Chris Sailer Kicking – IL Summer Camp Recap

Chris Sailer Kicking & Rubio Long Snapping will instruct and evaluate more specialists this summer than ever before.  Over 1700 participants will become part of #TeamSailer & #TeamRubio.  The most recent stop was Chicago, IL on July 13.  This camp featured over 100 High School / Junior College Specialists  & over 20 4-Year College Specialists.  Fantastic weather and an outstanding atmosphere lead to a successful day.  Take a look at the results.

Overall Camp Champions:
Kicker – Tyler Davis (2015, IL)
Punter – Tanner Blain (2015 JC, CA)

4-Year College Standouts:
Michael Geiger (Michigan State Kicker)
Dillon Kidd (Iowa Punter)
Andrew Gantz (Cincinnati Kicker)
Ron Coluzzi (Cenral Michigan Kicker)
Sam Geraci (Cincinnati Punter)
Joey Cejudo (Youngstown State Kicker/Punter)
Joe Davidson (Bowling Green Punter)
Nick Fields (Bowling Green Punter)
Peter Picerelli (Tulane Punter)

Top Overall Prospect:
Mason Weissenhofer (2015, IL) – Mason is an outstanding kicker.  He has one of the strongest legs in the nation.  He shows great promise as both a kicker and punter.  He is a scholarship pick that will have great success a the college level.

Class of 2015 Standouts: Max Kidd, Dean Siapkaris, Joe McCollom, Michael Kurzydlowski, Nick Kotsiantos, Kyle Gambla, Zack Pollack.

Class of 2016 Standouts: Nate Needham, Connor Assallay, Jacob Kubin, Jared Smolar, Kaden Keon, Ryley Guay, Noah Brunner, William Breen, Justin Knauff, Riley Heavey, Jong Son.

Class of 2017 Standouts: Jacob Swartz, Josh Edwards, Chase Bruns

The next stop will be Dallas, TX on July 15, followed by Charlotte, NC (July 26), Atlanta, GA (July 27) and Los Angeles, CA (July 30).  For more information, rankings, evaluations, etc., visit

Michael Geiger, #1 Chris Sailer Kicking Kicker in the nation (Class of 2013), was a Freshman All-American in 2013 at Michigan State after going 14-15 on field goals as a true freshman.  IMG_5015Michael is a strong candidate to win the Lou Groza Award in 2014!  He is also a near a lock as a Chris Sailer Kicking Pre-Season All-American Choice!


Las Vegas Spring Event Initial Round Competition Results

The 12th Annual National Kicking Spring Event in Las Vegas took place May 10-11, 2014.  Here are the Initial Round Competition Results.  Class Champions Listed.

12th Annual National Kicking Spring Event Field Goal – Initial Round Competition Results
8 Total Kicks from 35, 35, 40, 40, 45, 45, 50, 50
2 points awarded for dead center, 1 point awarded for all other makes, 1 bonus point for 8-8

Class of 2017
Place Name Score
1 Mitchell, Billy 13
T2 Fuller , Asa 10
T2 Ruiz , Brandon 10
T2 Stack , Adam 10
T2 Zolferino , Torre 10
T6 Graham , Cooper 9
T6 VanSickle , Christian 9
T8 Nixon , Cole 7
T8 Salani , Marco 7
T8 Strickland , Bryce 7
T11 McGrath , Chase 6
T11 Wine , Jakson 6
13 Hildebrand , Eric 5
14 Bazarevitsch , Matt 4
T15 Horiates, Nick 2
T15 Olivas , Carson 2
Class of 2016
1 Southam , Skyler 13
T2 Pettit , Art 12
T2 Sasaoka , Kekoa 12
T2 Young , Jonn 12
T5 Kujawski , Seth 11
T5 Toner , Jet 11
T7 Blair , Matt 10
T7 Boermeester , Kevin 10
T7 Rodriguez , Andrew 10
T10 Burton , Josh 9
T10 Waters , Dylan 9
T12 Daniels , Eric 8
T12 Luplow , Chris 8
T12 Roberts , Jake 8
T15 Coale , Kyle 7
T15 Cofer , Spencer 7
T15 Duncan , Keith 7
T15 Hampton , Butch 7
T15 Mack , Michael 7
T20 Dorn , Jimmy 6
T20 Maggio , Dominic 6
T20 Whitney, Mark 6
T20 Spray, Hunter 6
T24 Agritelley , Ethan 5
T24 Kanthack , Tristan 5
26 Roper , Joseph 4
27 Raborn , Bailey 3
28 Ball , Noah 2
Class of 2015
1 Cusick , Blake 16
T2 Davis , Shawn 13
T2 Fisher , Cole 13
T4 Creque , Blanton 12
T4 Rabon , Evan 12
T4 Toser , Laszlo 12
T4 Utter , Ben 12
T8 Barnes , Austin 11
T8 Carter , Luke 11
T8 Foster , Hayes 11
T8 Hart , Nick 11
T8 Marrone , Nick 11
T8 Robledo , Kevin 11
T8 Vest , Jameson 11
T8 Williams , Josh 11
T16 Olivas , Coleman 10
T16 Sanchez , Christopher 10
T16 Walter , Adam 10
T19 Austin , Cole 9
T19 Haltom , Nels 9
T19 Molson , JJ 9
T19 Pettit , Spencer 9
T19 Philichi , Matthew 9
T19 Plooster , Cannon 9
T19 VanSickle , Jackson 9
T26 Bowen , Austin 8
T26 Crow , Connor 8
T26 Feddeler , Zachary 8
T26 Garcia , Cooper 8
T26 Hong , Brandon 8
T26 Honshtein III , Tre 8
T26 Kiser , Travis 8
T26 Kreitenberg , Ben 8
T26 LaCamera , Daniel 8
T26 McLean , Mason 8
T26 Ruiz , Blake 8
T26 Sawicki , Steven 8
T26 Viles , Brady 8
T26 Kinney , Alex 8
T40 Blasingame , Trey 7
T40 Delucci , Jack 7
T40 Galland , Alex 7
T43 Abramo , Matt 6
T43 Bianchi , Cristian 6
T43 Galitz , Andrew 6
T43 Howard , Logan 6
T43 Hutchins , Gregory 6
T43 Tekac , Tyler 6
T43 Watson , Marion 6
T43 Trifonovitch, Alex 6
T51 Coe , Cameron 5
T51 Gallitz , Tyler 5
T51 Kennedy , Bobby 5
T51 Watkins , Vincent 5
T51 Weissehoffer , Mason 5
T56 Ketterer . Colton 4
T56 Klem , Jake 4
T56 Rodriguez , Ryan 4
T56 Young , Jacob 4
T60 Beall , Charlie 3
T60 Ferrell , Daniel 3
T60 La Manque , Adam 3
T60 O’Dowd , Thomas 3
T60 Ryan , Matthew 3
Class of 2014 / JC / TR
1 Thornton , Cody 15
2 Castaneda , Andrew 14
3 Marquez , Diego 12
T4 Boermeester , Matt 10
T4 Cervenka , Franklyn 10
6 DePlaza, Izzy 9
T7 Courtney , Charlie 8
T7 Gallitz , Thomas 8
T7 Garcia , Eddie 8
T7 Houston , JD 8
T7 Mengel , Matthew 8
T7 Sutcliffe , Jamie 8
T13 Franzen , Tyler 7
T13 Luna , Rigo 7
T13 Westby , John 7
T13 Ziffer , Satchel 7
T17 Brown, Chasen 5
T17 Graybar , Oliver 5
T17 Weese , Ryan 5
T20 Condado , Francisco 3
T20 Covey , Nick 3
T20 Eyman , Casey 3
23 Wedemeyer , Seth 0

