National Long Snapper Appreciation Day / Chris Sailer Kicking Contest

Chris Sailer Kicking introduces National Long Snapper Appreciation Day. Long Snappers are often the most under appreciated football players on the field. The saying goes, “You never know the long snappers name, unless they mess up” and “If you are a long snapper, it is your hope that the announcer never mentions your name. That just means you are doing your job well.”

I can tell you from first hand experience that a long snapper directly effects the success of kicker. In 1997, I earned All-American honors as both a kicker and punter while at UCLA. I never saw a bad snap and in fact never saw the laces of the football that year. My long snapper, yep you called it, was Chris Rubio. Our operation was flawless all year and making kicks became easy with that immense confidence that my long snapper would be perfect for me every time. Rubio never did get his All-American plaque that year. He also didn’t get to travel with me to Orlando, FL to be a part of the Home Depot ESPN Awards Show.

So…. after all these years, I have decided that it is time to thank my long snapper with the National Long Snapper Appreciation Day. I am inviting the Chris Sailer Kicking family to join me to celebrate our unsung heroes on November 1st starting in 2017 and continuing on each year from here on out.

Chris Sailer Kicking Contest – Due November 1st by midnight (Winner TBA November 2nd)

Post a picture, video, story, a combination of all of the above, etc. to your social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc.) showing your appreciation for your long snapper. Be creative and capture the meaning of long snapper appreciation. Tag Chris Sailer in your post. Also text (818-209-8921) or email ([email protected]) your entry to Chris Sailer. The winner will receive FREE admission to Vegas XXXI January 13-14, 2018. If you are already registered for Vegas, you will receive FREE admission to any Chris Sailer Kicking camp of your choice in the future (Excluding TOP 12 Camp & Underclassmen Invitational).

The time has come. I believe this might actually quiet Rubio and his comments about kickers/punters down a bit. Or maybe not. Regardless, I cannot wait to see your entries. Good luck!


Chris Sailer Kicking News – 2017 College Camps

Chris Sailer of Chris Sailer Kicking and Chris Rubio of Rubio Long Snapping will NOT be running any college specialist camps during the summer of 2017.  The NCAA has passed a new rule (April 2017) that prohibits us from coaching at these camps.   The SEC, PAC-12,  BIG 12, etc. have informed us that it would be against NCAA rules to hire us, or anyone else that attempts to do what we do, as they have in the past.

Most University specialist camps will proceed as usual, but will simply be run by the college football staffs themselves.  We still encourage attendance at these camps for 2018 prospects.  However, as always we caution you as to how many you choose to attend.  We recommend 3-5 of these camps total.  It is important that you are always fresh and healthy at these camps.  Never snap on back to back days, especially with the travel involved.  Remember, word of mouth will spread very quickly among coaches.  Three to five strong performances will go a long way.  One poor performance will spread even quicker.

Rest assured, Rubio and I will be in communication with nearly every program in the nation. College coaches will know who the top Sailer and Rubio prospects are, well before the camps.  Having said that, be sure to attend camps that match your athletic and academic abilities. Best of luck and be sure to keep us posted on your experiences and performances.


NLOI (National Letter of Intent) Day!

Tomorrow, high school football players around the country will be signing on the dotted line to play for their respective schools. It is a great time of the year for all involved. It is NLOI (National Letter of Intent) Signing Day. It is covered by major sports affiliates and it begins the process of which college will dominate tomorrow with the stellar high school athletes of today.

With all the hoopla, comes questions….allow me clear some things up for everyone. These are all from questions I have received over the years.

Is Signing Day the only day an athlete can sign with a college?
Absolutely not. It is just the first official day for the seniors to make their commitment official. A scholarship athlete can sign anytime on or after that day. You can literally sign the day you get on campus if you are a late pick-up for a school. The whole Signing Day is just a lot of pomp and circumstance that the media has turned it into an event.

Do Preferred Walk-Ons sign on Signing Day?
No, they do not officially sign anything. However, many schools and parents like to have a simple ceremony that represents signing. A preferred walk-on, although verbally committed to a school is NOT locked into that respective school. They have the option to change their mind to another school at any point if a scholarship comes their way. Not exactly the most kosher thing to do to a coach/program but they would most likely understand. I look at it like this, an athlete not taking a scholarship would be similar to a person not taking a free car and opting to pay for the same car.

If I sign with a college on scholarship, can I adjust after?
Sure, BUT you will lose a year of eligibility. Once you sign, you are done. Don’t even think about transferring as it rarely works out and is an uphill battle to say the least. Think about it, why would a coach want an athlete that could not fit in at their first stop? A transfer athlete always brings up red flags…why is it going to work this time, why did he not get along with players and coaches at the first school, it is a homesick issue, is he a problem case, schooling? All are questions that a new coach is going to want to know about you. Bottom line, make your decision and stick with it.

How do the schools get the athletes signatures? 
Most athletes sign in the early morning and then fax them in to their new home (school).

Why have a Signing Day? 
It is the day your verbal commitment becomes official.

Can a junior that is offered a scholarship sign early?
Nope. They must wait just like the others within his graduating class. All of this waiting around gives way to all the committing and de-committing which coaches and sports writers absolutely love (dripping with sarcasm).

Is it true that scholarships have to be renewed every year by the school?
Yes. This is one of those things that not a lot of people know about but it is true. Every single year, the staff has to renew your scholarship for the next year. Therefore, if you are not producing as an athlete, student or person, your scholarship can not be renewed. It is not very common for it to happen, but I have witnessed it occur. Usually, a social issue is the final straw in saying bye bye to your education being paid for by the school.

