / 3.5
77 Gardner, Gavin 53.6 3.3 57/ 3.44
78 Albert, David 53.7 3.28 59 / 3.37
79 Kuhne, Caleb 53.6 3.25 55 / 3.41
80 Musso, Nathan 52.8 3.26 55 / 3.4
81 Clark, Jaxon 54.8 3.11 58 / 3.37
T82 McKeague, Justin Patrick 54.2 3.13 57 / 3.28
T82 Quintero, Ricardo 56.2 3.05 60 / 3.59
84 Lorenz, Colby 51.7 3.13 54 / 3.6
85 Glaess, Zach 54.5 2.99 60 / 3.4
86 Navarro, Marco 52.8 3.16 57 / 3.03
87 Hutchinson, Sean 53.3 3.07 64 / 3.34
T88 Ball, Noah 51.8 3.15 63 / 3.45
T88 Wengierski, John 55.8 2.83 63 / 3.44
90 Atkeson, Henry 55.2 2.83 60 / 2.98
91 Burton, Josh 53.8 2.98 65 / 3.53
92 Nichols, William 53 3.03 54 / 3.25
93 Claphan, Sterling 53 2.99 60 / 3.5
94 Pawloski, Jack 54.2 2.8 62 / 3.29
T95 Kanthack, Tristan 52 3.03 56 / 3.38
T95 Rattigan, Aidan 53.3 2.93 54 / 3.31
T97 Swenson, Jared 52.5 2.99 53 / 3.18
T97 Gomez, Montana 53.2 2.94 55 / 3.01
99 Wielenga, Alex 50.7 3.05 52 / 3.28
100 Alfaro, Martin 51 2.93 53 / 2.94
101 Harvill, Nolan 47.7 2.9 50 / 3.24
102 Basco, Daryian 49.7 2.8 53 / 3.06
103 Schramm, Christopher 47.7 2.2 62 / 3.03
104 Lewis, Cord 40 2.67 51 / 3
Class of 2015
Place Name Distance Hang Time Best 1 Ball
T1 Robledo, Kevin 64.3 3.72 68 / 3.8
T1 Terry, Kyler 66.5 3.69 70 / 3.57
3 Conaway, Quinton 64.2 3.71 71 / 3.5
4 Rodriguez, Ryan 62.5 3.77 67 / 4
5 Creque, Blanton 62.7 3.63 72 / 3.72
6 Kinney, Alex 62.2 3.78 63 / 4.04
7 Pettit, Spencer 66.3 3.57 70 / 3.81
T8 Keenan, McLane 62.5 3.53 66 / 3.66
T8 Norblom, Lucas 62.5 3.53 67 / 3.77
10 Gogol, Joey 62.2 3.59 70 / 3.55
T11 Schafer, Brett 60.2 3.62 63 / 3.76
T11 Johnson, Aedan 64 3.45 67 / 3.69
13 Walter, Adam 61.7 3.57 67 / 3.44
T14 Baer, Ethan 59.8 3.6 61 / 3.69
T14 Cusick, Blake 61.8 3.52 67 / 3.34
T16 Soslow, Jack 58.4 3.62 68 / 3.56
T16 Kreitenberg, Ben 58.8 3.59 65 / 3.54
18 Howard, Logan 61.8 3.4 65 / 3.62
19 Hutchins, Greg 62.3 3.37 63 / 3.41
20 Thomas, Greg 59.8 3.47 67 / 3.54
21 Hong, Brandon 56.8 3.67 60 / 3.81
T22 Gerarden, Robbie Jo 59.4 3.45 67 / 3.57
T22 Clampitt, Chase 61 3.38 68 / 3.59
24 Barber, Matt 60 3.38 65 / 3.42
25 Scully, Gavin 62.5 3.07 68 / 3.47
26 Erickson, Ethan 62.3 3.13 67 / 3.8