12th Annual National Kicking Spring Event Kickoff – Initial Round Competition Results
Each Kicker hit 6 Kickoffs.  All kicks were charted for distance and hang time.
No kicks were dropped.  All Kickers kicked in the same direction with the same (Wind Aided) CSK Adidas Balls.
Place = Place of finish in your class with distance and hang time given equal value.
Dist = Distance average rounded to the tenth.
HT = Hang Time Average rounded to the hundredth.
Best 1 Ball = The Best ovearall ONE ball hit of the 6 kicks.

Class of 2017
Place Name Dist HT Best 1 Ball
1 Graham , Cooper 66.2 3.43 70 / 3.53
2 Ruiz , Brandon 59.5 3.74 69 / 4.05
3 Horiates, Nick 61.7 3.31 66 / 3.19
T4 Stack , Adam 56.8 3.44 63 / 3.66
T4 Fuller , Asa 59.2 3.32 67 / 3.68
6 Strickland , Bryce 61.7 3.11 69 / 3.53
7 Wine , Jakson 58.2 3.2 61 / 3.34
8 Mitchell, Billy 59.3 3.03 69 / 3.51
9 Salani , Marco 54.2 3.19 61 / 3.47
10 VanSickle , Christian 55.3 2.94 63 / 3.32
11 Hildebrand , Eric 55 2.89 57 / 3.19
12 Nixon , Cole 50.3 2.99 66 / 3.35
13 McGrath , Chase 53 2.82 60 / 3.16
14 Olivas , Carson 49 2.67 56 / 3.12
15 Bazarevitsch , Matt 48.8 2.59 54 / 3.33
16 Zolferino , Torre 42.3 2.39 59 / 3.08
Class of 2016
Place Name Dist HT Best 1 Ball
1 Raborn , Bailey 73.2 3.68 78 / 4.03
2 Southam , Skyler 70 3.66 83 / 3.65
3 Maggio , Dominic 68.8 3.6 75 / 3.72
4 Kujawski , Seth 69.8 3.54 75 / 3.81
5 Sasaoka , Kekoa 68.7 3.58 72 / 3.75
T6 Agritelley , Ethan 63.7 3.6 70 / 3.78
T6 Hampton , Butch 67.8 3.56 76 / 3.50
T6 Dorn , Jimmy 69.7 3.42 79 / 3.53
9 Burton , Josh 66.8 3.53 67 / 4.01
10 Duncan , Keith 68.3 3.39 73 / 3.44
11 Mack , Michael 63.2 3.4 72 / 3.42
12 Spray, Hunter 61.3 3.4 66 / 3.57
T13 Pettit , Art 60.7 3.41 69 / 3.36
T13 Young , Jonn 63 3.27 71 / 3.94
15 Toner , Jet 60.3 3.44 65 / 3.52
16 Rodriguez , Andrew 64.3 3.08 77 / 3.4
T17 Blair , Matt 60.5 3.28 71 / 3.35
T17 Cofer , Spencer 61.5 3.2 73 / 3.75
19 Whitney, Mark 60.8 3.25 70 / 3.39
20 Waters , Dylan 57.5 3.27 63 / 3.5
21 Roper , Joseph 58.5 3.26 63 / 3.63
T22 Coale , Kyle 60.7 3.09 66 / 3.53
T22 Luplow , Chris 61.7 3.02 68 / 2.88
T24 Roberts , Jake 55.8 3.14 60 / 3.55
T24 Ball , Noah 56.8 3.13 68 / 3.66
26 Boermeester , Kevin 55.7 3.07 77 / 3.72
27 Daniels , Eric 52.2 3.04 57 / 3.38
28 Kanthack , Tristan 53.3 2.91 63 / 3.36
Class of 2015
Place Name Dist HT Best 1 Ball
T1 Abramo , Matt 73 4 73 / 4.28
T1 Austin , Cole 76.2 3.8 80 / 4
3 Crow , Connor 75 3.8 82 / 3.82
4 Pettit , Spencer 71 3.9 80 / 3.75
5 Rodriguez , Ryan 71.7 3.8 75 / 3.97
6 LaCamera , Daniel 78.8 3.69 79 / 3.81
7 Olivas , Coleman 74.2 3.69 79 / 4
8 Robledo , Kevin 68.3 3.9 76 / 4.07
9 Weissehoffer , Mason 69.5 3.68 74 / 4.02
T10 Kinney , Alex 67.7 3.78 77 / 3.75
T10 Philichi , Matthew 70 3.64 77 / 3.88
12 Fisher , Cole 64 3.94 72 / 3.87
13 Sawicki , Steven 68.2 3.68 74 / 3.78
T14 Kiser , Travis 66.7 3.7 80 / 3.53
T14 McLean , Mason 73.7 3.53 80 / 3.65
T16 Rabon , Evan 68.8 3.62 77 / 3.88
T16 Creque , Blanton 69 3.6 75 / 3.88
18 Toser , Laszlo 64.2 3.72 70 / 3.73
19 Hutchins , Gregory 64 3.71 66 / 3.85
20 Foster , Hayes 69.3 3.55 69 / 3.72
21 VanSickle , Jackson 69.8 3.48 71 / 3.56