All in all, Signing Day is a great thing that should be cherished by all but definitely don’t feel as though it is the end all be all. No matter when you sign, you are still going to be on full scholarship with your school paid for, and that is the most important thing.



Vegas XXVII – What You Need to Know!

Vegas XXVII is just over 1 month away.  While many specialists are taking this time of year off, those that seriously want to play in college and know what it takes are working harder than ever.  Those hard workers will be in Las Vegas January 15-17, 2016 ready to impress and gain the most valuable national exposure in the nation.  Here is some useful information for those attending and those that are still considering attending.

Event Date: January 15-17, 2016

Arrive Friday January 15th.  The earlier that you arrive, the more well rested you will be for the weekend.

The Friday Small Group Session (4:00 – 5:00) is OPTIONAL.  This session is designed to knock some rust off, get rid of jet lag legs, and gain confidence heading into Saturday.  If you can make it, I highly recommend you attend.  Text Chris Sailer 818-209-8921 to get in!

The Chris Sailer Kicking & Rubio Long Snapping Awards Show will take place at 7:00 PM on Friday, January 15th at the JW Marriott (221 N. Rampart Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89145).  Awards to be presented: Chris Sailer Award (presented to the National High School Placekicker of the Year), Chris Sailer Kicking All-Americans, Chris Sailer Kicking Most Improved (By Class), Chris Sailer Kicking Social Media Award, Chris Sailer Kicking Man of the Year Award, etc.  There is no cost to attend the Awards Show.  Dress is casual. All are invited.

Plan on being at camp until 6PM Sunday January 17th.  There is no way of knowing if you will make the Finals Round Sunday until you and all other participants have completed the initial round of charting Sunday morning.  Whether you make the Finals Round or not, you should plan on staying on watching the Finals Round.  Get the full experience from the camp! Note: Monday is the Martin Luther King holiday.

Location: Las Vegas Outdoor Soccer 1400 N. Rampart Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89128
There is no bleacher seating.  Bring chairs or buy some cheap chairs if you would like to sit while you watch.

Why January? May is also known as “Contact Period” for college coaches.  This is the HOTTEST time of year for recruiting for all classes.  National Letter of Intent Day is in early February each year.  January offers maximum exposure.  Chris Rubio and myself will be handing 100′s of calls after this event.  College Scholarship will be awarded. Recruiting Boards will be set based on results and our evaluations.

Why January? Vegas XXVII gives you a chance to make the “TOP 12”.  “TOP 12” is the most important exposure list in the WORLD, period!  CLICK HERE to see the history of the “TOP 12”. You will be shocked to see how many current NFL starters are on this list.  Will you be next?

Vegas XXVII in NOT an Invite Only Camp.  This camp offers a great experience to kickers, punters, and long snappers of all levels.  Expect a wide range of talent from beginners to the best of the best from around the world in the Classes of 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, Junior Colleges and 4-Year Transfer Students.

Come prepared to enjoy your experience.  Do NOT put to much pressure on yourself.  Come with open eyes and ears.  Learn from your instructors and your peers.  Look around and take it all in.  Watch other groups.  Watch the college and pro demo.  Attend the Awards Show.  There are so many things to learn and that you can and will benefit from if you take advantage.  Leave the camp with goals and a motivation to work harder than ever!

Saturday – Instructional Day.  You will get plenty of reps.  Pace yourself.  Saturday ends with a Chris Sailer Kicking Original Last Man Standing Competition. Your group numbers will be emailed to you about a week prior to camp.

Sunday – Competition Day.  You will be charted.  You can compete in 1, 2, or all 3 skills.  This is up to you.  Your competition start time will be assigned to you at Check-In Saturday.
Those that just punt – you are automatically in Group #3 on Saturday.

Class of 2020, 2019, 2018, and 2017– You may use tees up to 2″ for both Field Goal and Kickoffs.  The choice is yours.  Class of 2016, JC, and Transfers you must kick off the ground for Field Goals and use a 1″ tee for Kickoffs.

There are 2 Preparation Camps ahead for Vegas XXVII.  Time to get ready!

Los Angeles, CA – CLICK HERE

Atlanta, GA – CLICK HERE

What makes Chris Sailer Kicking the best in the business?  1st National Camp Ever for Specialists.  1st Kicking Company to ever to rank Kickers, Punters, and Long Snappers on a true national scale.  Chris Sailer is the ONLY one that handles the evaluations and rankings for the Kickers and Punters.  Same holds true for Chris Rubio with the Long Snappers.  Talk to any college coach in America or any kicker or punter that has been to multiple camps and will see that Chris Sailer Kicking is the place to be for the best possible instruction and exposure.  Our advertising is word of mouth.  Come see for yourself!  See you in January!