27 Marrone, Nick 57.7 3.51 61 / 3.66
28 Kaufman, Sean 58.3 3.4 62 / 3.76
T29 Katona, Abraham 59.2 3.26 59 / 3.38
T29 Ramming, James 59.2 3.26 62 / 3.53
T29 Bass, Tyler 61.2 3.13 67 / 3.68
T32 Fisher, Cory 56.7 3.52 60 / 3.62
T32 Fenlason, Sam 58.7 3.34 68 / 3.62
34 Strauch, Andrew 57.5 3.42 62 / 3.59
35 Mercado, Isaac 55 3.57 60 / 3.63
36 Coffey, Nathan 56.7 3.5 59 / 3.53
37 Clevenger, Wyatt 60.5 3.19 63 / 3.31
T38 Boyd, Ryan 53.5 3.52 55 / 3.6
T38 Elizondo, Jose 58.5 3.15 67 / 3.53
40 Eisendrath, Ryan 57.8 3.19 63 / 3.37
41 Watkins, Vincent 56 3.4 58 / 3.53
42 Tamburo, Riggs 56.8 3.28 64 / 3.4
43 Castro, Sal 58.2 3.11 62 / 3.5
44 Redford, Thomas 58.2 3.07 67 / 3.09
T45 Biggerstaff, Mason 56.5 3.19 60 / 3.56
T45 Simpson, Zach 57.8 2.99 61 / 3.31
47 LaManque, Adam 53.2 3.37 55 / 3.49
48 Chadwick, Alec 57 3.01 65 / 3.65
49 Brewer, Colin 55.7 3.18 55 / 3.52
50 Ramey, Cole 57.2 2.9 63 / 3.16
51 Rabine, Chris 57 2.76 63 / 3.53
52 Gomez, Chile 56.8 2.85 60 / 3.53
53 LeCorre, Patrick 55.5 2.94 67 / 3.28
54 Perez, Jacob 52.2 3.01 56 / 3.15
T55 Perez, Rafael 53.7 2.88 61 / 3.38
T55 Kiser, Travis 55.8 2.71 64 / 3.77
57 Tulare, Tyler 49.5 2.95 56 / 3.51
58 Boham, Joshua 49.3 2.87 52 / 3.41
Junior College / Transfer
Place Name Distance Hang Time Best 1 Ball
1 Gracia, Brandon 67.5 3.9 73 / 3.81
2 Sutcliffe, Jamie 64.2 3.76 66 / 3.83
3 Marquez, Diego 68.8 3.64 71 / 3.6
4 Harris, Erik 64.3 3.65 66 / 3.66
5 Eyman, Casey 61.3 3.83 63 / 4.00
6 Guerra, Tavis 64 3.64 68 / 3.75
7 Kreitz, Eric 62.2 3.69 65 / 3.84
8 Murray, Patrick 64.2 3.55 69 / 3.75
9 Perez, Derek 64.2 3.53 69 / 3.5
10 Burns, Benjamin 62.3 3.53 65 / 3.63
11 Hierlihy, Nathan 56.5 3.76 61 / 3.81
T12 Houston, JD 59.9 3.58 64 / 3.69
T12 Lindenman, Blayke 62.8 3.5 67 / 3.69
14 Garcia, Eddie 57.8 3.59 64 / 3.6
15 Quinn, Christopher 56.8 3.6 58 / 3.72
16 King, Josh 58.5 3.52 64 / 3.41
17 Boyd, Zachary 60.2 3.23 63 / 3.53
T18 Pena, Vicente 56.8 3.39 62 / 3.43
T18 Miranda, Jesus 57 3.3 60 / 3.74
T18 McLaughlin, Cayden 58.7 2.95 63 / 3.03
21 Diorio, Dayton 52 3.44 56 / 3.47
22 Sotoodeh, Rustin 54.2 3.27 57 / 3.46