22 Vest , Jameson 67.8 3.52 70 / 3.65
23 Galitz , Andrew 66 3.52 77 /  3.8
24 Kreitenberg , Ben 63.7 3.6 71 / 3.65
25 Utter , Ben 67.3 3.45 75 / 3.74
26 Davis , Shawn 70.7 3.23 83 / 3.37
27 Galland , Alex 64 3.5 65 / 3.72
28 Marrone , Nick 62.2 3.58 64 / 3.72
29 Trifonovitch, Alex 61.2 3.6 61 / 3.79
30 Hart , Nick 58.3 3.68 62 / 3.79
31 Hong , Brandon 65 3.37 73 / 3.78
32 Williams , Josh 61.3 3.55 74 / 3.47
33 Howard , Logan 58.3 3.63 60 / 3.97
T34 Honshtein III , Tre 62.2 3.42 67 / 3.84
T34 Molson , JJ 64 3.3 69 / 3.79
36 Feddeler , Zachary 61.8 3.45 68 / 3.4
37 Sanchez , Christopher 63.2 3.32 70 / 3.41
38 Garcia , Cooper 60.2 3.51 69 / 3.66
39 Watkins , Vincent 61.5 3.39 68 / 3.43
40 Walter , Adam 57.2 3.57 61 / 3.57
41 Ruiz , Blake 65.8 3.13 68 / 3.47
T42 Bowen , Austin 59.7 3.42 63 / 3.53
T42 Kennedy , Bobby 65.2 3.12 78 / 3.89
44 Blasingame , Trey 62.2 3.21 72 / 4
45 Plooster , Cannon 60.5 3.31 66 / 3.36
T46 Ketterer . Colton 59.5 3.32 70 / 3.61
T46 Young , Jacob 63 3.15 68 / 3.62
48 Tekac , Tyler 61 3.16 68 / 3.24
49 Beall , Charlie 58.3 3.23 71 / 3.64
50 Viles , Brady 60.7 3.14 74 / 3.29
51 Gallitz , Tyler 57.3 3.23 62 / 3.4
T52 Watson , Marion 54.3 3.28 61 / 3.52
T52 Deluchi , Jack 55.2 3.26 60 / 3.5
54 Haltom , Nels 54.2 3.27 56 / 3.55
55 Carter , Luke 58.5 2.98 70 / 3.65
56 Barnes , Austin 56.7 3.15 67 / 3.25
57 Ryan , Matthew 57.3 2.96 68 / 3.59
T58 Coe , Cameron 52 3.18 55 / 3.34
T58 Bianchi , Cristian 56.5 3.1 69 / 3.62
60 O’Dowd , Thomas 55.5 2.77 71 / 3.81
61 Klem , Jake 54.8 2.87 61 / 3.24
62 Ferrell , Daniel 53.5 2.94 58 / 3.38
Class of 2014 / JC / TR
Place Name Dist HT Best 1 Ball
1 Thornton , Cody 78 4.06 85 / 4.09
2 Boermeester , Matt 73.7 3.92 72 / 4.32
3 Mengel , Matthew 74.7 3.77 78 / 4.35
T4 Houston , JD 71.1 3.78 73 / 3.88
T4 Cervenka , Franklyn 77 3.69 86 / 3.94
T6 Weese , Ryan 67.2 3.87 68 / 4
T6 Sutcliffe , Jamie 70.3 3.71 73 / 4
8 Gallitz , Thomas 71.2 3.61 78 / 3.94
T9 Covey , Nick 63.8 3.85 68 / 4.03
T9 Garcia , Eddie 67.3 3.63 70 / 3.85
T11 Eyman , Casey 57.8 3.88 71 / 4.02
T11 Condado , Francisco 62.5 3.72 69 / 3.92
13 Marquez , Diego 69.2 3.45 73 / 3.48
T14 Graybar , Oliver 66.2 3.59 73 / 3.53
T14 Castaneda , Andrew 67.3 3.47 77 / 3.35
16 Nelson , Alex 66.7 3.54 68 / 3.65
17 Ziffer , Satchel 68.2 3.28 76 / 3.27
T18 DePlaza, Izzy 59.8 3.57 59 / 3.94
T18 Brown, Chasen 62.7 3.51 68 / 3.47
20 Westby , John 58.5 3.32 76 / 3.87
21 Franzen , Tyler 58.2 3.3 68 / 3.53
22 Courtney , Charlie 59.3 3.2 65 / 3.69
23 Luna , Rigo 56.8 3.26 66 / 3.75
24 Wedemeyer , Seth 55.3 2.8 55 / 3.18

12th Annual National Kicking Spring Event Punt – Initial Round Competition Results
Each Punter punted 8 ball from a live snap.  All punts were charted for distance and hang time.
No punts were dropped.  All Punters punted in the same direction with the same (Wind Aided) CSK Adidas Balls.
Place = Place of finish in your class with distance and hang time given equal value.
Dist = Distance average rounded to the tenth.
HT = Hang Time Average rounded to the hundredth.
Best 1 Ball = The Best ovearall ONE ball hits of the 8 punts taken.