2016 Vegas Add


Survival Guide for Chris Sailer Kicking / Rubio Long Snapping Parents

Quick Reference for the BIG Questions to the little Questions 

Most Parent/Guardians of LS and K/P have.
I’m just a mom. It sounds funny to say that out loud, as any parent knows being a parent is not for the faint of heart, so using the phrase “just a mom” is a HUGE understatement. Equally understated is to use the phrase “just the long snapper/kicker/punter.” So, go ahead and move past the “just” and recognize the vitally important role your son (or possibly daughter, but for the sake of time and space I’ll refer to the student athlete in the male form) plays on his team. Special teams, and specifically the long snapper and kicker/punter have, can, and will make or break a football game. I encourage you to go to and read more in depth blogs on this subject via the link to Rubio’s blog and Sailer’s blog. Another quick and extremely relevant example would be the 2014 college football season during which both regular season and bowl games had outcomes determined by the performance of special teams in the last few seconds. Now, moving forward, I’m just a mom and my kid’s just a long snapper, and the past year and a half has been one of the most exciting journeys…EVER…so buckle up buttercup, here we go!
Your First Rubio/Sailer Camp-
     1. This is typically the one day camp that is held closest to you. You probably googled long snapping or kicking instruction/technique, or heard of Rubio and/or Sailer by word of mouth, and now you’re all signed up for your first Rubio/Sailer Camp for your son. **Prepare to be blown away.** We were. My son had just finished his freshman season, having been pulled to the varsity team and become the starting long snapper for his high school football team. His high school is known for its football program in our state, and my son became a really big fish in a small pond literally overnight. He loved it. We, his parents, thought he was the best thing that had ever happened to long snapping. Once we got to that first camp, the “pond” suddenly got much, much bigger. That’s not to say my son wasn’t good, what I mean is we saw very quickly that if he wanted to get serious about football and college, there was work to be done.
          -This may or may not be your experience and that’s okay. Every situation is unique, and it’s important to take the suggestions that help.
          -You are going to be given A LOT of information. Relax! (You’ll find this to be a recurring theme throughout this experience.) Give it time and it will sink in. Also, Sailer and Rubio are two of the most open and receptive individuals/professionals when it comes to questions. A quick tip, though- after this first camp, when a question comes up, go to the website first. If you still can’t find an answer you are looking for, ask! 
     2. What do I need to take for camp?
Sounds a bit silly, but until you’ve been there, done that, (and now can even get the t-shirt), there are things I definitely would recommend having on hand that I never thought of in the beginning.
          -Wear comfortable clothes and shoes. You will be very involved in this experience and while I love my cute sandals and sundresses as much as the next mom (comfortable clothing applies to dads as well; choose clothes you’d wear when at home working with your son), this isn’t a beauty pageant. Get out your socks and tennis/running/athletic shoes, shorts, and a t-shirt and be ready to work and learn with your son.
          -Bring a chair, you’ll need to be in close proximity to the instruction. Usually that means on the sidelines until Sailer or Rubio call parents to the field. Standing all day or sitting on the grass/turf isn’t ideal.
          -If possible, bring a cooler with water. Water is ALWAYS provided, but if you’re at a camp in the heat of summer, a small cooler (even the soft, foldable ones) that can carry water bottles with ice/cold packs definitely comes in handy. Your athlete should be hydrating daily. The reality is, so should parents. If you or your athlete waits to take in water until thirsty, you’re doing it wrong. HYDRATE, HYDRATE, HYDRATE! If the camp isn’t close enough to drive to and you are flying, Google the nearest Dollar Store, Dollar General, WalMart, Target, etc. It’s worth the extra ten dollars to have cold water on hand. 
          -Sunscreen. You and your athlete will be outside (weather permitting) for the better part of eight hours. Even if the camp you and your athlete are attending is during one of the cooler months, you may need sunscreen. If it’s a summer camp and you enjoy having a nose, it’s a must.
          -You are going to have about an hour for lunch. Be prepared. Google restaurants close by that you can get in and out of quickly. Another option is bring lunch with you- think tailgating. This can be a good idea for several reasons: you don’t have to rush, your athlete has more time to relax and regroup, and you will likely have the opportunity to get to know others at the camp. It’s important to realize this group of young men will see each other again, and they are building friendships on the field, so build friendships with the parents around you. Be smart, though. If it’s 100* outside, go somewhere out of the heat for this break. Otherwise, I’m confident EMS will gladly take you somewhere cooler- just saying.
          -Bring your camera/phone. Rubio and Sailer are used to taking pictures with athletes at their camps at the end. Even if your kid isn’t big on pictures, DO IT. You’ll look back at some point and realize how far your kid has come, and you’ll be glad you did.
     3. Why does Rubio/Sailer know other kids’ names/parents/families? Will they remember my son? Are they even watching them?
          -Don’t flip out!! Some of the athletes and their families have been working with Rubio/Sailer for years. Just because they know some of the athletes immediately doesn’t mean they aren’t watching your kid. In fact, you just might hear them called by a nickname that will stick (ex. BaconHead, Oregon, MadDawg). Your son may get a “big daddy” thrown his way. This happens because they ARE noticing your kid, and while in that moment they may not use your athlete’s full name, they use these kinds of nicknames because that’s one of the ways they remember the athletes. You may also notice that your athlete is being photographed and videoed…a lot. Relax, Rubio and Sailer are noticing your son from the moment you walk up to the registration table until the moment you leave that afternoon (likely dragging, tired, a little overwhelmed by all the information you’ve been given, and definitely excited and motivated for the future).