VEGAS XXV Contest with SoloShot!

SaileringEvery year, Rubio and I have a contest as we head towards our big Vegas Events. The contest usually entails a kicker,  punter or long snapper taking a creative photo either “Sailering” if you are a Kicker/Punter or “Rubioing” if you are a snapper.

Since VEGAS XXV is going to be the biggest and best Vegas Event we have ever had, we have stepped up the game.

SoloShot has told us they want in on the contest and they are putting up a BIG prize for the winners.

The contest entails you must follow @SOLOSHOTupdates on Twitter and Instagram, then whenever taking you’re desired photo of “Sailering” or “Rubioing” en route to VEGAS XXV, tag  @Chris_Sailer (if you are a kicker/punter) or @TheChrisRubio (if you are a Long Snapper) as well as tagging @SOLOSHOTupdates on Twitter AND Instagram. One winner will be selected by Sailer / SoloShot and the other by Rubio /SoloShot for most creative post.

The winners will be announced on Saturday at 8 pm pst. and will receive a Base and Tag package. retail value of $399 This package will keep you’re desired camera pointed at you from up to 2,000ft away capturing all of you’re training sessions.

May the best Kicker / Punter and long snapper win! Game on!


Chris Sailer Kicking – TX Fall Camp Recap, Terry Shines!

The road to Vegas XXV is in full swing.  Hundreds of specialists continue to prepare for the largest kicking, punting and long snapping camp in the world.  Chris Sailer Kicking was in Dallas, TX this past weekend for one of the biggest and most talented camps yet.  Once again well over 100 specialists from all over the country were in attendance at this very popular one day camp.  Take a look at the results.

Overall Camp Champion – Kyler Terry (2015, TX)
Kyler had one of the most dominating performances at a Chris Sailer Kicking camp every on this day.  He won both major field goal competitions and was also the kickoff champion.  He nailed multiple field goals of 50 plus yards without missing a single kick during competition.  He put one kickoff through the uprights and several others deep into the endzone. He is big, tall, strong and athletic.  Kyler is a very talented prospect that could be a real sleeper in the Class of 2015.

Punt Champion  – Eric Kreitz (JC, CA)
Eric is a talented all around kicker / punter.  Primarily a kicker, he proved his all around ability in Dallas.  He hit several punts 50 plus yards with solid hang time.  Eric recently picked up an offer from Arkansas Pine Bluff and should see more recruiting action in the coming months.

Top Class of 2015 Prospect – Quinton Conaway (OK)
Quinton is a big time D1 prospect.  His field goals are outstanding off the ground, kickoffs are near the very top of his class and his punting is really coming along.  He has all the tools to make a big impact at any college.  Offer Now!

Other Class of 2015 Standouts: Ryan Rodriguez, Adam Nunez, Drew Klinghagen, Lucas Rizzotto, Omar Shalabi, Patrick LeCorre, Sam Jimenez, Tyler Flathau, Wyatt Clevenger, Jordan White, Julio De La Garza

Top Class of 2016 Prospect – Braden Mann (TX)
Braden continues solidify himself as one of the top players in the nation.  He has a big time leg and shows endless potential.  He is a D1 prospect as both a kicker and a punter.  Look for Braden to challenge for a “TOP 12” spot at Vegas XXV and land offers as early as this Spring.

Other Class of 2016 Standouts:  Butch Hampton, Austin Henning, Alex Cohill, Luke Hogan, Holden Lyons, Max Allen, Tony Hernandez, Bailey Raborn, Drew Riethman, Jacob Kubin, Colby Lorenz, John Wengierski, Marco Navarro, Mason Shank

Class of 2017 Future Stars: Jovi Munoz, Erick Carrasco, Josh Grant, Liam Bunnell, Nick Horiates, Geoffrey Pace, Robert Blue, Ryan Harwell

Class of 2018 Future Stars: Chris Kessler, Clark Schoonover, Jacob Meeks, Jake Smith

Chris Sailer Kicking will now gear up for Vegas XXV.  The prep camp for this Event will be in  Los Angeles, CA (January 11).  Then get ready for the biggest Kicking, Punting & Long Snapping camp in the world, Vegas XXV (January 17-18, 2015).
Visit for more rankings, statistics and camp information.

Lindale Football Stadium at Night


Chris Sailer Kicking – Vegas XXV

Chris Sailer Kicking – Vegas XXV

Why the change in name? Over the year’s Chris Sailer Kicking has developed the ultimate strategy to get High School & Junior College Specialists college scholarships!  How? Exposure.

I want you to think about it for 1 minute.  In 1995, 5 specialists signed D1 college scholarships. Three of them go by the names of Chad Shrout (Hawaii), Nacho Brache (CAL) and Chris Sailer (UCLA).  Do these names sound familiar? Exactly….. Chris Sailer Kicking staff members.  In 2014, 60+ specialists signed D1 College Scholarships.  If the names of those 60+ specialists sound familiar, you are right, they are.  You want to know why?  Almost every singe one of them them went through Chris Sailer Kicking & Rubio Long Snapping!