Class of 2017
Place Name Dist HT Best 1 Ball
1 VanSickle , Christian 42 3.84 52 / 4.03
2 Stack , Adam 37.6 3.6 41 / 3.91
3 Graham , Cooper 32.6 3.8 38 / 4.16
T4 Salani , Sergio 29.8 3.65 37 / 3.60
T4 Strickland , Bryce 36.1 3.48 44 / 4.62
6 Fuller , Asa 36.8 3.2 51 / 3.72
7 Mitchell, Billy 38.1 3 46 / 3.56
T8 McGrath , Chase 30.3 3.42 39 / 3.75
T8 Hildebrand , Eric 35.5 3.2 43 / 3.6
T8 Ruiz , Brandon 37.5 3.08 52 / 3.93
11 Nixon , Cole 26.5 3.5 39 / 3.66
T12 Wine , Jakson 23.8 3.56 32 / 3.46
T12 Zolferino , Torre 27.3 3.28 38 / 3.75
14 Bazarevitsch , Matt 27.4 3.09 40 / 3.84
15 Horiates, Nick 25.3 2.99 35 / 4.07
16 Olivas , Carson 24.6 2.87 28 / 3.28
Class of 2016
Place Name Dist HT Best 1 Ball
1 Toner , Jet 47.4 4.23 56 / 4.72
2 Young , Jonn 46.1 3.94 53 / 4.16
3 Southam , Skyler 45.7 3.86 51 / 4.53
4 Thompson , Kyle 42.5 3.84 63 / 4.59
5 Maggio , Dominic 41.6 3.76 45 / 4.15
T6 Dorn , Jimmy 38.5 3.87 41 / 4.2
T6 Duncan , Keith 42 3.6 49 / 4.04
8 Boermeester , Kevin 35.4 4.03 41 / 4.28
9 Coale , Kyle 39.9 3.58 48 / 4.10
10 Kujawski , Seth 45.3 3.43 58 / 4.10
11 Rodriguez , Andrew 37 3.82 50 / 4.28
T12 Lugviel , Bryce 38.9 3.58 50 / 3.91
T12 Mack , Michael 41.4 3.46 51 / 4.11
14 Sasaoka , Kekoa 32.4 4.09 47 / 4.47
T15 Luplow , Chris 37.5 3.47 47 / 4.09
T15 Hampton , Butch 39.1 3.4 44 / 4.01
17 Cofer , Spencer 39 3.29 52 / 3.60
18 Pettit , Art 33.9 3.46 37 / 4.03
T19 Blair , Matt 31 3.78 31 / 4.30
T19 Kanthack , Tristan 31.4 3.68 43 / 4.07
21 Daniels , Eric 37.4 3.24 44 / 3.54
22 Ball , Noah 31.4 3.49 34 / 3.87
23 Burton , Josh 33.4 3.39 29 / 4.28
T24 Spray, Hunter 33.4 3.37 38 / 3.64
T24 Whitney, Mark 34.1 3.21 40 / 3.47
26 Raborn , Bailey 34.9 3.05 40 / 3.15
T27 Agritelley , Ethan 32.8 3.11 40 / 3.62
T27 Waters , Dylan 33.6 3.04 35 / 3.25
29 Roberts , Jake 32.6 3.01 35 / 3.4
30 Roper , Joseph 28.9 3.06 32 / 3.10
Class of 2015
Place Name Dist HT Best 1 Ball
1 Kinney , Alex 53.4 4.33 58 / 4.84
2 Hutchins , Gregory 50.1 4.07 54 / 4.63
3 Trifonovitch, Alex 44.6 4.18 57 / 4.3
4 Townsend, Tommy 45.4 4.04 62 / 4.60
T5 Carter , Luke 45.9 3.95 47 / 4.37
T5 Rodriguez , Ryan 46.3 3.94 60 / 4.43
7 O’Dowd , Thomas 43.5 4.03 46 / 4.78
8 Cusick , Blake 42.9 3.96 50 / 4.34
9 Marrone , Nick 41.9 3.99 55 / 4.27
T10 Hong , Brandon 47.8 3.77 60 / 4.31
T10 Sanchez , Christopher 48.5 3.75 56 / 4.33
12 VanSickle , Jackson 40.6 4.03 44 / 4.75
13 Molson , JJ 41.3 3.9 48 / 4.2
14 McLean , Mason 43 3.81 55 / 3.86
T15 Ruiz , Blake 41.4 3.86 48 / 4.41
T15 Wilson , Gage 44.8 3.72 56 / 4.16
17 Kreitenberg , Ben 39.8 3.92 53 / 4.3
T18 Smith , Jake 38.5 4.01 46 / 4.5
T18 Galitz , Andrew 39.6 3.9 47 / 4.7
T18 Charme , Zach 44.3 3.7 51 / 4.37
21 Plooster , Cannon 43.5 3.74 51 / 4.31
22 Feddeler , Zachary 40.9 3.82 50 / 4.5
23 Watkins , Vincent 45.5 3.62 57 / 4.44
24 Rabon , Evan 41.1 3.8 43 / 4.5
25 Gallitz , Tyler 40.8 3.8 50 / 3.97
T26 Pettit , Spencer 39.5 3.82 49 / 4.44
T26 Crow , Connor 43.6 3.63 60 / 4.31
28 Dennis , Stephen 44.1 3.6 60 / 4.19
29 Abramo , Matt 33 4.08 35 / 4.82
T30 Galland , Alex 31.9 4.31 42 / 4.74
T30 Bowen , Austin 39.1 3.75 48 / 4.33
32 Philichi , Matthew 35.8 3.87 41 / 4
T33 Utter , Ben 31.6 4.17 35 / 4.6
T33 Young , Jacob 36 3.84 50 / 4.43
35 Olivas , Coleman 35.6 3.87 45 / 4.34
T36 Tekac , Tyler 38.1 3.78 50 / 4.36
T36 LaCamera , Daniel 39.3 3.69 52 / 4.47
T38 Watson , Marion 34.8 3.81 43 / 4.24
T38 Blasingame , Trey 41.6 3.5 58 / 4.21
40 Weissehoffer , Mason 42.1 3.49 50 / 4.19
T41 Robledo , Kevin 30.9 3.94 36 / 3.75
T41 Kiser , Travis 37.6 3.67 39 / 4.25
43 Davis , Shawn 38.6 3.59 39 / 4.24
44 Vest , Jameson 42.9 3.2 57 / 4.22
45 Howard , Logan 34.6 3.7 45 / 4.22
T46 Honshtein III , Tre 35.9 3.62 39 / 4.03
T46 Williams , Josh 38.6 3.5 49 / 4.09
T48 Sawicki , Steven 33.4 3.64 39 / 4.22
T48 Coe , Cameron 34.6 3.6 39 / 3.87
T48 Toser , Laszlo 35.6 3.59 51 / 4.43
T48 Johnson , Blake 37.5 3.5 47 / 4.5
52 Ferrell , Daniel 38.4 3.46 47 / 3.46
T53 Bianchi , Cristian 35.8 3.55 42 / 3.81
T53 Kennedy , Bobby 38.6 3.26 44 / 3.55
55 Beall , Charlie 38.4 3.27 40 / 3.81
56 Foster , Hayes 34 3.57 37 / 4.16
57 Viles , Brady 37.1 3.3 43 / 3.47
T58 Hart , Nick 22.9 3.65 32 / 3.58
T58 Walter , Adam 32.9 3.58 39 / 4.2
T58 Ryan , Matthew 33.1 3.55 41 / 3.75
T61 Austin , Cole 29.4 3.6 40 / 3.56
T61 Garcia , Cooper 34 3.48 43 / 4.09
T61 Creque , Blanton 36.8 2.97 39 / 3.35
64 Delucci , Jack 32 3.51 45 / 3.5
65 Haltom , Nels 32.1 3.38 40 / 3.7
66 La Manque , Adam 30.3 3.34 34 / 3.62
67 Barnes , Austin 31.3 3.24 41 / 3.52
68 Klem , Jake 29.8 3.05 35 / 3.34
Class of 2014 / JC / TR
Place Name Dist HT Best 1 Ball
T1 Umeh , Osborn 46 4.47 56 / 4.88
T1 Mengel , Matthew 46.3 4.46 65 / 4.83
3 Ambrose , Jake 45.1 4.16 52 / 4.5
T4 Condado , Francisco 47.9 4.1 52 / 4.40
T4 Gallitz , Thomas 48.8 4.05 60 / 4.5
6 Manning, Thomas 41.9 4.14 55 / 4.51
7 Garcia , Eddie 39.8 4.15 47 / 4.56
8 Eyman , Casey 43.6 4.03 46 / 4.32
9 Sutcliffe , Jamie 37 4.21 36 / 4.66
T10 Luna , Rigo 39.4 4.05 53 / 4.7
T10 Stens , Corey 44.4 3.92 51 / 4.3
T10 Thornton , Cody 53.1 3.77 62 / 4.44
T13 Fitzgerald , Michael 36.3 4.38 41 / 4.85
T13 Brown, Chasen 42.5 3.96 50 / 4.91
15 Nelson , Alex 40.6 4.02 45 / 4.47
16 Westby , John 38.8 4.04 47 / 4.13
17 Ziffer , Satchel 37.4 3.92 47 / 4.34
18 Graybar , Oliver 34.1 4.14 39 / 4.69
19 Platero , Jose 37.8 3.9 36 / 4.5
20 Houston , JD 36.6 3.91 40 / 4.69
21 Boermeester , Matt 37.1 3.46 49 / 3.87
22 Covey , Nick 35.9 3.85 46 / 4.13
T23 Franzen , Tyler 36 3.46 43 / 4.21
T23 Wedemeyer , Seth 37 3.36 41 / 4
25 Cervenka , Franklyn 34.9 3.66 48 / 4.19
26 Marquez , Diego 31 3.84 36 / 3.81
27 Courtney , Charlie 33 3.54 42 / 4.06
28 Castaneda , Andrew 35.8 3.4 41 / 3.61
29 Daily , Aidan 31.3 3.44 51 / 4.41