           -Remember the big fish/small pond example? This is when you’ll probably realize that while your kid is talented, so are many other kids. Again, relax. At the end of the day, your son has just learned from the best, trained with the best, and been evaluated by the best. Once rankings/evaluations are posted, your athlete is going to have his strengths highlighted while also given constructive criticism. This part of the process ideally will encourage, motivate, and drive your son to put what he has learned to good use if he hasn’t already. Rubio has an excellent blog that explains how his rankings are done, so, again, go to the website, click on Rubio’s blog and search for how his rankings/evaluations are done. It’s fair, honest, and really quite easy to understand.
          -Be patient. Believe me when I say I understand, patience is not one of my virtues. However, Rubio and Sailer will tell the athletes and parents a date their rankings will come out. If you aren’t already, you and your athlete should follow, friend, like, etc. Sailer and Rubio on all social media sources. They will let everyone know via their blogs and social media that the rankings are up. 
     -Get familiar with social media- like yesterday. You will hear it, read it, and maybe wake up repeating it: Be sure your athlete is being appropriate when using social media. Colleges are watching and noting EVERYTHING your athlete is doing if they are a potential recruit. Think of it like Santa Claus (you better watch out…he knows when you’ve been bad or good so be good for goodness sake)- he’s everywhere! Does your kid want to play ball or lose a spot on a team over a retweet? If you don’t know what a retweet is, figure it out right now. 
How often should my son attend a Rubio/Sailer camp? Isn’t once enough? What about Vegas?
     1. I am a parent that looks for a really good reason to do something, I evaluate its worth as well as the sacrifice needed to obtain a goal. My son that I’ve referenced here has three siblings, so a great deal of thought has to go into these decisions. The following are my thoughts as a parent on this subject:
          -When preparing to have our son, my husband and I put a great deal of time and effort into being sure he would have the things he needed to thrive. While my husband (as a new dad) was awesome at helping, and he could change a diaper, the first few weeks of diaper changes were pretty comical. Sure, our son had a diaper on, but with practice he had a diaper on that didn’t fall off when we picked him up. Another example would be when our son got his learner’s permit to drive. He was very diligent about safety, and could get us from point A to B. But with practice, he stopped using the brake like an on/off switch. The point is, your athlete will learn great things at one camp, but if his desire is to be the best he can be or to play football at the next level, giving him more opportunities to fine tune his skills is imperative. Yes, attend more than one camp. 
          -While things like form, speed, accuracy, and consistency are themes that remain unchanged at each camp, I can say with certainty that my son has learned something new each time he’s attended a Rubio/Sailer camp. That could mean learning a new drill all the way to walking up to register by himself and displaying the confidence he is building in himself. The best analogy I can think of for this part of the process is much like when one learns to drive a car with a manual transmission. There’s that really fine, smooth moment you let off the clutch and press the gas pedal. In the beginning, most of us had those “herky, jerky” moments and had to restart, or have heard a parent yell “you’re grinding the gears.” If you only attend one camp, it’s probable that you and your athlete will approach most of the day together. If you attend a second camp, and you nudge your son to handle things himself, depending on the kid, it’s going to be somewhat “herky, jerky.” The more opportunities to practice and fine tune skills on and off the field, the smoother the transition will be for your son to become a confident and independent individual in a very positive way.
     2. Vegas. If I could go back in time, I would have gotten my son to this event sooner. It’s honestly not something one can explain, it’s the experience itself. You will hear Sailer and Rubio say go more than once. ABSOLUTELY! The first time you and your son attend this event, it’s like the first day of high school as a freshman. Most of the time is spent figuring everything out (unless your son is a seasoned world traveler that never gets jet lag and is intimidated by nothing). If you’ve ever seen the movie “Hoosiers” (your son probably has not, but hopefully you saw it back in the day), there is a scene where the team makes it to the BIG championship game. They all walk in the arena looking like a bunch of deer in headlights. The coach has them measure the court, and so on. This is much like that first trip to Vegas. Your son will realize the distance to the target hasn’t changed, Sailer and Rubio haven’t changed, and get more comfortable with what comes along with traveling, navigating this mega event, etc. 
Is it (the camps) really worth it?
     1. The easy, quick answer: YES!
     2. The training experience offered by Chris Sailer and Chris Rubio truly is worth it, and here is why:
          -If we are talking dollars and cents, as well as probability and statistics, then it’s a no-brainer. Add up what you would spend on the camps your son attends in a given year (everything- travel, food, hotel, camp, etc.). Nope, it’s not cheap. Now add up the cost of a four year education (and even pick a school with a lesser tuition, but add in staying on campus, a meal plan, transportation of some sort, etc.). You likely have just seen in black and white how beneficial this can be.
          -Do some research. Look at the options out there. It will quickly become clear NO OTHER CAMP offers the same degree of exposure, education, and instruction, AND educates/involves the parent/guardian (maximizing your athlete’s potential by giving him the tools to work hard and smart after camp is over). This is the real deal. 
          -What your son will take away from the Sailer/Rubio camp experience is priceless on several levels. First, this is my son’s goal, his dream- not mine, not my husband’s- his. If this is your athlete’s passion, you will see great things; if it’s your dream and not your kid’s you’re doing it wrong- stop. Second, this is an awesome opportunity for your son to learn responsibility, confidence, and independence BEFORE he steps out into this big ole world on his own. If my son chose to never pick up a football again, what he has learned and gained is more than we could teach him on our own as parents, and that alone makes every bit worth it. Finally, the day I stood back with my husband and watched our son walk up to a college’s special teams coordinator, shake his hand, look him in the eye and have a conversation with him on his own, I knew we were on the right track.
I cannot stress enough how essential the website ( is. Hopefully you’ve gained some insight and can relax and enjoy this awesome time with your athlete. It’s been one of the best decisions we have ever made.Written by Ashley Culbertson (Long Snapping Parent, MS)