My first student in 1999 was Nick Folk. Give Nick Folk credit for changing the recruiting process for Kickers, Punters and Long Snappers forever.  The NFL All-Pro Placekicker was a student at Notre Dame High School in Sherman Oaks, CA.  The same school that also happens to be my alma mater.  It is also the same school that Lou Groza Award Winner and Washington Redskin Kicker Kai Forbath calls his alma mater. COINCIDENCE?  Nick was a soccer player turned kicker that is the only player that I have ever promised a scholarship to!  I said, “Nick, I will get you a scholarship!”  Hundreds of hours of work later, I was able to get one school to bite, the University of Arizona.  From those hundreds of hours of filming, phone calls, visits, even begging, the world of kicking, punting, and eventually long snapping changed forever.  Why?  The 1st Annual National Kicking Competition was born.  Why?  Because college coaches told me to run a camp where they could see all of these specialists at one place at one time.  Then and only then would they start to believe me and offer scholarships.

The success of Nick Folk and so many others that followed in his footsteps….  Plus Vegas is the reason why the number of Kickers, Punters & Long Snappers scholarships signed each and every year continues to grow!  The proof lies in the history of Chris Sailer Kicking, the birth of Vegas, and the domination of what would become Rubio Long Snapping (Introduced in 2003).  The long snapping story is another 50 page book in and of itself.  I’ll let Chris Rubio tell that story.
How did all of this happen? Exposure. How did exposure begin?  Vegas!  From the 1st Annual National Kicking Competition to the 4th Annual National Kicking Event (Name change due to the fact that college coaches couldn’t attend “Competitions” with stats anymore) to the first Event where camps could no longer be on college campuses, to the first Event where college coaches simply could no longer attend (all due to NCAA rules), Chris Sailer Kicking & Rubio Long Snapping have found the way to continue to get our athletes the best exposure the business could offer.

“TOP 12” & “EVENT ELITE” are exposure lists that can now rival lists such as “ELITE 11”.  24 Vegas Competitions/Events later, kickers, punters and long snappers are nearly on the same page as quarterbacks, wide receivers and running backs.  The goal has been accomplished.  Players wear their yellow shirts with pride.  The fact that I don’t even need to explain what a yellow shirt means proves the point that the exposure offered is second to none.

100’s of copycats have come and gone over the years.  There are 100’s of reasons to explain why.  Bottom line, Chris Sailer & Chris Rubio are the innovators. Rankings?  You called it, we were the first.  National Event of any kind, you nailed it again, we were the first.  Legitimate Long Snapping Camp? Correct, we were the first.  Social Media Presence? Correct again, we were the first. National Players of the year? You are correct yet again, we were the first.  Kicker getting a scholarship as a Sophomore?  Correct, Adam Griffith (Alabama), we were the first. Long Snapper getting a scholarship as a junior? Aha, Christian Yount (UCLA), we were the first. Long Snapper getting a scholarship offer as a 7th Grader? It happened, (Quinton Skinner, a Rubio Long Snapper since the 4th Grade), we were the first.  College coaches trust in Chris Sailer Kicking & Rubio Long Snapping because history proves us to be correct!

After 12 Vegas Events and 12 Vegas Spring Events the time has come.  Vegas = The LARGEST Kicking, Punting & Long Snapping Camp in the WORLD. VEGAS XXV is born.  #VEGASXXV is born.  Say the word Vegas to any Kickers, Punter or Long Snapper in the world and they will know exactly what you are talking about.  10,000+ served = Only 1 word needed.

Chris Sailer Kicking & Rubio Long Snapping will continue to be the innovator in the business.  That’s a guarantee.  Get ready for Fall 2014 and Vegas XXV.  You haven’t seen anything like what you are about to see and be a part of.  #TeamSailer #TeamRubio #VEGASXXV #ArmyBowl

Be a part of it!  See you there January 16-18, 2015

Lindale Football Stadium at Night


Chris Sailer Kicking – COLLEGE CAMP

Every year, Chris Sailer Kicking and Rubio Long Snapping hold a College Camp for all the Kickers, Punters and Long Snappers that are currently playing at a 4-Year College and/or headed to play at a 4-Year College. This summer, we simply could not find a suitable time to run one SO we have come up with the following plan….