The New Website

After a long, long time, the new Chris Sailer Kicking website is officially up!

As you obviously know, the old site had been locked for some time to build the new site. (It is a whole bunch of techo mumbo jumbo that I can explain later to you if you really care to know why we couldn’t just build a separate site with old one still running)

We have made it so that it is much cleaner, more professional and easier to navigate. I think, no, I know, you will love it.

The site actually went live last night at about 9:30 pm past. They say it can take up to 48 hours for the new site to show up all over the world but it rarely does. I was able to see it within 5 minutes. Bottom line, if you still see the old site, don’t stress, the new one is coming to you shortly.

As for rankings from GA, IL and FL (FBU) camps… I am now actively working on these.  They will be completed as quickly as I possibly can.  Stay tuned to Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for updates.

Enjoy the new site & welcome to an even better Chris Sailer Kicking!

Chris Sailer Kicking Standard


So You Didn’t Make “TOP 12″… What Now?

For the past month or so, you have been watching the TOP 12 Kickers / Punters get chosen one by one.  Each time a selection was made, one person was ecstatic while countless others felt the opposite emotions. When the final TOP 12er was chosen and a balloon was popped for many 2015, 2016 and even some 2017 Kickers / Punters. Now what?

Couple ways to look at it….

You can be upset with me for not selecting you. You can be upset with yourself for not performing when it counted. You can even find a way to blame others, but, it is ultimately on you. The only thing you can control is how hard and smart you work. Everyone in Vegas is competing for the same spots. Don’t let anybody outwork you and you will see different results.

You need to use this as motivation to make sure you perform better. This is all up to you. The choice is yours.

If you are a Kicker / Punter that strives to be the best, you want to be at that “TOP 12” camp this summer. Any single athlete that has been there (scholarship Kickers / Punters, All-Americans, NFL players) will tell you it is, by far, the best camp they have ever been to in their life. What you need to do is get back on the horse. Work smarter and harder. Your opportunity is waiting for you in May at the Spring Event in Las Vegas.

At the Spring Event, I choose the “EVENT ELITE”. The “EVENT ELITE” is the best of the best from Vegas in May. They join the “TOP 12” to form the “TOP 12” and “EVENT ELITE” Invite Only Camp on June 18-20, 2014 in Los Angeles. There is no set number for the “EVENT ELITE”. I could choose one K/P or I can choose 30. It all depends on the talent. I don’t choose just to choose. It would make me look ignorant in the end. If I say you belong at that camp, you are one of the best in the world. This is a true invite only camp. I do NOT just hand out invites to get people to come to it. That would give me no credibility. I choose the best because they are the best. They will represent the “TOP 12”, “ EVENT ELITE” and Chris Sailer Kicking the best in the future.

Are you one of them? Time to decide. Prove to me, and the rest of the world, that you belong.

Or don’t.


Chris Sailer Kicking event group picture


Chris Sailer 2014 NC Spring Camp Recap

Chris Sailer Kicking made a recent stop in Charlotte, NC on the second stop of the Spring Tour.  Over 100 specialists from the region attended hoping to impress.  The group provided a good mixture of veterans and new comers to the program.  The weather cooperated very well and gave an accurate depiction of the regions top talent.  Take a look at the results.

Camp Champion:
Luke Carter (2015) – Luke is a long time Chris Sailer Kicking student who continues to excel.  The combo player caught fire in the finals round.  Luke has a strong leg and kicks with excellent consistency.  He has all the tools to take his game to the college level.

Field Goal Champion:
Tyler Gallitz (2015) – Tyler is another long time student who kicks with great consistency.  His field goals were solid all day long.  His kickoffs and punts also show great promise.  Tyler should have a strong off season and impress college coaches around the country.  Nice prospect.