Which Camps Should I Attend, and When?


One of the most common questions that I get asked is, “Which camps should my son attend and when?”  I have been running kicking/punting lessons, camps, and national events for 15 years now.  In a perfect world, here is exactly what I would recommend.

6th/7th Grade

  • Attend at least 1 Chris Sailer Kicking Camp as a spectator.  See what it is all about.  I would choose a 1-Day Fall, Spring or Summer Camp in CA, WA, FL, NJ, NC, GA, TX or IL.  Meet Chris Sailer.  Listen to instruction.  Become familiar and comfortable with the camp scene. There is no charge for this.
  • When you feel that you are ready, you may attend the above as a participant.
  • Attend FBU Camps.  Chris Sailer Kicking is an official partner of FBU, the U.S. Army All-American Game and Youth All-American Games.  Chris Sailer will select Kickers, Punters & Long Snappers for these games each year.  You must attend an FBU camp when the Chris Sailer Kicking staff is present to be selected for these games.
  • Start private lessons with a Chris Sailer Kicking private coach.  Text me (818-209-8921) and I will set you up with a great 1-on-1 coach anywhere across the United States.

7th/8th Grade

  • This is the time to begin attending Chris Sailer Kicking Camps.  I would choose a 1-Day Fall, Spring or Summer Camp in CA, WA, FL, NJ, NC, GA, TX or IL.   I would attend ALL 3 camps when Chris Sailer Kicking comes to your region of the U.S.  We come most of these locations 3 times per year (Fall, Spring, and Summer).
  • Attend 1 of the Las Vegas Events as a spectator.  See what the next level of camp is all about.  There is no charge for this.
  • Continue private and group lessons with Chris Sailer and/or a Chris Sailer Kicking private coach.  Text me (818-209-8921) and I will set you up with a great 1-on-1 coach anywhere across the United States.
  • Attend FBU Camps.  Chris Sailer Kicking is an official partner of FBU, the U.S. Army All-American Game and Youth All-American Games.  Chris Sailer will select Kickers, Punters & Long Snappers for these games each year.  You must attend an FBU camp when the Chris Sailer Kicking staff is present to be selected for these games.
  • If invited, attend the Underclassmen Invitational.  This camp is “Invite Only” and is for the players and parents.  Learn about your future and how to handle it each step of the way.

9th Grade

  • Attend ALL 3 of the 1-Day Camps in your region (CA, NC, GA, TX, NJ, WA, FL or IL).  We come to most of these locations 3 times per year (Fall, Spring and Summer).
  • Attend at least one 1-day camp another state.  Start to get a feel for travel and other competition.
  • Attend The Las Vegas Events in both January & May.  The time is now to see what it is all about.  See what it takes at every level (Fr, So, Jr, Sr, JC, College, and Pro).  The experience will pay off!!!  Time to set goals.
  • Continue private and group lessons with Chris Sailer and/or a Chris Sailer Kicking private coach.  Text me (818-209-8921) and I will set you up with a great 1-on-1 coach anywhere across the United States.
  • If invited, attend the Underclassmen Invitational.  This camp is “Invite Only” is for the players and parents.  Continue to learn about your future and how to handle it each step of the way.

10th Grade

  • Attend ALL 3 of the  1-Day Camps in your region (CA, NC, GA, TX, NJ, WA, FL or IL).  We come to most of these locations 3 times per year (Fall, Spring and Summer).
  • Attend at least one 1-day camp another state.  Start to get a feel for travel and other competition.
  • Attend The Las Vegas Events in both January & May.  The time is now to see what it is all about.  See what it takes at every level (Fr, So, Jr, Sr, JC, College, and Pro).  The experience will pay off!!!  Time to set goals.
  • Continue private and group lessons with Chris Sailer and/or a Chris Sailer Kicking private coach.  Text me (818-209-8921) and I will set you up with a great 1-on-1 coach anywhere across the United States.
  • If invited, attend the Underclassmen Invitational. This camp is “Invite Only” is for the players and parents.  Continue to learn about your future and how to handle it each step of the way.
  • Attend 1 Local College Camp.  These are essentially tryouts.  Go to get experience.  It will pay off for when it really counts. Unless you are a 5-star rated kicker/punter, there is no reason to attend more than one college camp during your sophomore summer.

11th Grade

  • Attend ALL 3 of the  1-Day Camps in your region (CA, NC, GA, TX, NJ, WA, FL or IL).  We come to most of these locations 3 times per year (Fall, Spring and Summer).
  • Attend two to three 1-day camps in other states.  Get a feel for travel and other competition. See what it is like in different regions of the country.  Plan unofficial visits to college while on your trips.
  • Attend The Las Vegas Events in both January & May.  The time is the time to dominate!  See what it takes at every level (Fr, So, Jr, Sr, JC, College, and Pro). Get the exposure and experience that will lead you to success at the college level.
  • Continue private and group lessons with Chris Sailer and/or a Chris Sailer Kicking private coach.  Text me (818-209-8921) and I will set you up with a great 1-on-1 coach anywhere across the United States.
  • Attend FBU Camps.  Chris Sailer Kicking is an official partner of FBU, the U.S. Army All-American Game and Youth All-American Games.  Chris Sailer will select Kickers, Punters & Long Snappers for these games each year.  You must attend an FBU camp when the Chris Sailer Kicking staff is present to be selected for these games.
  • Attend Multiple College Camps within reason.  These are essentially tryouts.  Be realistic with your skill level.  Attend camps at all levels of college football (D1, D2, D3, etc.) Be smart when selecting which camps and how many college camps you will attend.  I would recommend 5-6 college camps.  Remember you are like a pitcher in baseball.
  • Attend the TOP 12 & Event Elite Camp.  This is an “Invite Only” Camp that brings together ONLY the best of the best.  You can only get invited by attending the Vegas Events and proving that you are one of the best while competing again the best.  This camp is the ULTIMATE GOAL.  This is the best camp that you will ever attend, if invited.