Any Kicker, Punter and/or Long Snapper that is currently at a 4-Year College and/or headed to a 4-Year College can come to any of our personal camps (IL, GA, NC, TX, CA, Underclassmen Event) for free to work with Sailer / Rubio and also assist with younger specialists. This is a great way to knock off the rust, get ready for the season and inspire the next generation. You will get all of the instruction throughout the day, but simply won’t be able to partake in the competitions. Plus, it will require less travel, this summer, for the college athletes.

We will definitely try to create a block of time next summer for the College Camp but, until then, just contact Chris Sailer (818) 818-209-8921 or Chris Rubio 626-260-2524 to join us this summer.

Los Angeles, CA – June 21-22
Chicago, IL – July 13
Dallas, TX – July 15
Charlotte, NC – July 26
Atlanta, GA – July 27
Los Angeles, CA – July 30

2014 CSK Camp Schedule


2014 Chris Sailer Kicking – IL Spring Camp Recap

Chris Sailer Kicking made a recent stop in Chicago, IL to work with many of the region’s top specialists.  The weather was outstanding and the results reflected the ideal conditions.  The camp featured a great mixture of new young talent and experienced college prospects.  Take a look at the results.

Camp Champion:
Jacob LaFree (2015, IN) – Jacob is an extremely talented kicker.  He has one of the strongest legs in the nation and continues to prove that he is a D1 prospect.  On this day he took home the punting championship, but he also competed very well on field goals and kickoffs.  He won the head to head finals round by nailing back to back 52 yard field goals off the ground.  Look for Jacob to catch the eyes of many D1 coaches this spring and summer.

Top Overall Prospect:
Mason Weissenhofer (2015, IL) – Mason dominated all day long.  He is a great athlete with a big time leg.  He kicks with great technique and consistency.  On this day he won both the field goal and kickoff competitions.  Mason is an outstanding D1 kicking prospect.

Field Goal Champion:
Phil Oravecz (2015, IL) – Phil did a great job on field goals.  He stepped up when it counted the most and won the field goal charting competition.  Phil already kicks off the ground and shows excellent college potential.  Keep a close eye on him this coming year.

Class of 2015 Standouts: Blake Hately, Austin Baker, Joe McCollum, Michael Kurzydlowski, Nate Brown, Stephen Dennis, Thomas Tintera.

Class of 2016 Top Prospects:
Nate Needham – Nate is developing into a great prospect.  He is a good looking athlete with a very strong leg.  His field goals and kickoffs are near the top of his class and he continue to improve and a fast rate.  He also shows nice punting potential.  Nate could be a top player in his class.

Kaden Keon – Kaden is a excellent overall prospect.  He has a big leg and kicks with nice consistency.  He shows the tools to be a top prospect in his class.  Field goals, kickoffs and punts all show strong potential.  I expect Kaden to have a bright future.

Other 2016 Standouts: Jared Smolar, Riley Heavey, Ryley Guay, Henry Tarbox, Connor Assallay.

Top Class of 2017 Prospect: Matt Hellen

Top Class of 2018 Prospect: Grant Gonya

Exposure? Want more?  Read about the Chris Sailer Kicking IL Spring Camp on  CLICK HERE

Chris Sailer Kicking will next travel to Dallas, TX (April 27), and Los Angeles, CA (May 4).  The Spring Camp Tour will conclude with the 12th Annual National Kicking Spring Event in Las Vegas May 10-11, 2014!

For more rankings, evaluations & future camp dates visit or email [email protected]

Chris Sailer Kicking is an official partner of FBU, the U.S. Army All-America Bowl, and East Bay All-America Games.  The Road to the U.S. All-America Bowl & East Bay All-American Games begins now.

Chris Sailer Kicking at FBU Camps: Central Florida (April 4-5), Dallas, TX (April 25-26), San Diego, CA (May 2-3), Seattle, WA (May 16-17), Los Angeles, CA (May 30-31), Central Ohio (July 11-12).  Email [email protected] to inquire about an invitation to these prestigious camps.