Kickoff Champion:
Michael Rubino (2015) – Michael proved once again to be the most talented kicker in the North Carolina in the Class of 2015.  He is a great athlete with huge upside.  His field goals get outstanding height off the ground.  His kickoffs are D1 ready.  Michael is a D1 Scholarship Pick!

Punt Champion:
Steven Sawicki (2015) – Steven won his second consecutive NC punting championship.  Steven punted for nice distance and hang time all day.  Steven has the tools to be an outstanding D1 punter.  Keep a close eye on this talented prospect this summer.

Class of 2015 Standout:
Evan Rabon – Evan continues to impress each time that we see him. His field goals are strong off the ground.  His kickoffs are nearing college ready and his punting is coming along nicely.  He’s a fine young man that will make a great college fit.

Other Class of 2015 Standouts: Ben Utter, Josh Boham, Marion Watson, Nick Marshall, Shea Rodgers.

Class of 2016 Standouts:
Jonn Young – Jonn has the ability and potential to be special.  He’s a great looking athlete that shows flashes of being one of the very best.  Also a solid punter.  He will only continue to improve over time.
Keep a close eye on him.

Keith Duncan – Keith really stepped up on this day.  The Chris Sailer Kicking veteran continues to improve at an impressive rate.  His field goals were very consistent all day long.  His kickoffs are showing college level potential.  He has a bright future.

Jaxon Clark – Jaxon is a great young kicker.  His field goals and kickoffs are nearing the top of his class.  He is one of the hardest workers in the country and it is paying off.

Kyle Corbett – Kyle has the potential to be one of the very best.  He has a very strong leg and shows outstanding range on field goals.  His kickoffs are also coming along nicely.

Other Class of 2016 Standouts: Gage Russell, Henry Atkeson, Jonathan McDaid, Seth Kujawski.

Class of 2017 Future Stars: Aidan Marshall, Christian VanSickle, Cooper Graham, Clayton Howell, Jacob Grimm, Zach Stearns.


Chris Sailer Kicking will next travel to Chicago, IL (March 30), Dallas, TX (April 27), and Los Angeles, CA (May 4).  The Spring Camp Tour will conclude with the 12th Annual National Kicking Spring Event in Las Vegas May 10-11, 2014!

For more rankings, evaluations & future camp dates visit or email [email protected]

Chris Sailer Kicking is an official partner of FBU, the U.S. Army All-America Bowl, and East Bay All-America Games.  The Road to the U.S. All-America Bowl & East Bay All-American Games begins now.

Chris Sailer Kicking at FBU Camps: Central Florida (April 4-5), Dallas, TX (April 25-26), San Diego, CA (May 2-3), Seattle, WA (May 16-17), Los Angeles, CA (May 30-31), Central Ohio (July 11-12).  Email [email protected] to inquire about an invitation to these prestigious camps.


Which Camps Shoud I Attend in 2014?

Chris Rubio and I get asked hundreds of questions per day.  We write blogs to make finding answers to these questions that much easier.  The most common question we have been asked in 2014 is…. “Which camps should I attend this year?”

I can understand why this question has come up so often.  Chris Sailer Kicking & Rubio Long Snapping have taken on more camps, of many different types, than ever before.  We have done this to create opportunity.  After 14 years in the business, we know the value of great instruction, the value of education, and perhaps most importantly, the value of exposure.  We have completed the circle and now offer every camp necessary to stay ahead of the competition and offer the most exposure possible to our athletes.

Las Vegas, “TOP 12” & “Event Elite”, US Army All-America Bowl, Underclassman “Invite Only”, Fall / Spring / Summer 1-Day Camps, East Bay Youth All-American Games, Australian Scout Camps, College & NFL Camps, Alabama / LSU / Texas A&M / UCLA / Oregon / USC.   Many have tried to copy the model that Chris Sailer Kicking & Rubio Long Snapping have created, but there is a reason why we are #1 in the World.  Experience, real relationships with everyone that matters in this business & the best instruction available across the world.  If you want to make it as a kicker, punter or long snapper…. Welcome to Chris Sailer Kicking & Rubio Long Snapping.

You have asked the question, here is the best answer we can give you.

Question: “Which camps should I attend this year?”


Las Vegas Prep Camp (One week prior to Vegas Event in Los Angeles)
Las Vegas – Annual National Kicking & Snapping Event

February – April
1-Day Spring Camp in your region (CA, TX, IL, NC, GA)
FBU Invite Camp (FL, TX, CA, WA, OH – Email Chris Sailer or Chris Rubio for your invitation)

Las Vegas Prep Camp (One week prior to Vegas Event in Los Angeles)
Las Vegas – Annual Spring National Kicking & Snapping Event
FBU Invite Camp (FL, TX, CA, WA, OH – Email Chris Sailer or Chris Rubio for your invitation)

June – July
1-Day Summer Camp in your region (CA, TX, IL, NC, GA)
Underclassmen “Invite Only” Camp
FBU Invite Camp (FL, TX, CA, WA, OH – Email Chris Sailer or Chris Rubio for your invitation)
TOP GUN Invitation Only Camp (Dublin Ohio)

Every camp has SOLD OUT for the past 8 years.  Register early.
*** Sophomores attend 1 or 2 College Camps for experience
*** Juniors attend as many College Camps as you can within reason


September – December
1-Day Fall Camp in your region (CA, TX, IL, NC, GA, NY)

Chris Sailer & Chris Rubio are present at EVERY camp!
We recommend attending 1 FBU Camp each year
We recommend attending the TOP GUN Camp every year
FBU & TOP GUN camps should be attended to supplement the other camps, not in place of them
When prioritizing camps, Vegas Events should always come first
All camps focus on instruction
All camps (college camps being the only exception) offer evaluations and rankings
Highlight videos are available at the 1-Day Camps & Las Vegas Events
Every camp has SOLD OUT for the past 8 years.  Register early.
Sophomores attend 1 or 2 College Camps for experience
Juniors attend as many College Camps as you can within reason

Description of Camps:
1-Day Fall, Spring & Summer Camps: These are a 1-Day Camps. Camp includes instruction, video analysis, competition, evaluations and rankings.  These are our most popular all around camps. Camps run from 8:00 – 4:30. Open to all!

Las Vegas Prep Camps: These are a 1-Day Camps.  These camps are designed to help prepare for Las Vegas.  You DO NOT have to attend the Vegas Events to attend these camps.  They are a great experience either way.  Camp includes instruction and competition.  Camps run from 8:00 – 4:30. Open to all!