12th Grade

  • Attend ALL 3 of the  1-Day Camps in your region (CA, NC, GA, TX, NJ, WA, FL or IL).  We come to most of these locations 3 times per year (Fall, Spring and Summer).
  • Attend two to three 1-day camps in other states.  Get a feel for travel and other competition. See what it is like in different regions of the country.  Plan unofficial visits to college while on your trips.
  • Attend The Las Vegas Events in both January & May.  This is the time to dominate!  See what it takes at every level (Fr, So, Jr, Sr, JC, College, and Pro). Get the exposure and experience that will lead you to success at the college level.
  • Continue private and group lessons with Chris Sailer and/or a Chris Sailer Kicking private coach.  Text me (818-209-8921) and I will set you up with a great 1-on-1 coach anywhere across the United States.
  • Attend the Chris Sailer Kicking Camp for 4-Year College Kickers/Punters.  Once you have committed to a college at any level, you are eligible for this camp.
  • DO NOT stop working once you have decided on a college.  This is the #1 mistake made.  Work harder than ever as the next level is even more difficult.



  • Attend the Chris Sailer Kicking  College Camp for 4-Year Kickers/Punters each year to stay sharp and prepare yourself for upcoming seasons and an NFL Future.
  • Continue private and group lessons with Chris Sailer and/or a Chris Sailer Kicking private coach.  Text me (818-209-8921) and I will set you up with a great 1-on-1 coach anywhere across the United States.


  • Attend the Chris Sailer Kicking NFL Combine.  Graduating college seniors and NFL Free Agents are eligible.
  • Continue private and group lessons with Chris Sailer and/or a Chris Sailer Kicking private coach.  Text me (818-209-8921) and I will set you up with a great 1-on-1 coach anywhere across the United States.

Chris Sailer Kicking is the #1 Kicking, Punting, and Long Snapping Business in the World.  We will teach and guide you from the youth level all through the day that you retire from the NFL.


IL Summer Camp Recap – Cote Wins It!

The Chris Sailer Kicking 2015 Summer Tour is in full swing. The regional summer camps kicked off this past Thursday in Chicago, IL. Over 100 specialists from 15 plus states were in attendance to train and compete with the best. This camp has a great history, most recently landing champions Tanner Blain at San Diego State and Tyler Davis at Penn State last year. I expect similar results from this year’s talented group. Take a look at the champions and other standouts.

Camp Champion: David Cote (2016, Canada) – David is an incredible talent. He is big, strong, athletic and naturally talented. He won the charting field goal session proving his consistency and showing off his range. He came through in the head to head finals hitting consecutive field goals of 47, 52, 57 and 60 yards off the ground. His kickoffs are also tremendous. If you didn’t know the name before, you know it now. David is a D1 specialist without a doubt.

Field Goal Champion: Nate Needham (2016, IN) – The longtime Chris Sailer Kicking student is an all around standout. He won the last man standing field goal competition by nailing 5 consecutive field goals of 35, 40, 45, 50, and 52 yards. He kicks off the ground with ease and consistency. He averages 65 plus yards on kickoffs with 3.8 – 4.1 hang time. Nate also excels punting the football. He is a D1 talent.

Kickoff Champion: Kaden Keon (2016, MI) – The Chris Sailer Kicking “Event Elite” Member has one of the strongest legs in the nation and is an incredible competitor. He won the kickoff competition by hitting 75-yard kickoffs and consistently putting up 4.0 plus second hang time. Kaden is also strong on both field goals and punts. Kaden will compete very well at the D1 level.

Punt Champion: Bryce Webb (2017, KY) – The #4 ranked punter in the nation again proved why. This is now the third consecutive regional camp that he has appeared in the finals. Bryce is a great athlete with the prototypical punter frame. He easily averages 40 plus yards and shows the ability to hit 4.8-5.1 hang time punts. He should be a top target for college coaches in next year’s recruiting class.

Other 2016 Standouts: Austin Chekaluk, Christian Dinevski, Henry Tarbox, Karl Schmidt, Ryley Guay, Seiver Tandy & Tyler Grimes.

Top 2017 Kicker: Quinn Saluan (OH) – Quinn is a very talented kicker / punter. The veteran Chris Sailer Kicking specialist is a good athlete with one of the stronger legs in his class. He hits 50 plus yard field goals off the ground. His kickoffs are solid and improving. He is also a capable punter. Quinn is a competitor that has a bright college future.

Other 2017 Standouts: Adam Durocher, Chase Bruns, Cody Gronewold, Declan Holm, Matt Hellen, Noah Donatelli.

Class of 2018/2019 Future Stars: Brandon Walters, Brayden Johnson, Eduardo Favella, Eric Hildebrand, Andy Vujnovich, Zac Adams, Jake Holous & James Turner.

Chris Sailer Kicking will next make a stop in Dublin OH for the FBU Top Gun camp (July 17-18) where we will be selecting the 2016 U.S. Army All-Americans as well at the Adidas Freshman All-Americans & FBU Class of 2020 and 2021 All-Americans. Then the summer will conclude with regional camps in Dallas, TX (July 23), Charlotte, NC (July 25), Atlanta, GA (July 26) and Los Angeles, CA (July 29).

For more statistics, evaluations, rankings and future camp dates visit or contact Chris Sailer 818-209-8921 (text) or [email protected] (Email).

2015 IL Summer Camp Finalists: David Cote, Kaden Keon, Nate Needham, Bryce Webb

2015 IL Summer Camp Finalists: David Cote, Kaden Keon, Nate Needham, Bryce Webb


What Summer Camps Should I Attend In 2015?

Summer Camps 2015

The most common question so far about the summer of 2015 has been, “There are so many camps, how do I know which camps to attend and how many should I attend?”