Las Vegas Spring Event – May 10-11, 2014

The 12th Annual National Kicking Spring Event in Las Vegas, NV run by Chris Sailer Kicking is a little over a month away.  While many specialists are taking this time of year off, those that seriously want to play in college and know what it takes are working harder than ever.  Those hard workers will be in Las Vegas May 10-11, 2014 ready to impress and gain the most valuable national exposure in the nation.  Here is some useful information for those attending and those that are still considering attending.
•    Event Date: May 10-11, 2014
•    Arrive Friday May 9th.  The earlier that you arrive, the more well rested you will be for the weekend.
•    Plan on being at camp until 5PM Sunday May 11th.  There is no way of knowing if you will make the Finals Round Sunday until you and all other participants have completed the initial round of charting Sunday morning.  Whether you make the Finals Round or not, you should plan on staying on watching the Finals Round.  Get the full experience from the camp!
•    Friday Small Group Sessions (3:00 – 4:00 & 4:00 – 5:00) are OPTIONAL.  These were designed to knock some rust off, get rid of jet lag legs, and gain confidence heading into Saturday.  If you can make it, I highly recommend you attend. CLICK HERE
•    Location: Las Vegas Outdoor Soccer 1400 N. Rampart Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89128
•    There is no bleacher seating.  Bring chairs or buy some cheap chairs if you would like to sit while you watch.
•    Why May? May is also known as “Evaluation Period” for college coaches.  This is a very HOT time for recruiting for all classes.  May offers maximum exposure.  Chris Rubio and myself will be handing 100′s of calls after this event.  Recruiting Boards will be set based on results and our evaluations.  Want to be offered a scholarship at those college camps this summer?  Attending this camp is how they will know about you!
•    The 12th Annual National Kicking Spring Event gives you a chance to make the “Event Elite”.  There is NO set number of specialists that will be selected.  The number selected is based on the number of participants that can compete at that VERY HIGHEST LEVEL.  Usually 15-20 are selected to join the “TOP 12″ at the most prestigious Invite Only Camp in the world.  CLICK HERE
•    Think you are good enough to make the “Event Elite” – CLICK HERE to see who you are competing with and to get a little history about the “TOP 12″ & “Event Elite”
•    It is no surprise that from the 12th Annual National Kicking Event in January that the “TOP 12” are already getting major attention and full scholarship offers.  Who will be next?
•    The Spring Event in NOT an Invite Only Camp.  This camp offers a great experience to kickers, punters, and long snappers of all levels.  Expect a wide range of talent from beginners to the best of the best from around the world in the Classes of 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, Junior Colleges and 4-Year Transfer Students.  The best of the best, The “Event Elite”, selected from the Spring Event will be invited to attend the “TOP 12″ and “Event Elite” Camp in June.
•    Come prepared to enjoy your experience.  Do NOT put to much pressure on yourself.  Come with open eyes and ears.  Learn from your instructors and your peers.  Look around and take it all in.  Watch other groups.  Watch the college and pro demo.  Attend the Meetings.  There are so many things to learn and that you can and will benefit from if you take advantage.  Leave the camp with goals and a motivation to work harder than ever!
•    Saturday – Instructional Day.  You will get plenty of reps.  Pace yourself.  Saturday ends with a Chris Sailer Kicking Original Last Man Standing Competition. Your group numbers will be emailed to you about a week prior to camp.
•    Sunday – Competition Day.  You will be charted.  You can compete in 1, 2, or all 3 skills.  This is up to you.  Your competition start time will be assigned to you at Check-In Saturday.
•    Those that just punt – you are automatically in Group #2.
•    Class of 2017, 2016, and 2015 – You may use tees up to 2″ for both Field Goal and Kickoffs.  The choice is yours.  Class of 2014, JC, and Transfers you must kick off the ground for Field Goals and use a 1″ tee for Kickoffs.
•    Saturday Meetings are the the Group Rate Hotel – JW Marriott.  I highly advise that participants and their parents attend.  Get there early and enjoy. To book your hotel room.  CLICK HERE
•    What makes Chris Sailer Kicking the best in the business?  1st National Camp Ever for Specialists.  1st Kicking Company to ever to rank Kickers, Punters, and Long Snappers on a true national scale.  Chris Sailer is physically at EVERY camp associated with Chris Sailer Kicking.  Chris Sailer is the ONLY one that handles the evaluations and rankings for the Kickers and Punters.  Same holds true for Chris Rubio with the Long Snappers.  Talk to any college coach in America or any kicker or punter that has been to multiple camps and will see that Chris Sailer Kicking is the place to be for the best possible instruction and exposure.  Our advertising is word of mouth.  Come see for yourself!  See you in May!

2014 Vegas May Ad