Las Vegas Events: These are a 2-Day Camps. Both January & May are set up exactly the same way.  Both are equally important.  If you want to be the best, attend both.  These are THE MOST IMPORTANT camps of the year.  Camp includes instruction, competition, evaluations and rankings. These are NOT camps you need to be invited to.  They provide great experience for all specialists.
Arrive Friday.  January Event ends at 6PM on Sunday.  May Event ends at 5PM on Sunday.  Open to Freshman, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors, Junior College and 4-Year Transfers.  8th Graders are accepted in May upon request.

Underclassmen “Invite Only” Camp: This is a 2-Day Camp.  Open to Sophomores, Freshman, 8th Graders, 7th Graders and 6th Graders.  This camp is designed for both the specialists & THEIR PARENTS.  Camp time is spent equally on the filed and in the classroom.  This camp will educate you for years to come from A-Z when it comes to the world of kicking, punting and long snapping.  Camp includes instruction, competition, classroom seminars, video analysis, evaluations and rankings.  This is an Invite Only camp.  You will receive an invitation directly from Chris Sailer or Chris Rubio.  Camp is held in Los Angeles, CA.

“TOP 12” & “Event Elite” Camp: This is a 2-Day Camp.  This is an Invite Only Camp.  The only way to get invited to this camp is to attend the Las Vegas Events.  January = “TOP 12” (12 Kickers / Punters, 12 Long Snappers selected) May = “Event Elite” (No set number selected.  Those who show D1 scholarship level ability will be selected).  This camp is the best of the best.  There is no other camp like this one.  This should be your #1 goal! Camp is help in Los Angeles, CA.

College Camps: These are 1-Day Camps.  Chris Sailer & Chris Rubio are hired by Universities to coach their summer specialist camps.  We choose to work for the best of the best.  These camps should be seen as tryouts.  This is your opportunity to be seen by the particular colleges that you select. Camp includes instruction and competition.  Open to Freshman, Sophomores and Juniors.  You register for these camps with the University.

FBU Camps:  These are 2-Day Camps.  You must be invited by Chris Sailer or Chris Rubio.  Chris Sailer Kicking & Rubio Long Snapping have officially partnered with FBU, The US Army All-America Bowl & The East Bay All-American Games.  Camps include: Exposure through FBU, the opportunity to be considered for the US Army All-America Bowl & East Bay All-America Games, instruction, video analysis, evaluation and rankings.  You register for these camps by calling FBU directly.

TOP GUN:  This is a 3-Day Camp.  You must be invited by Chris Sailer or Chris Rubio.  This is the culmination of the FBU camps.  To be invited is a serious honor.   The specialists for the US Army All-America Bowl will be selected at this camp.  Chris Sailer Kicking & Rubio Long Snapping have officially partnered with FBU, The US Army All-America Bowl & The East Bay All-American Games.  Camps include: Exposure through FBU, the opportunity to be considered for the US Army All-America Bowl & East Bay All-America Games, instruction, video analysis, evaluation and rankings.  You register for these camps by calling FBU directly.

This might seem like we are asking a lot of you.  You are right, we are.  An opportunity to play college football or perhaps in the NFL is HUGE.  We will give you that opportunity.  The harder you work, the more time you invest, the reality of reaching your goals will come true.  It is very competitive out there.  Those who work the hardest and understand the process stay one step ahead of the game.  See you in 2014!


2014 Chris Sailer Kicking – CA Spring Camp Recap!

The 2014 CA Winter / Spring Chris Sailer Kicking & Rubio Long Snapping Camp Tour is underway.  The first stop was in Los Angeles, CA where the talent is always extremely deep.  When you combine the regional high school talent and CA Junior College talent, the competition is always fierce.  Take a look at the results.

Camp Champion
Matt Boermeester (JC, CA) – Matt was impressive start to finish on this day.  The junior college prospect dominated the field goal competitions all day.  Kickoffs were also solid.  He stepped up the most in the head to head finals where he did not miss a kick.  He connected on several 55-60 yard field goals.  Look for Matt to dominate the junior college level this upcoming season.  He’s a great D1 prospect.

Field Goal & Kickoff Champion
Matt Mengel (JC, CA) – Matt might have been the most impressive all around competitor all day.  He won 2 of the major competitions on this day and just fell short of winning the overall competition.  Matt has the ability to kick and punt at the D1 level right now.

Punt Champion
Osborn Umeh (JC, CA) – Osborn has dominated the punting competitions at Chris Sailer Kicking camps for a few years now.  Once again he stepped up when it counted the most.  He averages over 45 yards with 4.50 hang time consistently.  He also hit several balls over 50 yards with 5.0 plus hang time.

2014 Standouts
Michael Carrizosa (CA) – Michael is already enrolled at San Jose State.  The Vegas champion and “TOP 12” Member never disappoints.  He will contribute as a kicker and punter at SJSU.

Tyler Franzen (CA) – Tyler had his best day yet as a Chris Sailer Kicking student.  He was smooth and consistent all day long.  His kickoffs have also come a long way.  He’s going to be an excellent college kicker.

Other 2014 Standouts: Alex Nelson (JC, CA), Andreas Gromoll (AZ), Eddy Garcia (JC, CA), Franklyn Cervenka (JC, CA), Izzy DePlaza (JC, CA),  Jamie Sullivan (CA),  Jose Platero (JC, CA), Josh Valladarez (CA), Josiah Pola-Gates (AZ), Satchel Ziffer (JC, PA).

2015 Standouts:
Jake Ambrose – Jake is a great punting prospect.  He is strong, smooth and consistent.  He will be a top national junior college prospect this season.

Jamie Sutcliffe – Jamie is a bounce back from Utah.  He kicks with outstanding consistency and shows nice range.  Kickoffs are also very solid.  Will be a top junior college kicker this year.

Blake Cusick – Blake is a special talent.  He’s a great athlete with one of the strongest punting legs in the nation.  He is a natural.  A top 5 national prospect that will soon be on the radar of every college coach in America.

Ben Kreitenberg – Ben is simply an outstanding kicker.  He is strong, accurate and steps up when it counts the most.  Field goals and kickoffs are both solid.  He’s a fine D1 prospect.

Kevin Robledo – Kevin is one of the very best kickers in America.  He hits a great ball off the ground.  His kickoffs are also D1 ready.  Look for Kevin to make a a major impact on college coaches this summer.