I will do my best to give you some simple and clear tips.

What types of camps are there?

College Camps:

•    These are essentially tryouts that are run by the Universities themselves.
•    Seniors to be should attend these camps.
•    Younger players may want to attend one or two of these simply for experience.  (Unless you are the #1 or #2 ranked specialist in the nation)
•    Be smart about how many you attend.  You should not kick back to back days as you will not show your best.
•    Register for these camps through the University by either going to their website or calling the football office.
•    Don’t expect great instruction.  Remember, these are basically tryouts.  Most eyes will be on the best of the best.
•    Camp size ranges from 75-250 Kickers, Punters & Long Snappers.
•    BLOG 1 on College Camps
•    BLOG 2 on College Camps
•    BLOG 3 on College Camps

Chris Sailer Kicking Underclassmen Event & “TOP 12” & Event Elite: 

•    These are the ONLY 2 INVITE ONLY camps that Chris Sailer Runs.  You must be invited to attend.
•    You should 100% attend if you are invited.
•    These camps should be your #1 priority. Period.
•    Underclassmen = Juniors, Sophomores, Freshman, 8th Graders for the coming year, 7th Graders for the coming year.
•    Underclassmen is a combination of education & competition.  Parents should 100% attend as this camp is it is as much for them.
•    Underclassmen camp size 50-75 Kickers & Punters.
•    “TOP 12” & “Event Elite” = Best of the best in the world invited based on performance in Las Vegas in either January or May.
•    “TOP 12” & “Event Elite” is open to the public for viewing.
•    Rankings will be updated based on performance.

Chris Sailer Kicking – 1 Day Camps in Chicago, IL, Dallas, TX, Charlotte, NC, Atlanta, GA & Los Angeles, CA:

•    Most popular CSK camps that provide the entire experience. (Instruction, Parent Involvement, Film Analysis, Competition, Rankings)
•    Those entering senior year should attend 1-2 of these camps this summer. (1 in your region and 1 outside your region)
•    Younger players should attend at least one of these.

FBU Camps:

•    Invite only camps run by FBU (A Chris Sailer Kicking Partner)
•    If you are invited, you should 100% attend at least 1 of these camps.
•    Expect great instruction and exposure
•    Camps run by Chris Sailer or Chris Sailer Kicking Staff (Joe Houston, Obi Egekeze, Erik Folk, Carson Wiggs, Chris Nendick).
•    Regional camps in Orlando (FL), Charlotte (NC), Dallas (TX), Houston (TX), New Jersey, Los Angeles (CA), San Francisco (CA), Atlanta (GA), Miami (FL), Chicago (IL), & Dublin (OH).
•    Top Gun camp in Dublin, OH July 16-18, 2015.
•    2 Kickers, 2 Punters & 2 Long Snappers will be selected to play in the 2014 U.S. Army All-American Bowl at the Top Gun Camp.
•    Youth specialists will be selected to play Adidas All-American Game & More!  Other specialists will be invited to play in the FBU National Championships.
•    Register for these camps by calling FBU 973-366-5027 and using the Code CS15
•    Rankings on are updated based on performance.

College Camp (4-Year College Specialists)

•    Open to Class of 2015 High School Graduates heading to a 4-Year University or College.
•    Open to all current Freshman, Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors currently at a 4-Year University.
•    2-Day overnight camp, including hotel + airport pick up and drop off.

So, of course, now you have follow up questions.

Q: My son is a senior to be, won’t his legs get tired?

A: If you want to play college football, this summer should be 100% dedicated to kicking & punting.  To answer the question….YES, they will get tired.  You have to be smart about laying out your summer schedule.  You cannot kick/punt everyday.  Your body needs rest to stay healthy and maintain the ability to perform at your highest level.  Try not to kick/punt on consecutive days.  If you have to kick/punt on consecutive days, take 2 days of rest before the next time you kick/punt.

Q: Many camps are scheduled for the same day?  And if I cannot kick/punt on consecutive days I am going to miss out on many opportunities, so what do I do?

A: It is impossible to be in 2 places at once.  So sometimes you will have to make tough choices.  A college coach can schedule you to come kick/punt for them on an alternate date.  As long as the University is putting on another camp on that day, you can go kick/punt for them.  The coach has to be willing to do this for you.  This is how you will know how bad they really want you.  Call the coach and try to schedule and alternate date.

Q: How do I prioritize which camps are most important?

A: 1. “TOP 12” & “Event Elite”, 2. Underclassmen Invitational 3. FBU Top Gun, 4. Chris Sailer Kicking 1-Day Camps, 5. FBU Regional Camps, 6. College Camps

Q: Camp costs and the travel costs associated with these camps can be very expensive, so what do I do?

A: You will have to prioritize based on the above.  It is important to see other parts of the country if possible.  This will one day make the college decision process much easier.  Again, tough choices.

Q: I am getting a lot of “Invites” from competitors of yours?  Do I have to go to these?

A: I can write a book on this.  But to keep it simple, No.  Invites aren’t invites if they invite everyone.  Our website is used everyday to solicit.  Clever advertising doesn’t equal a quality camp.  Chris Sailer Kicking is the #1 most trusted resource for college coaches nationwide.  Actions speak louder than words.  Believe in Chris Sailer Kicking and will you not be disappointed.

Q: How do I register for a Chris Sailer Kicking Camp?


Q: How do I register for an FBU Camp?



•    Be realistic about your skill level when it comes to college camps.  Remember, these are tryouts.  Attend college camps at the level in which you are capable of playing.  This will give you college options.  Attend D1, D2, D3, NAIA, etc. camps where you have a realistic chance of playing.  Otherwise you will simply be spinning your wheels.  Be open minded in your search.
•    There is no way to figure out 100% which Universities will be offering scholarships.  Things are always changing.  Almost every University will take 1 Kicker, 1 Punter & 1 Long Snapper each year as either a scholarship or preferred walk on athlete.  So, all college camps provide opportunity.  Don’t stress yourself out trying to figure out everything that happens behind the scenes.  Their is NO LIST.
•    If a college doesn’t have a kicking camp (common with lower level schools), call the coach and ask for a day that you can kick/punt for them.
•    Don’t kick at a college camp if your are not 100%.  You want to show at your absolute best.  Your performance/results/charts will be used by not only that University, but shared with others as well.  Word travels fast both in the positive and negative.
•    When you travel, take advantage of the opportunity. Visit Universities in the area.  Get a feel for the area or region of the country.  Do not be afraid to simply walk on campus and into the football office.  Tell them you are a Chris Sailer Kicking recruit and would love a tour.  Most Universities will treat you very well.

Class of 2015:
Attend in this order of importance: 1. College Camp for 4-Year College Specialists. 2. 1-Day Chris Sailer Kicking Camps

Class of 2016:
Attend in this order of importance: 1. “TOP 12” & “Event Elite”, 2. FBU Top Gun, 3. (2) Chris Sailer Kicking 1-Day Camps (Different parts of the country), 4. FBU Regional Camps, 5. College Camps

Class of 2017:
Attend in this order of importance: 1.Underclassmen “Invite” Event, 2. FBU Top Gun, 3. Chris Sailer Kicking 1-Day Camps, 4. FBU Regional Camps

Class of 2018:
Attend in this order of importance: 1.Underclassmen “Invite” Event, 2. FBU Top Gun, 3. Chris Sailer Kicking 1-Day Camps, 4. FBU Regional Camps

Class of 2019:
Attend in this order of importance: 1.Underclassmen “Invite” Event, 2. FBU Top Gun, 3. Chris Sailer Kicking 1-Day Camps, 4. FBU Regional Camps

Class of 2020:
Attend in this order of importance: 1.Underclassmen “Invite” Event, 2. FBU Top Gun, 3. Chris Sailer Kicking 1-Day Camps, 4. FBU Regional Camps

See you this summer!

2015 Chris Sailer Kicking Schedule


2015 FBU Camps – U.S. Army All-American Bowl

For the second year in a row, Chris Sailer Kicking & Rubio Long Snapping will be teaming up with FBU to run their specialists portions of their camps. FBU is the world’s largest football training service and has hired us to handle their Kicking, Punting & Long Snapping section of their camps. It is an honor and we are proud to do it again. It is a top notch organization that benefits countless athletes across the country.
This year, Chris Sailer Kicking will be running more camps in order to hit more areas around the country. To be able to do this, I will only be at certain locations. The locations in italics are camps that I will personally be at this spring and summer. Those not in italics, will have two senior Chris Sailer Kicking instructors in attendance (staff members that have been with me for well over 30 camps). They will follow the same format as myself and report directly to FBU and yours truly.
We will be choosing the 2 Kickers, 2 Punters & 2 Long Snappers that will participate in the US ARMY ALL-AMERICAN BOWL at the FBU TOP GUN CAMP in Ohio on July 16-18. Chris Sailer Kicking & Rubio Long Snapping will also be selecting the East Bay Youth All-American for the Class of 2019 (Freshman All-American Bowl) and 2020 (8th Grade All-American Bowl) at the FBU TOP GUN CAMP in Ohio on July 16-18. You MUST be invited to the TOP GUN camp by performing well at one of the regional camps prior to the TOP GUN Camp. Bottom line, you will have to do well at one of the camps, that the Chris Sailer Kicking staff  is in attendance at, to pick up an invite from myself and/or one of my senior instructors.READ MORE

You will need a code to register for an FBU camp, and since you are a Chris Sailer Kicking K/P, you will have it right now: CS15. Use this code to register now for an FBU camp as they will sell out.
  • April 24-25, Central Florida
  • May 1-2, North Carolina
  • May 1-2, Dallas
  • May 15-16, New Jersey
  • May 22-23, Atlanta
  • May 29-30, South Florida
  • June 5-6, Chicago
  • June 5-6, San Francisco
  • June 19-20, Los Angeles
  • June 19-20, Houston
  • July 10-11, Ohio
  • July 16-18, Dublin, Ohio, TOP GUN CAMP (this is the camp where the US ARMY BOWL ALL-AMERICANS, FRESHMAN ALL-AMERICANS & 8TH GRADE ALL-AMERICANS will be selectedUS Army Bowl Pic


2015 Chris Sailer Kicking College Camps

2015 Chris Sailer Kicking – College Camps

Chris Sailer Kicking will be in charge of several university led college camps across the country. These are camps that the universities put on and have us run. You will register through THEIR site. Here is the list, so far, as more will be added once the dates are finalized…

•    Alabama, June 6
•    Texas A&M, June 8
•    U.S.C. (Southern Cal), June 12
•    Oregon, June 13
•    Kansas, June 14 *
•    UCLA, June 18
•    LSU, July 19

These camps are a great opportunity to get top notch instruction, visit the school, meet it’s coaches and basically have an audition for the team.

*Sailer will not be at this camp. Chris Sailer Kicking will have senior staff members, Joe Houston & Obi Egekeze, present and running the camp.

Chris Sailer Kicking Add