Mason Weissenhofer – Mason is a talented kicker.  He is a great athlete with a strong leg.  One of the most consistent kickers in the nation.  Watch out for him this offseason.

Other 2015 Standouts: Corey Stens, Alex Galland, Brandon Hong, Coleman Olivas, Cristian Bianchi, Gage Wilson, Gavin Scully, Nick Michelli.

2016 Standouts:  Aidan Rattigan, Andrew Rodriguez, Crawford Pierson, Julio Robles.

2017 Standouts:  Matt Bazarevitsch, Bailey Schroeder.

Want to see more?  Check out the video recap of the 2014 Chris Sailer Kicking CA Spring Camp:

Chris Sailer Kicking will next travel to Charlotte, NC (March 1), Atlanta, GA (March 2), Chicago, IL (March 30), Dallas, TX (April 27), and Los Angeles, CA (May 4).  The Spring Camp Tour will conclude with the 12th Annual National Kicking Spring Event in Las Vegas May 10-11, 2014!

For more rankings, evaluations & future camp dates visit or email [email protected]

Chris Sailer Kicking is an official partner of FBU, the U.S. Army All-America Bowl, and East Bay All-America Games.  The Road to the U.S. All-America Bowl & East Bay All-American Games begins now.

Chris Sailer Kicking at FBU Camps: Central Florida (April 4-5), Dallas, TX (April 25-26), San Diego, CA (May 2-3), Seattle, WA (May 16-17), Los Angeles, CA (May 30-31), Central Ohio (July 11-12).  Email [email protected] to inquire about an invitation to these prestigious camps.


CA Nike Summer Camp Recap

Chris Sailer Kicking just completed the 2nd of six Nike Summer Camps with a stop in Los Angeles, CA.  Once again tons of talent was on hand hoping to impress.  Kickers, Punters & Long Snappers from all over the country were in attendance at Charter Oak High School in Covina.  Take a look at the champions and standouts.

Camp Champion
Donny Hageman (2014 JC, CA) – Donny came to camp on a mission.  It was evident from minute one.  The “TOP 12” Kicker / Punter and longtime Chris Sailer Kicking student dominated in all areas.  He won 2 major competitions (Field Goal & Kickoff) and nearly won the punting competition as well.  Donny is one of the very best JC prospects in the nation that should earn a D1 scholarship.

2014 Standouts
Tristan Vizcaino (2014, CA): The “TOP 12” and Washington State commit kicked and punted as well as I have ever seen him.  The longtime Chris Sailer Kicking student proved exactly why he was offered and committed to Washington State. He has as much talent as anyone out there and his technique and consistency is coming along nicely.  A huge pick up for WSU.

Manuel Meza (2014 JC, CA): The talented punter was steady as always.  A top, if not the top, Junior College punter in the nation.  He regularly punts with a 40+ yard average with 4.5+ hang time.

Ben Sweet (2014, AZ):  Ben is quickly becoming a top national punting prospect.  He punts for great distance and hang time and has proven to be one of the most consistent high school punters out there.  Ben should start getting D1 attention in the near future.

Cole Murphy (2014, CA):  Cole has a tremendous amount of talent.  A great athlete with a big time leg.  He has only scratched the surface of what he is capable.  He has a great attitude and work ethic and could be a big time sleeper in this class.

Other 2014 Top Prospects: Lucas Alfonso, Jesse Kelly, & Cole Tracy.

2015 Standouts: Ethan Erickson, Alex Gebbing, Cristian Bianchi, Nicholas Marrone and Matt Abramo.

2016 Standouts: Jimmy Dorn and Andrew Rodriguez.

Up next: LSU (July 13) Charlotte, NC (July 15), Atlanta, GA (July 17), College Camp (July 19-21), Boston, MA (July 25), Chicago, IL (July 27), Los Angeles, CA (July 29th).

Visit for more player rankings and future camp details.


Highlight Videos Available at ALL Remaining Summer Camps!

Chris Sailer Kicking is happy to announce that Highlight Videos will now be available for purchase for ALL Chris Sailer Kicking Camps this summer.  This is an incredible opportunity and will only be available to a limited number of Kickers, Punters, and Long Snappers that reserve their video.  They are offering a rate of $125 for a video.  Here is how it will work:

1. You can preegister for this service by emailing [email protected].  In the subject line type: “GA Camp (7/17) – Chris Sailer Kicking Video”.  (obviously put a different location and date if you will be at a different location). The staff will get back to you with further instructions. Expect a response within 24 hours.

2. They are taking a LIMITED number of kickers, punter and long snappers. If you are interested, email them immediately.

Below is an example of the videos. I am very impressed with the company and their services. If you choose to purchase a highlight video, the video will be yours to use as you see fit.  My recommendation:  Email the video to coaches, add the video to your Chris Sailer Player Ranking Profile Page, add the Video to your NCSA Player Profile and add it to your YouTube page.

Below is a great example of what the videos look like…


Chris Sailer Kicking “TOP 12” Member Mick Ellis Commits to Iowa!

Longtime Chris Sailer Kicking Student and 2-Time “TOP 12” Member Mick Ellis has officially committed to Iowa!  Mick is perhaps the very best field goal kicker in the nation. He has dominated Chris Sailer Kicking camps since his freshman season.  His kickoffs are also near the very top.  Mick has all the tools to step in and play right away.  He is a well trained kicker that does his best under pressure.  Look for Mick to make to make an immediate impact in one of the top conferences in the nation.

Who will be next?  Gaglianone?  Smart?  Sherman?  Gamble?  A punter?…. Stay tuned

Visit for more information and to stay current on where the top rated Chris Sailer Kicking Kickers & Punters continue to sign.

Chris Sailer Kicking 2013 “TOP 12” Class
Gary Wunderlich – Committed to Virginia
JK Scott – Committed to Alabama
Mike Knoll – Committed to Boston College
Corbin Daly – Committed to Texas
Mick Ellis – Committed to Iowa
Freeman Jones – Committed to North Carolina
Aaron Medley – Committed to Tennessee
Logan Cooke – Committed to Mississippi State
Rafael Gaglianone – Offer from NC State
Hayden Lekacz – Offers from Air Force & Cornell
Cameron Gamble
Matt Stewart

Want to be a part of the best exposure list in the world for Specialists?  See you in Las Vegas January 18-19, 2014
